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The 7 th and 10 th Commandment. Living Justly. Pope Francis leading by example, after giving a homily on receiving the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation, he does just that! Pope Francis goes to Confession We all could learn from this…. Brainstorm a list of words for….
The 7th and 10th Commandment Living Justly
Pope Francis leading by example, after giving a homily on receiving the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation, he does just that! • Pope Francis goes to Confession • We all could learn from this…
Brainstorm a list of words for… • On a piece of a paper write down all the words that you can think of that relate to 7th Commandment. • Flip the paper over and list all the words that you can think of that relate to the 10th Commandments
What is the relationship of the following words to the 7th and 10 Commandments? • Envy • Greed • Dignity and rights of individuals • Care of creation • Living simply • Have one person write down all your ideas
Directions • Please come in Quietly and open up a word document for Easter Reflection • Prayer – The Lord’s Father • Almost finished with the grading test, should be done by Thursday. • Turn in your Honesty Project, turnitin.com
7th commandment 10th Commandment You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods. • You Shall not Steal. What type of demands are required of us and our moral responses to follow these two commandments?
Moral Law and Material Possessions ReadArticle 32 I always wanted a Swatch watch when I was in high school. I never got one! And I survived. • Open a new Word Document titled Material Possessions • Describe a time where you wanted an item so badly, because it was the only thing that would make you happy. Did you finely get it, and were you happy. Did you not get it, was it the end of your world?
I need to have it now!! • Veruca Salt "I want it now" • What motivated your longing for this item? • Was your desire so great that you would have been tempted to take this? • Did someone tell you that this might not be the best thing for you? • What attitude or values in society influence people’s desires to have certain things?
The Seventh and Tenth Commandments are not just about actual stealing; they are about the desire for greed and envy that can lead to the temptations of sin. • Some key ideas to help with the challenges of the 7th and 10th Commandments: • We seek God because we long for happiness, love, goodness, acceptance, mercy and forgiveness • One good choice leads to another, to choose God is to live justly • To refuse God’s love is to refuse to grow toward moral goodness • To acknowledge sin is to regain sight of the goal of happiness in this life and the next
Directions for start of class • Open up your laptops and pull up your summary of your assigned Parable • You will also need to open a new word document for the reflection • Prayer
Parables • Using the same word document, Material Possessions, summarize your Parable in 3-4 sentence paragraph - read aloud your summary • Then answer the following questions, be ready to discuss: • How does Jesus’ teaching on wealth and possession support the values of society? • How does Jesus’ teaching on wealth and possession challenge the values of our society?
Calling Society to Justice • Please read article 33 – in assigned groups discuss the following questions: • Window group –Why does the Church have a responsibility to make judgments about social issues affecting both our material and spiritual welfare? Where is this evident today? • Door group – Why are individuals and societies responsible for ensuring that the goods of creations are distributed in a just and charitable way to every person? Where is this evident today?
Social Doctrine • Social Doctrine: the clear and consistent teaching by the Church on such issues as; • Economic issues • War and violence • Respect for life • Environmental Justice • There are 7 key themes
The life and dignity of the human person • Based on the principle that human life is sacred • Must protect at all stages • Threatened by: abortions, euthanasia, cloning, poverty, hunger, war, torture and terrorist attacks • Goods of the earth distributed equally to all
The call to family, community and participation • Marriage and family is the fundamental human community • Must be supported, not undermined • People have the right & responsibility to work together for common good
Rights and Responsibility • Human life/dignity can be protected • Fundamental right to life – must be protected from conception to death • Everyone is responsible to support and protect
The option for the poor and vulnerable • Love both rich and poor • Special obligation to put the needs of the poor and vulnerable first • Strive for a more just distribution goods of the earth
The dignity of work and the rights of workers • Economies exist to serve people, not the other way around • Basic rights of workers must be respected • Right to fair wages,right to organize
solidarity • We must live together, united as brothers and sisters
Care for God’s creation • Be good stewards and caretakers of the earth
Calling Society to Justice Themes • Based on the 7 key themes in Catholic Social teaching, there are 3 contemporary issues: • Labor issues – work to live, not live to work • Environmental issues – care of the environment • International issues – global economy must treat one another with respect and fairness
Calling Society to Justice • Please re read chap 33 “Called to Be Just” and read chap 34 “Calling Society to Justice” • As you read you will need to complete “Calling Society to Justice Worksheet” • Be ready to discuss your answers • When finished you may begin web quest and complete the “Our Catholic Faith in Action” work sheet