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Review Matter: Properties of Change Lesson 13. Congratulations! We have finished Unit 2 Matter: Properties of Change. Now it is time to review what we learned.
Congratulations! We have finished Unit 2 Matter: Properties of Change. Now it is time to review what we learned.
Take out your K-W-L chart in your notebook and as we review write what you learned from this unit on force and motion. Write it in the What I Learned section.
The sun’s energy fuels the water cycle and impacts different aspects of the water cycle.
The sun’s energy fuels the water cycle and impacts different aspects of the water cycle. (Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation,Transpiration)
The water cycle :Keeps plants growing Keeps us breathingGives us food Gives us access to clean drinking water.
The sun provides the energy that is a driving force for most biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) cycles on the surface of the earth. Abiotic Biotic Air, water, soil deer, turtles, fish, plants
Abiotic is the physical properties of an environment. (Air, water, soil)Biotic is the living organisms in the environment (deer, turtles, fish, plants)
How can we describe matter? • How are mass and weight related?
Mass and weight are related but they are not the same. They are two measures for an object. Weight is how hard gravity is pulling on an object. Mass is the amount of matter in an object
While the mass of an object can stay constant, depending where you measure it, it’s weight can change.
The weight of a person on Earth is much greater than the same person on the moon because the gravitational pull on the moon is much less.
Even though the persons weight changes, the mass stays the same. Mass is not affected by gravitational pull.
What is the difference between physical and chemical changes?
When there is physical change the object can always return back to its original state. When there is a chemical change it can not return back to its original state.
Physical Changes were:Banana squishedbuilding a sand castlesand castle washing awaychocolate chips meltingtowel drying
What kind of data can we collect to show proof of physical and chemical changes?
We can compare materials using quantitative and qualitative data based on its property.
Qualitative data is information that describes color, odor, taste, sound, shape and feel. You use your five senses to come up with qualitative data. Qualitative data can be observed but not measured.
Quantitative data is numerical. This data deals with counts and measurements using special instruments. It tells us how little, how big, how fast and how much. Quantitative data can be measured.
In our next lesson we will take a test on all the information we have learned in Unit 2.
Good Job Today! And remember to….