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FTIN - Módulo de Desenvolvimento Profissional Inglês Técnico aplicado à Informática

FTIN - Módulo de Desenvolvimento Profissional Inglês Técnico aplicado à Informática. Prof (a) Marivane Santos. TEACHING AIM

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FTIN - Módulo de Desenvolvimento Profissional Inglês Técnico aplicado à Informática

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  1. FTIN - Módulo de Desenvolvimento Profissional Inglês Técnico aplicado à Informática Prof(a) Marivane Santos

  2. TEACHING AIM Identify themaintechnicaltermsoftheInformationand Communications Technology (ICT) or Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação (TIC) jargon, writingandpronouncingthemcorrectly. UnderstandthebasicEnglishgrammarfocused in languageskillsreadingtechnicalmanuals. Recognizethefalsefriendsthatconfusethecorrecttranslation in technicaltexts

  3. GlossaryActivity Column 1 Column 2 1.Accessibility /ék'sesibiliti/ A. Anexar 2.Address book /é'dres - buk/ B. Arquivo 3.Anti-virus /énti - 'váiros/ C. Anti-vírus 4.Archive /'arkaive/ D. Acessibilidade 5.Attach /'atéchi/ E. Lista de endereços 6.Backup /bécapi/ F. Básico 7.Bar Code /bar kôud/ G. Contração de Binário 8.Basic /'beisik/ H. Iniciar 9.Bit /bit/ I. Cópia 10.Boot /but/ J. Código de Barras

  4. Activity Broadband /bródbénd/ • Informally used to mean 'fasterthancommon networks', andsotheactualmeaningdependsonwhat is commonatthe time. Currentlybroadband is regarded as starting at 34 Mbit/sec (Mbps) – underthisclassification, allcommonlyoccurring local area networks (such as Ethernet) are narrowband.

  5. Vocabulary Mean /min/ – significar Fasterthan /fésterdên/ – mais rápido que Meaning /minin/ – significação Currently /'kârentili/ – atualmente Regarded /ri'garded/ – reconhecido Under /'ânder/ – abaixo Such as /sâtchiéz/ – tal como Narrowband /néroubénd/ – banda estreita

  6. Activity Browser /'brauzer/ • Software used to search andretrieveinformationfromthe world wide web. Netscape, Microsoft Explore and ANT Fresco are browsers. Vocabulary Software /'sóftiúêr/ - software Search /'sârtchi/ - busca Retrieve /ri'triv/ - resgatar, recuperar

  7. Spelling Check ( * ) thecorrectform: ( )CacheMeaning: Temporary memory used to accessfrequently ( )Casheusedinstructions, thusspeedingupprocessing time. Also ( )Cachi denotes temporarystorageof world wide web pagesby Browser software. ( )CardiMeaning: circuitboardthatplugsinto a computer to ( )Cardyprovide a newfunction, such as soundorvideo input ( )Cardand output. ( )CD -Rum Meaning: compact disk read-only memory ( )CD -Ram ( )CD -Rom

  8. Vocabulary Thus /dhâs/ - assim Speeding up /spidin âp/ - acelerando Also /'ósoul/ - também Denotes /di'nouts/ - denota, significa Storage /'istóridz/ - armazenar Circuit board /'serkit - bôrd/ - placa de circuito Provide /pró'vaid/ - fornecer, prover Input /'input/ - entrada Output /'autput/ - saída Read-only /rid - ónli/ - somente leitura

  9. Quiz I What do these words mean? Hardware /rârd-uêr/ Keyboard /'kibôrd/ Cookie /'kuki/ CPU /Ci- Pi- Iú/ Crash /Krechi/ Cursor /Kârsôr/ Data /deirá/ usa/déitá/ uk Data Capture /deirá/ usa/déitá/ uk /Keptchér/ Data Logging /deirá/lóguin/ Database /deirá/beis Dial-up /'dáial – âp/

  10. QuizAnswers • Hardware/rârd-uêr/physicalcomponentsof a computeror a communications system, includingbothmechanicalandelectronicparts, such as theprocessor, hard drive, keyboard, screen, cables, mouse andprinter. • Keyboard /'kibôrd/deviceattached to thecomputerwhichenables switch users to use standard software. A gridofnumbers, lettersandsymbolsrepresentsthe standard keyboard. • Cookie /'kuki/Set ofinstructionsfrom a web server to a client machine.Cookiesmaybeusedby a web site owner to identifyandtrackusersofthe site.

  11. QuizAnswers • CPU /Ci- Pi- Iú/Central ProcessingUnit • Crash /Krechi/Whenthe software or hardware no response to mouse or keyboard actions. • Cursor /Kârsôr/ A pointer whichresponds to mouse or keyboard movements. • Data /deirá/ usa/déitá/ uk In computing, informationthatmaybeprocessedby a computer.

  12. QuizAnswers • Data Capture /deirá/ usa/déitá/ uk /Keptchér/acquisitionand input ofinformation for use on a computerusing manual orcomputer input devices. • Data Logging /deirá/lóguin/acquisitionofinformationby a computerthrough use ofsensors to measureandrecordenvironmentalchanges – for example, thechanges in temperatureofwater in a pond over theperiodofseveralhours.

  13. QuizAnswers • Database /deirá/beis/structuredcollectionofconceptuallyrelated data or data files organizedandstored in a computer system. • Dial-up /'dáial - âp/connection to the internet oranothercomputer over anordinarytelephoneline.

  14. What are these? Putthecorrectnumber: ( ) Upload ( ) Web cam ( ) Download ( ) Digital Camera 4 1 3 2

  15. What are these? E-mail /i-meil/ Freeware /fri-uêr/ ( ) Extendedmail ( ) is a free software ( ) Electronicmail ( ) is not a free software Spam /i-meil/ Firewall /fairuól/ ( ) secure e-mail ( ) is a system to permitnotpermittedacess ( ) insecure e-mail ( ) is a system to preventnotpermittedaccess Extended /ik'stend/- extenso Prevent /pri'vent/ - prevenir

  16. LearningSounds Noticethepronunciationofthewordsle in theending Table mesa /'teibôl/ Couple casal /'kapôl/ Double dobro /'dábôl/ Single solteiro /'singôl/ Noticethepronunciationof s andsh Suit terno /sut/ shirt camisa /chârt/ Socks meias /sókis/ shoes sapatos /chus/ Scarf lenço de pescoço /skarf/ shorts shorts /chórts/

  17. Exercises Checkthecorrectsound s, shorle: Fiber opticcable ( )s ( )sh ( )le Switch ( )s ( )sh ( )le (FTP) File transferprotocol ( )s ( )sh ( )le Scroll ( )s ( )sh ( )le (PDF) Portabledocumentformat ( )s ( )sh ( )le Shareware ( )s ( )sh ( )le Spreadsheet ( )s ( )sh ( )le

  18. Meaning • Fiber opticcable - verythinstrandsofpureglassused for transmittinghigh volumes of data athighspeed. • Switch - input devicewhichatany time canbeeitheronor off. • (FTP) File transferprotocol – Commonmethodoftransferring files fromonecomputer to another over the internet. • (PDF) Portabledocumentformat. • Scroll -to move upanddownorfromside to sidethrough a documentorwindow to vieworaccess its contents.

  19. Meaning... • Shareware – Software that is freely available but developers will ask for fees and depend on the user's honesty for payment. Not to be confused with public domain software or freeware. • Spreadsheet – Data stored in a table format, and is arranged in rows and columns.

  20. Commonabbreviation 1.PDF ( ) World Wide Web 2.PC ( ) Portable Document Format 3.SCSI ( ) Universal Serial Bus Connector. 4.TCP/IP ( ) Uniform Resource Locator 5.USB ( ) Personal Computer 6.URL ( ) Transmission control protocol/internet protocol 7.WWW ( ) Small Computer Systems Interface

  21. Activity • Lookupnew ICT jargons in Englishandpostthemwiththeirmeaning; • Make a listwith 20 falsefriends (EnglishandPortuguese); • Make a listwith 20 wordsthathavethesamemeaning in PortugueseandEnglish.

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