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Comunicação, cidadania e mudança social Thomas Tufte, Professor Universidade de Roskilde, Dinamarca ttufte@ruc.dk http:// ruc-dk.academia.edu/ThomasTufte. FABICO, UFRGS, Porto Alegre , Brasil 29 de Novembre de 2012. A presentacão de hoje :. Comunicacão e cidadania
Comunicação, cidadania e mudançasocialThomas Tufte, ProfessorUniversidade de Roskilde, Dinamarcattufte@ruc.dkhttp://ruc-dk.academia.edu/ThomasTufte FABICO, UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Brasil 29 de Novembre de 2012
Apresentacão de hoje: • Comunicacão e cidadania • Comunicacãopara o desenvolvimento: paradigmasdominantes • O papel da sociedadeemredes e do desenvolvimento dos meios (e TICs) naarticulacão de novasdinamicas entre o cidadão e tomadores de decisão • Caso da Tanzania: plataformasmediadosorganizadospelasocieade civil • Novasoportunidades de voz?
Comunicacão e cidadania- democraciaparticipativa • ‘Al ser tanpenetrante e influyente, la comunicación no es solamente unservicioindispensablesinouninstrumento de poder e influencia, asícomoun medio de obtenerlucros y acumularcapital. La comunicación contribuye a formar la opiniónpública y a la toma de decisionespor las autoridades. Los paraguayos tenemos antenosotros el desafíorepresentadopor la ampliación de la democraciarepresentativaparallegar a la democraciaparticipativa. La democratización de la comunicación es indispensableparaalcanzar la democraciaparticipativa (Juan Diaz Bordenave, Nov.2011)’
Comunicacão e cidadania- democraciaparticipativano Brasil? • Em 2011, forammuitos os exemplos de mobilizacãojuvenisquechagaramaonoticiáriointernacional (…). No Brasil, emboracompoucoregistro da imprensa, em váriascapitais os jovens marcaram presencanoespacopúblico, indagandoporseu lugar nos rumos do ‘desenvolvimento’. • Entre eles, em comunummedo de sobrar, de nãoencontrarum lugar nomundopresente e futuro. (Regina Novaes, Nov 2012)
Discursosdentro do campoCpD- tentandoumdeconstrucão • Development Support Communication (UN/FAO) • DevelopmentCommunication (Los Banos/Quebral) • BehaviourChangeCommunication (Public Health) • Information, Education and Communication • ParticipatoryCommunication • Alternative Comm (Latin American Scholars) • Communication for Development • Communication for Empowerment (UNDP) • Communication for Social Change (RF) • Comm for Social and StructuralChange (Servaes) • Comm for Social and SustainableChange • Social and BehaviourChangeComm (Wits) • C4D (UNICEF)
Comunicandoparaquedesenvolvimento?- discurso da modernizacão • Development Support Communication (FAO – Childers, final de 60s) • Development Communication (Los Banos/Quebral 1973/1988) • Behaviour Change Communication (Bandura 1974,Rogers 1962/1976; Saúde e Agricultura) • Information, Education and Communication
ParadigmasAlternativas…-discursos da dependencia, participacão, etc • ComunicacãoParticipativa (Pasquali 1963, Freire 1967, Fals-Borda 70s, Bordenave 1983/84/87, Mefalopulos 2008) • ComunicacãoHorizontal (Gerace 1970, Beltrán 1979) • ComunicacãoAlternativa (Latinoamericanos) • NWICO, os 70s e 80s (Roncagliolo) • Comunicacão e educacão (M.Kaplún, D. Prieto) • Comunicacãocomunitária e cidadã (Peruzzo, Paiva) • Comunicacão e cultura (Martin-Barbero 1978-87, Alfaro 80s)
O legado dacomunicaçãopara a mudançasocial naAmérica Latina • El fuerte compromiso político reflejado en la búsqueda de estrategias y movimientos sociales de empoderamiento, crítica social, educación popular y cambio social • La dimensión cultural, identitária y con enfasis en trabajo comunitario de base • La fuerte voz latinoamericano en el debate international acerca del Nuevo Orden Mundial de la Información y Comunicación (NOMIC) en los 70 y 80.
Convergencias…? • Communication for Empowerment (PNUD – James Deane) • Communicationfor Social Change (Rockefeller Foundation –Wilkins/Mody, Gumucio/Tufte) • Commfor Social and Sustainable Change (Servaes) • Social and Behaviour Change Comm (AED/Wits, McKee) • C4D (UNICEF/Obregon) • Aondeencuadramtodos os movimentossociaisglobais de hoje?? (pos- ‘PrimaveraArabe’)
Modelos de comunicacão.. • Persuasion • Behaviourchangecommunication • Social marketing • Information, education and communication (IEC) • Participatorycommunication • Communication for social change
CfD: Multiple Approaches (Obregon & Mosquera, 2005) Communication Continuum Diffusion/ Individual Participatory/ Structural Diffusion/ Persuasion/ Social Marketing Communication For Social Change Information/ Education/ Communication Behavior Change Communication Social Ecological Approach Convergence model No magic formula Diversity of frameworks + diversity of strategies + multiplicity of interventions = growth of the field = New conceptual approaches
DesafioatuaisnaCpD • changing relations between production of media content, technology and audiences • ‘social media’ altering the relation between sender and receiver in communication processes.
Umcampo em transformacão: orientacões á cidadania • public connection • public sphere engagement • citizen journalism • participatory journalism • citizen media • civic engagement
Civil Society-driven Media Platforms • Altering relations between decision-makers and citizens? • Leading to new spaces of deliberation and public debate, critique and civic action? • Unpacking the processes of empowerment and citizen participation?
Communication, Citizenship and Social Change • Co-evolution of new and old media • Citizenship: a social practicegrounded in everydaylife • Civic action: active manifestation of citizens as claimants of development • Citizens as media producers, citizen journalists, bloggers
O poder a comunicacãonasociedade em rede • ‘in a world marked by the rise of mass self-communication, social movements and insurgent politics have a the chance to enter the public space from multiple sources. By using both horizontal communication networks and mainstream media to convey their images and messages, they increase their chances of enacting social and political change – even if they start from a subordinate position in institutional power, financial resources, or symbolic legitimacy’ (Castells 2009. 302)
Innovation and Caution • Innovation: social media offer us a new communication model: dynamic and interactive • Caution: The media don’t drive social change. The sentiment of exclusion is the driving force.
Temas nodebateatual de CpMS • Paradigmas de desenvolvimento – focusnacidadania, participacão, ‘agencia’ • Papel da culturapopular, narrativas e formaciónidentitaria • Temas de poder e da esferapublica (mediada) • Movimientossociais, TANs (RTAs) • Novosmeios e formas de se comunicar (TICs)
Communicacão e desenvolvimento: Novasperspectivasteóricas Pos-Desenvolvimento, globalizacão e mediatizacão * Issues of voice, questioning the dominant discourse of development (Escobar) * ‘Network society’ (Castells), ‘Mediatizacão’ (Hepp/Krohtz) Democracia Radical • Ideas de democracia e cidadania(Chantal Mouffe – 1993/2005) Estudosculturais • Estudos de recepcão e analise de producão de sentido • Teorianarrativa – o ‘poder’ da narrativa (storytelling, novelas) Comunicacãodialogica e pedagogialiberadora(Paulo Freire 1967) Voz, Discursopublico • Teoria da esferapública(Habermas/Thompson/Rosa Maria Alfaro) • Analise de discurso
Citizen Media • The term ’citizens media’ implies, first, that a collectivity is enactingitscitizenship by activelyintervening and transforming the establishedmediascape: second, thatthese media arecontesting social codes, legitimizedidentities and institutionalized social relations: and third, thatthesecommunicationpracticesareempowering the communityinvolved, to the point wherethese transformations and chagesarepossible (Rodriguez 2001/2006: 774)
Citizen Tactics • Efforts made by ordinarypeople to createspaces for themselves, overcoming power structures to whichtheyaresubjected
Civil Society-driven Media PlatformsThe case of Femina HIP • Tanzanian NGO, 1999- • Largest print media producer in Tanzania • Many donors onboard, but is a ’homegrown’ organisation • Entertainment-educationthrough real lifestories • Multi-media platform
Femina HIP Objectives To build supportive environments in Tanzania where: • Young people in their communities enjoy their right to access information & services and are empowered to make positive informed choices around sexuality (…) in order to reduce the negative impact of HIV/AIDS.
Femina HIP Objectives To build supportive environments in Tanzania where: • Communities exercise their right to express themselves, participate in public debate & engage in civil society. (Femina HIP Logical Framework, 2007)
FEMA • FEMA. A glossy magazine, 64 pages, 170.000 copies • Published 4 x a year. Targets youth aged 15-24 especially secondary school students in every region of the country
Si Mchezo! 32 pages, 170.000 copies. 6 x a year. Targets out of school youth and their communities particularly in rural areas. SiMchezo
Reach and Social Media Feminareachesapprox. 10 mio of Tanzania’s 42 miopeople Social Media Use: • ChezaSalama • FeminaFacebook • SMS-strategy
Outcomes • Continuitysustains engagement • Communitymobilizationenables engagement • Young peopleengage in journalisticpractice • Sparks motivation and self-confidence • New public spheresemerge • Embryonic civil society
Accountability UpwardAccountability: • Gainingpoliticalclout • Balancing social critique and politicalinfluence Downwardaccountability • Balancing a massvehicle for millions of audienceswithspace for personalengagment
Whyvoicematters- the role of media and technology in carving out space • Allowingvoice in public for a vastlyincreased range of people • A greatlyincreasedmutualawareness of these new voices • New scales of organisation • Understandingwhatspacesarerequired for politicalorganization • New forms of listening
Comunicacão, cidadania e mudanca social….no Brasil? Existeumaefervescência de propostaspelo Brasil queatuamdiretamentenocotidiano, comacõesartísticasinterventivas e articulacão de atoressociais em torno de celebracões, encontros e ocupacões de espacospúblicos. Em geral, sãoagrupamentosnãoinstitucionalizados, quesurgemespontaneamente em torno de determinadaurgência social oupor simples desejo de troca e livre expressão. São da marginalidade, descolados dos centrosprodutivos – do capital e do conhecimento – nascem das periferiasurbanas e afirmam-se porsuaprópriaproducão de subjetividade. Primampeloatopolíticomanifesto, clamam ‘direito à cidade’. Olharpara os espacos de celebracão nas periferiasexigeumnovomodo de considerar a acãopolíticacomoumtodo em transformacão(…) No território virtual, a internet coloca-se nãosomentecomoferramenta, mas como o própriocampo de atividadepolítica da juventude (LeandroHoehne, Le Monde Diplomatique Brasil, Nov.2012)
Concorda? ttufte@ruc.dk http://ruc-dk.academia.edu/ThomasTufte