LANGLEY RECYCLING INC. Turn Your Scrap Into Cash Are you looking for metal recycling in Kansas City? Turn to Langley Recycling Inc. today! We are always looking for ways to help our customers make the most of their money. That is why we pay top dollar for scrap metals and many other materials, including catalytic converters and other vehicle parts, computer towers, radiators, kitchen supplies, and more. If you want to recycle these items or any others, we will ensure you get a great price and incredible, personalized customer service. Bring your unwanted scrap materials to our facility. We are easy to find, and our team will handle all the work for you. Our team uses industry-standard, professional scales to accurately weigh your scrap for you and determine how much you get paid. Get paid however you like – right away. We offer cash, PayPal, Venmo, wire transfer, and BitCoin. So, do contact us now. CONTACT US 3557 Stadium Dr, Kansas City, Missouri, 64129 Phone: 816-924-8452 sam@langleyrecycling.com langleyrecyclingkc.com