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U nited A rab Emirates U niversity C ollege of E ngineering

U nited A rab Emirates U niversity C ollege of E ngineering. Graduation Project (I) Course Graduation Project Code: PETE 585 Submitted for Partial Fulfillment of the B.Sc. Degree in Petroleum Engineering.

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U nited A rab Emirates U niversity C ollege of E ngineering

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  1. United Arab Emirates University College ofEngineering Graduation Project (I) Course Graduation Project Code: PETE 585 Submitted for Partial Fulfillment of the B.Sc. Degree in Petroleum Engineering Marwan Waleed alkhalifi 970710280 Walid Mohed AbdullHay 970711290 AbdulMohsen mohamed 980710963 Abdulaziz Mohamed 970710613


  3. Acidizing Treatment • The aim of the acidizing. • The result of the acidizing. • Acidizing in the well.

  4. The Carbonate Rock • The rock that our experiment has been run on is from Hafit mountain. • The rock should be one big piece? • Why we choose rock from Hafit mountain?

  5. Hafit Mountain Carbonate Rock

  6. Core Samples • Cutting the big rock into small core sample. • Eight core sample. • The dimensions of these core sample.

  7. Core Samples Cutter

  8. Core Samples

  9. SATURATE THE CORE WITH WATER • The procedure for the experiment: • Put the core in sealed chamber. • Start the vacuum pump which are connected to the sealed chamber. • Keep the vacuum pump socking the air in the chamber for 24 hour. • The vacuum pump will sock until pressure inside the chamber is -150 psi. • After that we open the valve that are connected to the saucer which contain brine water. • The brine salt is 50,000 ppm in water (25 gm brine in 500 ml water).

  10. Vacuum Pump

  11. Core Sample Brine Water Sealed Chamber Vacuum Pump

  12. THE POROSITY OF THE CORE SAMPLE • The weight of the core when it is dry should be taken. • The weight of the core when it is saturated with water should be taken. • Applying the equation we can find the porosity of each core. • The data and result for the different cores are been encountered in the table.

  13. The Calculation of the Porosity

  14. The Permeability of the Core Sample • The core laboratories has been used to know the flow rate of the water passing through the core. • This flow rate is calculated from the volume of the water passing the core divided by the time took for the water to accumulate in the tube. • From the flow rate that been calculated then the permeability can be calculated from an specific equation.

  15. Core Laboratories

  16. Pressure Control Nitrogen Cylinder Pressure Gauge Overburden Pressure Pump

  17. The Permeability Calculation

  18. Core Laboratories

  19. The oil saturation & irreducible water saturation • The oil has been injected into the core sample to saturate it with oil. • The core laboratories has been used to know the volume of the oil with water passing through the core. • The volume of the water passing through the core is been encountered and we should know the total volume of water accumulated in the tube. • From the volume of the water we can calculate the irreducible water saturation from a specific equation.

  20. Pressure Control Nitrogen Cylinder Pressure Gauge Overburden Pressure Pump

  21. The Result of the Experiment

  22. Strategy of the treatment • Effect of Rock permeability • Effect of HCL concentration • Effect of Flow Rate

  23. Effect of HCL Con. • Q=1.0 cc/m

  24. Effect of Rock Permeability • HCL concentration = 15% wt. • Q=1.0 cc/min

  25. Effect 0f Flow Rate • Concentration of HCL=15% wt

  26. SEM (Scanning Electronic Macroscopic) • 1 mm2. • Magnification x1000.

  27. The Result of the Experiment

  28. Preparation of the Different HCL Concentration • For 10% HCL we dissolved 277.7 ml conc. HCL(36%) and add to it 1000 ml of H2O. • For 15% HCL we dissolved 416.6 ml conc. HCL(36%) and add to it 1000 ml of H2O.

  29. Volume of the Acid • For 20% HCL we dissolved 555.55 ml conc. HCL(36%) and add to it 1000 ml of H2O. • The volume of the acid has been used is 30% of the pore volume. For AM1 • VHCL= 0.3 PV • VHCL= 0.3 * 3 cc = 0.9 cc

  30. The Procedure of the Experiment for the effect of the Flow Rate Study • We Injected mud into the core sample to damage the core and reduce the permeability. • After that we injected 15% wt acid about 0.3 of PV. • We injected water to displace the acid in the core and wait to become the pressure constant. • A constant flow rate of 2 cc/min for MC2 and 1 cc/min for CW2.

  31. Acid Treatment Unit

  32. Control Panel

  33. Pump Core Holder

  34. Pressure Gauge & Valves

  35. Effect of HCL Concentration • Q=1.0 cc/m

  36. Effect of Rock Permeability • HCL concentration = 15% wt. • Q=1.0 cc/min

  37. Effect 0f Flow Rate • Concentration of HCL=15% wt

  38. The Results of the Experiment

  39. Acid Treatment Unit

  40. The Procedure of the Experiment • Inject mud into the core sample to damage the core and reduce the permeability. • Calculate the pore volume of injected mud and the damage pressure. • Inject water to displace the acid in the core and wait to become the pressure constant. • Calculate the pore volume of injected acid amd the water and also the treated pressure.

  41. The Damage Permeability Calculation

  42. The Stimulated Permeability Calculation

  43. Effect of the flow rate • Pore volume of acid injected. MC2 CW2 AM1 PVI=0.3 * 3.238=0.9714 PVI=0.3 * 3.014=0.9042 PVI=0.3 * 3.002=0.9006

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