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POSTMODERNISM. Todd Adams PSC 314 Spring 2007. What is Postmodernism? The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge 1979. Jean-Francois Lyotard defines postmodernism as: “incredulity towards metanarratives”
POSTMODERNISM Todd Adams PSC 314 Spring 2007
What is Postmodernism?The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge1979 • Jean-Francois Lyotard defines postmodernism as: “incredulity towards metanarratives” • In layman’s terms: “Disbelief in totalizing stories about history and the goals of the human race that ground and legitimize knowledge and cultural practices”
Monsieur Lyotard, Quelle est la différence?(What’s the Difference?) • Modernity is defined as the age of metanarrative legitimation. • two metanarratives that Lyotard sees as having been most important in the past. • history as progressing towards social enlightenment and emancipation. • knowledge as progressing towards totalization. • Postmodernity defined as the age in which metanarratives have become bankrupt. • an age of fragmentation and pluralism.
Modernism Economic Production Industrial and capitalist society Social class as the main form of social division Urbanization Growth of cities Bureaucratic State Powerful central government and administration Knowledge Derived from scientific and rational thinking Not religious faith, magic, or superstition Belief in Progress Based on science and technology Postmodernism Growth of the Service Sector Decline in manufacturing Increase in part-time flexible and home working Rise in unemployment Spread of Globalization Business and Culture cross national boundaries. ‘McDonaldisation’ ‘Exxon-Mobilization’ Fragmentation Increasing diversity of culture in a "Pick & Mix" society Massive loss of faith in Science people no longer believe in ‘The Myth of Truth’ (Lyotard) The End of Metanarratives no ‘big story’ can explain everything. Marxism Functionalism Abandonment of the Optimism of the Enlightenment There is no objective progress a 'playful celebration of chaos' Key Features of Modernism and Postmodernism
How does Postmodernism Work? • Language Games • simple forms of language and the actions into which it is woven and unified by family resemblance • Three Rules to the Language Games • the rules of language games do not carry within themselves their own legitimation, but are subject to a "contract between players” • if there are no rules there is no game and even a small change in the rules changes the game • very utterance should be thought of as a "move" in a game • moves in one language game cannot be translated into moves in another language game • Performativity or ‘Technological’ Criterion • Most efficient input/output ratio • Inconsistent with socio-economics • Demands less work (lower production costs) • Demands more work (lessen the social burden of the idle population) • Mercantilization of Knowledge • Knowledge is a saleable commodity • Produced in order to be sold • Consumed in order to fuel new production • Impact on Education • Computerization and the legitimation of knowledge by the performativity criterion is doing away with the idea that the absorption of knowledge is inseparable from the training of minds • Education will no longer be given "en bloc" to people in their youth as a preparation for life • It will be an ongoing process of learning updated technical information that will be essential for their functioning in their respective professions • Wars in the future will be fought for control of the flow of knowledge
Modernism Having society governed by law is better than having it governed by men because law is created and modified by the will of the majority It is also stable, fair and not capricious compared to human rulers Postmodernism Society is never governed by law, because peoplehave to interpret laws and enforce them Since people can interpret laws any way they want, these people, not the laws, are the real rulers Law is no more stable than its latest interpretation or application "Fairness" is a rhetorical tool used by majority culture to describe their view of what should happen Comparing Modernism to PostmodernismLegal Theory- Rule of Law
Modernism Laws can yield a stable and generally agreed upon meaning when interpreted using grammatical historical hermeneutics and previous case law Postmodernism Careful study demonstrates that those in power (judges and governments) can always find a law that backs their interests, and other laws give them excuse for their criminality The poor and minorities are excluded from interpreting law their way Comparing Modernism to PostmodernismLegal Theory- The Meaning of Laws
Modernism Everyone is equal under the law Judges should be impartial, administering law to the rich and the poor according to what the law says, not according to the judges feelings Postmodernism Laws are written by the powerful majority society to protect their interests To describe as "criminal" any action that threatens their property or persons, especially when perpetrated by the poor The poor and minorities will always be arrested more, convicted more and imprisoned more, while crimes of the rich will go unpunished much of the time Judges should realize this and seek to even the score by ruling for the poor and against the rich Comparing Modernism to PostmodernismLegal Theory- The Law and Society