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2012. CHANGES TO HY2 FOR TEACHING FROM SEPTEMBER 2012 WITH THE FIRST EXAM IN MAY 2013. HY2 CHANGES. Changes to the GCE History AS units, HY1 and HY2 have been accredited by the examinations regulator, OFQUAL. They apply for first teaching from September 2012.
HY2 CHANGES Changes to the GCE History AS units, HY1 and HY2 have been accredited by the examinations regulator, OFQUAL. They apply for first teaching from September 2012. The first examinations in the amended style of HY2 will be available in May 2013. The specification and the revised specimen assessment materials for all HY2 Depth Studies are available on the WJEC website at http://www.wjec.co.uk
HY2 CHANGES HY2 – WHAT HAS NOT CHANGED There is no change to the specification or content of HY2. You will need to teach the entire specification as the source based questions can, and will be, drawn from across the entire specification or the fuller part of it as now. There is no change to the number of whole questions in HY2. Candidates will be able to select ONE question from the TWO offered. There is no change to the value of HY2. This will remain at 80 UMS.
HY2 CHANGES HY2 DEPTH STUDY – WHAT HAS CHANGED There will be FOUR rather than the current five sub-questions. We were invited to remove the reliability sub-question (the old c sub-question) as it appeared to promote rather mechanical responses from many, probably most, of the candidates. We were also invited to amend all the other sub-questions in some way so all the sub-questions have changed in some way.
HY2 CHANGES HY2 DEPTH STUDY – WHAT HAS CHANGED Each sub-question will be followed by a reminder of what is required from the student. These will be simple instructions such as Explain your answer analysing and evaluating the content and authorship of Sources A and B and using your own knowledge.
HY2 CHANGES HY2 DEPTH STUDY – WHAT HAS CHANGED There will be SIX rather than the current five sources. We were concerned with the previous structure in that there was some overlap in the use of the FIVE sources. Using six sources will reduce, to a considerable degree, the overlap issue, especially in the newer (b) and (c) questions. All the sub-questions, including the newer sub-question (d) – the overarching question – will now be focussed on particular sources to try and reduce the amount of overlap for the students.
HY2 CHANGES HY2 DEPTH STUDY – WHAT HAS CHANGED There is a change to the time allocation of HY2 – a reduction of ten minutes. This will be 80 minutes as shown on the SAMS.
HY2 CHANGES HY2 DEPTH STUDY – WHAT HAS CHANGED All the mark schemes have changed and so have the mark allocations. In general the mark schemes follow the same structure as at HY1 though AO1 and AO2 have been integrated throughout, as applicable. The terminology used in the mark scheme is consistently based on the performance descriptors for AS History, contained in the subject criteria for History. The full range of mark schemes can be found for all Depth Studies at www.wjec.co.uk
HY2 CHANGES HY2 DEPTH STUDY – WHAT HAS CHANGED THE SUB-QUESTIONS – (a): will assess knowledge of an historical term orphrase used by an author. What does the author of Source D mean by the phrase ‘If America and England were wise they would send us money to fight Bolshevism’? In your answer you are advised to discuss the content and authorship of the source and to use your own knowledge. [8]
HY2 CHANGES HY2 DEPTH STUDY – WHAT HAS CHANGED THE SUB-QUESTIONS – (a): will assess knowledge of an historical term orphrase used by an author. Sub-question (a) will expect definition of an historical term or phrasewhich is used in one of the sources. This question requires that candidates provide an explanation set in the historical context in which it was produced. Candidates will therefore need to make use of the attribution of the source to understand what the author meant by the term / phrase in the context in which it was produced.
HY2 CHANGES The expectation of the response to question (a): an assessment of an historical phrase or concept used by an author Candidates are expected to use their own knowledge of the period to demonstrate understanding of the phrase and of the context in which it was made. Candidates are expected to analyse both the content and the authorship of the source. Some of the issues to consider may include: * central to Nazi propaganda was the idea that Bolshevism / Communism was the cause of all Germany’s problems and a threat to German society. This was reflected in the Reichstag Fire which was linked to fear of a general Communist rising. * It also reflects contemporary public opinion in Britain and America which saw National Socialism as a barrier to the spread of Bolshevism in Europe and accounts for the appeal of the author to Britain and America for money * the author’s view is notable because it shows that public servants such as teachers were taking the official Nazi line and shows that the Nazis were successful in encouraging the professions through propaganda to support Nazi policy. This would account for the supportive nature of the tone of the source and the anti-communist standpoint.
HY2 CHANGES ASSESSMENT GRID FOR PART (a) Target: AO1; AO2a Total mark: 8 Focus: Recall, selection and deployment of appropriate historical knowledge in context; evaluation of source material
HY2 CHANGES HY2 DEPTH STUDY – WHAT HAS CHANGED THE SUB-QUESTIONS – (b): will assess the importance or significance of an historical development. • How important was propaganda in the Third Reich? • Explain your answer analysing and evaluating the • content and authorship of Sources A and B and • using your own knowledge. [16]
HY2 CHANGES HY2 DEPTH STUDY – WHAT HAS CHANGED THE SUB-QUESTIONS – (b): will assess the importance or significance of an historical development. Sub-question (b) will expect explanation of the importance or significance of an historical event or development. Candidates will need to analyse and evaluate the content and authorship of the two named sources and also use their own knowledge in their answer to this question. The candidates will need to focus on the attributions of the sources and undertake to provide a full explanation of the importance or of the significance of the named issue in relation to the historical enquiry set.
HY2 CHANGES The expectation of the response to question (b): an assessment of the importance or significance of an historical development. Candidates are expected to analyse and evaluate both the content and the authorship of the sources as part of an enquiry into the importance of propaganda in the Third Reich. Candidates are also expected to use their own knowledge of the period to demonstrate understanding of the importance of propaganda in the Third Reich. In relation to the set enquiry and in their analysis of the sources, candidates may consider some of the following issues:
HY2 CHANGES The expectation of the response to question (b): an assessment of the importance or significance of an historical development. * Source A suggests that propaganda was fundamental to the Nazi programme and permeated all aspects of German society. The intention was to mobilise the nation in support of National Socialism and Hitler * Source B holds a similar view as it seems to justify the setting up of the new Ministry by emphasising the critical part played by propaganda in mobilising support. * Geary certainly sees propaganda as important in the Third Reich. His view is given with the benefit of hindsight as he is aware of the role played by propaganda in indoctrinating a large proportion of the German people. His view is consistent with the idea that Nazism was totalitarian. His view is targeted towards his audience of A level students. * As a leading Nazi, Goebbels’ view of propaganda is obviously bound to be positive and supportive of its importance to the Third Reich. Goebbels presents the official face of Nazism in a press conference and it should be considered in the context of him playing up to an audience of journalists.
HY2 CHANGES ASSESSMENT GRID FOR PART (b) Target: AO1; AO2a Total mark: 16 Focus: Recall, selection and deployment of appropriate historical knowledge in context; analysis and evaluation of source material to discuss importance / significance
HY2 CHANGES HY2 DEPTH STUDY – WHAT HAS CHANGED THE SUB-QUESTIONS – (c): will assess the candidate’s ability to explain different historical interpretations. (c) Do you agree with the interpretation that the Nazis were responsible for the Reichstag Fire? Explain your answer analysing and evaluating the content and authorship of Sources C and D and using your own knowledge. [24]
HY2 CHANGES HY2 DEPTH STUDY – WHAT HAS CHANGED THE SUB-QUESTIONS – (c): will assess the candidate’s ability to explain different historical interpretations. Sub-question (c) will expect candidates to analyse and evaluate how aspects of the chosen in-depth study have been interpreted or represented in different ways and also to deploy appropriate historical knowledge about this aspect. Candidates will be asked to give a supported and valid judgement on a particular interpretation, eg: Do you agree with the interpretation that the Nazis were responsible for the Reichstag Fire? They will be expected to use the content and authorship of two nominated sources and their own knowledge to discuss and come to a valid judgement regarding this interpretation. The candidates should be able to bring their knowledge of other interpretations into their answer.
HY2 CHANGES The expectation of the response to question (c): an assessment of the candidate’s ability to explain different historical interpretations. Candidates are expected to show an understanding of how aspects of the past have been interpreted in different ways. They are also expected to demonstrate their ability to analyse and evaluate source material and use it to support arguments. Answers will consider the content and authorship of the sources and use their own knowledge of other interpretations in making their judgement on the interpretation that the Nazis were responsible for the Reichstag Fire. Some of the issues to consider may include:
HY2 CHANGES The expectation of the response to question (c): an assessment of the candidate’s ability to explain different historical interpretations. * Candidates are invited to enter into a debate on the responsibility for the Reichstag Fire. The debate is well known and candidates should be able to consider whether the interpretation is valid, or does the Nazi ‘official’ version have any credibility? * Source C suggests that even though Van der Lubbe was involved, it is likely that the Nazis played some role and so supports the interpretation in the question. This is the view of a former diplomat who was likely to have been moving in political circles at this time and his view is likely to be valid even though it is written in his memoirs. However, it should be noted that the belief that the Nazis had most to gain from the Fire was given wide currency among diplomats and foreign journalists at the time and so should be treated with caution * Source D is an example of the official Nazi line on the fire, as portrayed to the German people and supports a different interpretation blaming the Communists. The effectiveness of such propaganda is demonstrated by the entry from the diary of a school teacher. The fact that the Nazis co-ordinated all the professions throws an element of doubt about the veracity of this source and so is flawed and not really supported by much evidence. It reveals the persuasive influence of Nazi propaganda when they wanted a belief to be accepted. * Candidates might well consider an alternative interpretation that Van der Lubbe was acting alone or used as a tool by the Nazis. It is possible that he was an anarchist attacking any symbol of authority.
ASSESSMENT GRID FOR PART (c) Target: AO1; AO2a; AO2b Total mark: 24 Focus: Recall, selection and deployment of appropriate historical knowledge in context; analysis and evaluation of how aspects of the past have been interpreted and represented in different ways HY2 CHANGES ASSESSMENT GRID FOR PART (c) Target: AO1; AO2a; AO2b Total mark: 24 Focus: Recall, selection and deployment of appropriate historical knowledge in context; analysis and evaluation of how aspects of the past have been interpreted and represented in different ways
HY2 CHANGES HY2 DEPTH STUDY – WHAT HAS CHANGED THE SUB-QUESTIONS – (d): will assess the candidate’s ability to consider the selected sources in the context of the issues of the wider depth study. It will be directly focused on three sources selected by the Principal Examiner. • How useful are Sources B, E, and Fin understanding Nazi Germany, 1933-1939? • In your answer you are advised to analyse and evaluate the content and authorship of these sources and to use your own knowledge. [32]
HY2 CHANGES HY2 DEPTH STUDY – WHAT HAS CHANGED Sub-question (d) will expect evaluation of the utility of three nominated sources in the context of the in-depth study followed. Candidates are expected to demonstrate their ability to analyse and evaluate the strengths and limitations of the nominated sources demonstrating source evaluation skills. There should be consideration of the content and the authorship of the nominated sources to discuss issues such as reliability, bias, purpose and validity, as appropriate, when considering their utility. There should also be consideration of the limitations of the nominated sources in the wider context of the in-depth study.
HY2 CHANGES The expectation of the response to question (d): an assessment of the candidate’s ability to consider the issues of the wider depth study focussed on selected sources. Candidates are expected to demonstrate their ability to analyse and evaluate a range of source material with a high degree of discrimination. Source evaluation skills should focus on discussing the strengths and the limitations of the nominated sources. To judge utility, there should be consideration of the content and the authorship of the nominated sources to discuss reliability, bias, purpose and validity, as appropriate. Candidates are also expected to demonstrate their ability to discuss the sources in the wider context associated with Nazi Germany, 1933-1939. Some of the issues to consider may include:
HY2 CHANGES The expectation of the response to question (d): an assessment of the candidate’s ability to consider the issues of the wider depth study focussed on selected sources. * The sources are very useful in helping to explain some aspects of life in Nazi Germany, including areas such as the use of propaganda (Source B) and the control of institutions which helped establish the Nazi dictatorship (Source E). There is also reference to the crucial issue of Nazi foreign policy in the mid to late 1930s (Source F) * The sources provide the views of two leading politicians, one German and one English, as well as an example of American satirical opinion. The authorship needs to be evaluated for its utility. Goebbels represents the official Nazi line from which he would be able to achieve his own personal ambition and so is likely to reveal the true nature and direction of the regime especially in a public speech in 1933 having just achieved power. Source E is a satirical cartoon from a liberal / left wing American magazine which is likely to condemn Nazi policy as an act of war against the individual freedoms of the Germany people. The fact that it is an objective viewpoint has to be considered when deciding its veracity. Source F presents the frustrations of a British politician who has failed to bring Hitler to heel and so makes a last desperate attempt to target the German public in a public radio address. Although his comments are valid is Chamberlain may be trying to save face and save his own reputation * There are limitations to the utility of the collection. Although the sources provide elements of the depth study a range of key aspects of Germany in the period are not covered directly. This would include the use of terror, the impact of Nazi economic and racial policies and education and youth, foreign policy in the early 1930s and the role played by the Nazi Party * There will be some discussion of the wider range of sources that could be of use in understanding developments in Nazi Germany during this period and of the narrowness of the range and type of sources selected for this enquiry.
HY2 CHANGES ASSESSMENT GRID FOR PART (d) Target: AO1; AO2a; AO2b Total mark: 32 Focus: Recall, selection and deployment of appropriate historical knowledge in context; analysis and evaluation of a range of source material with discrimination