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“We went to school to be civilized-to be introduced to the essential machinery of human society…

“We went to school to be civilized-to be introduced to the essential machinery of human society…

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“We went to school to be civilized-to be introduced to the essential machinery of human society…

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  1. “We went to school to be civilized-to be introduced to the essential machinery of human society… For example, it would do no good to tell a six-year-old that “Studies have shown that human society cannot function without an equitable distribution of the resources of the earth.” While this statement is profoundly and painfully true, a child cannot comprehend this vocabulary. So a child is told that there are twenty children and five balls to play with; likewise four easels, three sets of blocks, two guinea pigs, and one bathroom. To be fair, we must share… And so on. From the first day we are told in words we can handle what has come to be prized as the foundation of community and culture. Though the teacher may call these first lessons “simple rules,” they are in fact the distillation of all the hard-won, field-tested working standards of the human enterprise.”

  2. All I really need to know, I learned in the Garden of Eden Genesis 2-3

  3. Learned from the Garden of Eden • The nature of the devil • The nature of God • The nature of temptation • The nature of sin • The nature of humans

  4. Our Text Genesis 2:15 – 3:24

  5. Learned from the Garden of Eden • The nature of the devil • He impugns the motives of God – vs. 3:4-5 • This is an attack on His character! • He makes himself out to be better – vs. 3:4-5 • This makes the devil seem more caring and concerned.

  6. Learned from the Garden of Eden • The nature of the devil • He stresses prohibitions not the provisions of God. • 3:1; cf. 2:16-17 - “You mean you can’t eat from any tree?” • He speaks in lies and half-truths • Know good and evil? Yes • Not die? Lie • Like God? Half-truth

  7. Learned from the Garden of Eden • The nature of God • A giver of bountiful provisions – 2:16-20 • “From any tree of the garden you may eat freely” – vs. 16 • “It is not good for the man to be alone” – vs. 18 • One who sets restrictions – 2:17 • To protect us from harm • To prove our freedom of choice

  8. Learned from the Garden of Eden • The nature of God • He punishes when disobeyed – 2:17; 3:14-19 • Cf. Galatians 6:7-8 • A promise of victory (His love and grace) – 3:15 • “Protoevangelium” – The first gospel

  9. Learned from the Garden of Eden • The nature of temptation • Attacks our weakness. • Compare Eve’s reply to original command. (3:3 to 2:16-17) • She states the location and adds the don’t touch restriction. • Did Satan pick up on a hint of resentment from Eve? • Satan is not omnipotent – he listens/watches for clues. • Cf. 1 Peter 5:8

  10. Learned from the Garden of Eden • The nature of temptation • An evil desire occurs and must be mastered. • Look at Eve’s assessment of the tree now! (vs. 6) • “good for food” • “a delight to the eyes” • “desirable to make one wise” • Consider James 1:13-15; cf. Genesis 4:6-7

  11. Learned from the Garden of Eden • The nature of sin • It promises much but cost dearly. • Promised promotion – cost them their innocence • Genesis 3:5; 2:25; 3:7, 9-11 • Promised knowledge – cost them their life • Genesis 3:5; 22-23

  12. Learned from the Garden of Eden • The nature of sin • It promises much but brings hardship. • Eve – “pain in childbirth” – vs. 16 • Adam – “toil” and “sweat” – vs. 17-18 • Cf. Proverbs 13:15

  13. Learned from the Garden of Eden • The nature of humans • Unwilling to take the blame • “I ate” (vs. 13) but was deceived, so it’s not my fault – it’s the Serpents fault • “I ate” (vs. 12), but was influenced by my wife, whom you gave me – so its God’s fault • No denial of the action on either part! Just a denial of blame!

  14. Learned from the Garden of Eden • The nature of humans • Focus on the prohibitions instead of the provisions • Remember! Who wants our focus here?! The DEVIL!! • Remember! Focus on what God is providing rather than what He is prohibiting! • “Count Your Many Blessings”

  15. Learned from the Garden of Eden • The nature of the devil • The nature of God • The nature of temptation • The nature of sin • The nature of humans

  16. All I really need to know, I learned in the Garden of Eden Genesis 2-3

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