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BAS Young Engineers Program – Vietnam. Program at a Glance. Objective
Program at a Glance Objective Develop promising graduates to assume future technical or managerial leadership positions in the Operations area of Bunge business units across Asia. This will help to ensure a long term talent and leadership pipeline in Operations. Headcount & Recruiting Headcount – 3 to 5 graduates for 2011 batch Targeted participants: Fresh graduates in Mechanical Engineering/ Oil Technologist/ Food Tech from Campus and Off Campus Batch of 2011 Recruiting Channels Campus recruiting, Campus drive in Aug 2011 Interview on campus – Plant GM, Production Manager and HR • Rotation • Total duration 36 Months including 3 to 5 months overseas rotations • Confirmation • To be hired on yearly renewable contract • Performance Management • Set G&Os prior to each assignment start • Review and provide written feedback at the end of each rotation • Trainees will be required to submit written report and present to management team periodically • Cost • To be projected
Objective of the Young Engineers Program, Asia • To bring in fresh talent from institutions of higher learning (top universities and technical schools ) and develop promising graduates to assume future technical or managerial leadership positions in the Operations area of Bunge business units across Asia. This will help to ensure a long term talent and leadership pipeline in Operations. • Participants are rotated to various departments to expose them to different operational, engineering and management processes. This will help program participants develop a holistic view of plant operations and build important people relationships before spending their final rotation at the destination function. • Note: The Young Engineers program is not meant for purposes of resource back-filling or short term resourcing. It is an investment to develop talent for future growth and long term business sustainability.
The YEP Pyramid After the 3rd year Job Assignment Specific/ Overseas Assignment 3rd year 2nd year Involved in Small Projects 1st year On-The-Job Training (Job Rotation) On boarding 1 week The NEO Program (New Employee Orientation)
Team Leader Young Engineer Trainee Trainee Graduate Student Overseas Training Job Assignment Campus Recruitment NEO Program On-the-job Training Involved in Small Projects The Young Engineer Program Ladder 3 Years, Progressive Development Supporting Systems
Training Communication Channels Care Plan Supporting Systems NEO, Technical, Safety, Process, English, Team Building • Production • HR • Employee • communication • Meeting • Annual • Meeting ….. • Buddy system • Employee • committee • Employee care • Program … Successful Program
Process 3 year program July-11 Aug-Sept Oct Letter of offer for permanent position on 3 year assignment Letter of offer for permanent position at final department
Funding • The plant that the new trainee is hired under will own the costs for the trainee throughout the duration of the Young Engineers 3 years program.
Module 1 (1 Week duration) • YEP trainees who has been selected will start their program by attending a group orientation at the plant. • Trainees will be introduced to the Bunge strategy, core values, company policy and meet up with all key functional heads . • After the induction at head office, trainees will return to their respective work sites for a site orientation and full site safety induction. • The detail training outline as attached (New Employee Orientation)
Module 2 (Industrial Operations & Engineering OJT rotation – 6 months duration) Objective : To provide trainee with a holistic experience different operation process and engineering areas by operating/maintaining equipment and being part of operator shift team Rotation areas and duration are designed so that trainees spend more time in the critical operations and engineering areas Example rotation sequence Additional areas to be added if the country has operations like Bakery, Ports, Bottling
Module 2 (Industrial Operations & Engineering OJT rotation – 6 months duration) • Development plan • Each trainee will need to: • Meet up monthly with assigned buddy • Submit monthly learning summary to immediate rotation area supervisor • Submit quarterly summary to site plant manager • Submit a monthly, quarterly, 6 month learning report to site HR on difficulties, suggestions for improvement. Conduct a presentation to site management team • Conduct a end of rotation review with rotation supervisor (for areas where trainee has spent at least 2 months) • Conduct an annual learning presentation to Country Industrial Management team
Module 3 (Industrial Operations & Engineering OJT rotation) – 12 months duration • Buddy assignment • Buddies to be assigned in the first year for each YEP trainee. • Buddy selection: • Someone with initiative and willingness to offer help, a team player • 3 - 4 years of relevant experience in his/her area. • Buddy to be reviewed and approved by plant manager • Buddy’s role: • Help new trainee with his work plans and/or on the job training • Teach and coach, as appropriate • Review performance with trainee every month and provide feedback for improvement.
Module 4 (Operations/ Engineering/ Project mgt focused OJT) – 18 months duration Objective: To provide trainee with deeper experience in 1 or 2 operational processes, engineering or project areas • In the 3rd year, the trainee could be posted to a position in: • Operations (e.g. Production Planner, Assistant Crew Leader), or • Engineering/Maintenance (e.g. Maintenance Planner or Assistant, Assistant Electrical or Mechanical Engineer) or • Projects (e.g. Capex Planner, Project Assistant, Assistant Construction Engineer) • The criteria for the assignment will be based on company needs, trainee performance and interest.
Module 4 (Operations/ Engineering/ Project mgt focused OJT) – 3rd 18 months • Development plan • Each trainee will need to: • Submit monthly report to immediate rotation area supervisor • Submit quarterly summary to Plant manager • Submit 6-month learning report to site HR on difficulties, suggestions for improvement. Conduct a presentation to site management team • Conduct a end of rotation review with rotation supervisor (for areas where trainee has spent at least 2 months) • Conduct an annual learning presentation to extended Industrial Management team* • *Annual learning presentation and review to be held with extended Industrial Management team (invite Country CEO, selected Ex-comm members and Asia Technical Director)
Module 4 (Operations/ Engineering/ Project mgt focused OJT) – 3rd 18 months Objective: Trainees to learn and apply good practices from other sites; build network/relationships; broaden horizons and learn to supervise others • Development plan • YEP Trainees will take on a 3 to 5 months cross site assignment (in country or overseas) and 3 month improvement projects or act as crew leader for one area, or take on a project role as Assistant to Project Manager/Director. • Participate in supervisor training program • Conduct final learning presentation to extended Industrial Management team* towards end of program
Module 4 (Operations/ Engineering/ Project mgt focused OJT) – 3rd 18 months • Cross site assignment • In the 3rd 18 months, trainees who have performed well in the past 1.5 years and shown good management/technical leadership potential would be selected for a cross site assignment (within country, Asia or outside Asia) Candidates for overseas posting will be selected by a panel comprising of Country Industrial Management team and Asia Technical Director • After the cross site assignment, trainees would be posted back to home site to work on improvement projects or take on a supervisory type position (e.g. Assistant Supervisor or Shift Supervisor) • The criteria for the assignments will be based on company needs, trainee performance and trainee interest.
Completion • After the end of the program, each YEP participant could qualify to work as Assistant Supervisor, Project Leader, Team Leader or Junior Supervisor. • Successful participants will be directed toward specific roles based on the needs of the business, their career development needs or preferences.
Performance Reviews • Throughout the 3 year program (module 1,2 ,3), the trainee needs to complete performance reviews with his/her rotation supervisor at the end of each rotation and submit to local HR • Trainee to be included as part of annual performance management process • Annual review with the country Industrial Management team after 12 months (to be organized by country HR) in module 2 • Annual review with extended Industrial Management team (invite country CEO/MD, selected Ex-comm members and Asia Technical Director) in module 3 and 4 • Selection assessment review by country Industrial Management team and Asia Technical Director to be done prior to any trainee overseas posting in module 4
Management Support • Each country Executive Committee needs to understand the role of the YEP in relation to the overall succession planning and talent development strategy. The aim is to give selected young people a solid foundation which when followed by years of suitable experience delivers the senior industrial managers of the future. • The country Industrial directors need to appreciate that, through the YEP, we are creating an Asian pool of technical talent that can be deployed across Asia to meet the region’s business expansion needs. • The budget for this program needs to be clearly defined for each year by each industrial plant: salaries; costs of being assigned away from the base plant during module 4.
Rating key 0 Not met criteria 1 Partially met criteria 2 Fully met criteria 3 Exceeds criteria Recruitment Criteria Candidate selection form * Each country may be different. Selection of the university/polytechnic to recruit from will depend on the candidate profile sought. Candidates from top universities may not want to work in the industrial sector. Candidates from mid-tier regional university may be more appropriate
Roles and Responsibilities Base = plant that the trainee is recruited into
Roles and Responsibilities Base = plant that the trainee is recruited into
YEP Program Review • Annual review sessions should be conducted to provide management update and to review the progress of the YEP program. • Can be done right after the annual learning/progress review session with YEP trainees • To be initiated by each country YEP manager • Invitees: Asia VP HR, Asia Technical Director, Country Industrial Director, Asia Learning & Dev Manager
Module 1 Day 1
Module 1 Day 2
Module 1 Day 3
Module 1 Day 4
Module 1 Day 5