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Brazil's Climate Change Impacts on Land Use and Agriculture: Challenges and Solutions

Explore the effects of climate change on land use, food security, and agricultural production in Brazil. Learn about regional climate scenarios, precipitation anomalies, and temperature shifts impacting agriculture. Discover strategies, policies, and technologies for sustainable development and combating global change.

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Brazil's Climate Change Impacts on Land Use and Agriculture: Challenges and Solutions

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  1. Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia Impacts of Climate Change in Land Use, Food Security and Agricultural Production in Brazil Gilberto Câmara National Institute for Space Research Brazil

  2. Battisti et al (2009) (1900-2006)

  3. B1-low Downscaling Climate Change Models Data Peta-scale centres Megascenarios GHG Emissions Índice de Vegetação Regional Centres (e.g., INPE) Regional Scenarios Public Policies

  4. Precipitation anomalies [(2071-2100)- (1961-90)] in mm/day Seco Seco Seco Seco B2 A2 Climate change scenarios in Brazil Quente Quente B2 A2 Temperature anomalies [(2071-2100)- (1961-90)] in oC

  5. ImpactsonAgriculture source: Eduardo Assad, Embrapa

  6. Collapse of Amazon Rain Forest? 2100 2000 forest savanna caatinga pastures desert Is there a tipping point for Amazonia? source: Oyama and Nobre, 2003

  7. ImpactsonWaterAvailability in NE Brazil Hidrological Balance – NE Brazil 1961-1990 LessWater for Agriculture! 2071-2100 Source: Marengo and Salati, 2007

  8. Brazil´s policy for fighting global change Technology leader in biofuels Research in tropical agriculture In 2020, increase reneweable energy use from 46% to 55% Technology transfer of land remote sensing Reduce emissions by 20% from 2005-2020 (with 5% yearly growth) Reduce deforestation in Amazonia by 80% until 2020

  9. FAO-INPE agreementA Global Forest Information System CBERS HRC (2,5 m) LANDSAT TM (30 m) Navigate, describe, understand: the goals of an MRV system

  10. Global Land Information System National, int´l agencies Free spatial data WikiForest OpenForestMap Congo DR Scientists, Citizens, Markets Angola

  11. Development as Freedom (Amartya Sen) The goal of development is the promotion and expansion of valuable capabilities. Capability is the freedom to achieve valuable beings and doings.

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