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Ch. 12 TEST REVIEW. • A new political era began, in which common people were celebrated. • The spoils system was introduced in Washington. • The idea that the government should be controlled by an educated elite group was ended. .... these were the outcome of .... what?.
• A new political era began, in which common people were celebrated.• The spoils system was introduced in Washington.• The idea that the government should be controlled by an educated elite group was ended..... these were the outcome of .... what? • the outcome of the 1828Presidential Election
• We debated on the Senate floor over the Doctrine of Nullification & States’ Rights... •Daniel Webster Robert Hayne
In 1828, I wrote an anonymous document called the South Carolina Exposition & Protest that proposed the Doctrine of Nullification... who am I? • John C. Calhoun
-- a monopoly controlled by a few powerful men...-- it favored the wealthy over the common people...-- it could threaten American democracy by bribing officials & influencing elections...-- Jackson declared ‘war’ on this, thing... • the2nd Bank of the U.S.
- 1836 was a year that hit the U.S. with inflation. In the last few months that remained in his Presidency, Jackson, as an attempt to fight inflation, decided to issue an Executive Order called the ‘Specie Circular’, that required payments for government land to be made by .....what? gold & silver
too much money in circulation can cause an bad economic condition called....what? inflation
I anonymously explained my views on States’ Rights & the Doctrine of Nullification..... who am I, andwheredid I explain my views at? -- John C. Calhoun -- South Carolina Exposition and Protest
According to ‘me’, every state has the right to reject a Federal law that it considers unconstutional... • Doctrine of Nullification
We believed that the President’s power had grown too much under Andrew Jackson, so we formed our own political party to oppose Jackson... • the Whig Party
Why did Nicholas Biddle ask Congress to renew the Bank’s charter 3 years ahead of schedule? -- he thought that Jackson would agree to renewal of the charter, rather than risk angering voters in the Election of 1832
In 1828 “I” made European imports more expensive by almost 40%, and I really ticked off the South...in fact, the South even had a ‘pet name’ for me... what did they call me? Tariff of Abominations
When it came to tariffs, the Western and Southern sections were all for them, and the Northeastern section was against them.... I think .... wait a minute, I’m confused... HALP!! 1) tariffs caused hostility between North & South 2) the North supported tariffs as it helped protect US products from foreign competition, AND it raised $$ for internal improvements 3) the South hated tariffs because its economy was based on foreign trade & made goods more expensive
How in the world did Jackson ‘kill’ the Bank of the United States? As President, Jackson took all Federal deposits ($$) out of the Bank of the U.S. and redeposited them into various state banks, that were known as ‘pet banks’...
In what way did Jackson’s re-depositing of Federal $$ into the state banks (pet banks) eventually cause economic problems for Martin Van Buren’s presidency? -- the state banks issued way too much paper $$ causing severe inflation...
the 1832crisis of South Carolina’s threatened secession from the Union was averted... how? ....and by whom? -- the Compromise Tariff of 1833 -- Henry Clay
Jackson’s removal policy on Indians was based on his belief that ... what? the US Government had the right to remove the Indians from the land east of the Mississippi...
- the Indians hid in the wilderness - the Indians took up arms and fought against white Americans- the Cherokee even took their case to the Supreme Court… ...what are these all examples of? how the Indians resisted the Indian Removal Act
During this time in America, who were the only ones that were allowed to vote in state and local elections white men
In their 1832 ruling, the Supreme Court ruled against Georgia (and Jackson) in that Georgia could NOT evict the Cherokee nation from their lands, or make laws governing the Cherokees.... ... so, in what ways did Jackson respond? -- he ignored the Supreme Court ruling -- he refused to negotiate with Cherokees -- he ordered the Army to relocate all Indians to west of the Mississippi River
the 2nd Seminole War was fought between... ..... who & who? the U.S. Army and the Seminole Indians
When political power was eventually given to ‘the common man’, this era became known as .....what? Jacksonian Democracy
What was Jackson’s “spoils system”? Jackson gave government jobs to his political supporters
What was it that made Jackson such a popular candidate and leader? -- his humble background -- his success as a military leader -- his reputation for toughness
the rise of the ‘common man’, the expanding of political power, and ensuring that the majority rule, were all ideas that we now know as...what? Jacksonian Democracy
Under this ‘theory’, the states did not give up their sovereignty when they joined the Union: Compact Theory
The idea that the states could decide as to whether or not a federal law was constitutional, was called... doctrine of nullification
Homey don’t play that, and neither did the state of South Carolina, in 1832, when their state legislature nullified the...... Tariff of Abominations
The tariff that prevented a potential civil war in South Carolina.... Tariff of 1833
The Presidential Election of 1824 led to charges of a ____ ____ against John Quincy Adams & Henry Clay corrupt bargain
When South Carolina threatened to secede from the Union in 1832, because of tariffs, how did Jackson react? He threatened to use force against South Carolina if they attempted to secede
the very first person to bring to light the idea of the issue of nullification was... who?... and in what document? • - Thomas Jefferson • - the Kentucky Resolutions
...he was a Senator from Massachusetts that argued that the idea of nullification could lead to the breakup of the Union Daniel Webster
He was a Sauk Indian Chief who led a rebellion against removal in Illinois Black Hawk
TEST Thursday! ( Meat atLie-Berry )