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ITU/BDT Arab Regional Workshop on ”E-Services Policies”, Damascus (Syria) 27-29 April 2004

ITU/BDT Arab Regional Workshop on ”E-Services Policies”, Damascus (Syria) 27-29 April 2004 “E-Services: Needs, Problems & Suggested Actions” Prof. Ahmed El Sherbini Director of The N ational T elecommunication I nstitute (NTI). Agenda. Introduction and E-Services

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ITU/BDT Arab Regional Workshop on ”E-Services Policies”, Damascus (Syria) 27-29 April 2004

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  1. ITU/BDT Arab Regional Workshop on ”E-Services Policies”, Damascus (Syria) 27-29 April 2004 “E-Services: Needs, Problems & Suggested Actions” Prof. Ahmed El Sherbini Directorof TheNational Telecommunication Institute (NTI)

  2. Agenda • Introduction and E-Services • Study Group 2 & question 17/2 Progress in ITU activity for E-Commerce • The questionnaire and its philosophy • Analysis of the replies to the Questionnaire • Study of the E-services activities in the Arab region • Analysis of the report of ITU/BDT on E-commerce activities • Recommendations

  3. Introduction and E-Services • In a knowledge and information society an important dimension is the provisioning of E-services • By E-services we mean • E-Government • E-Business • E-Commerce • E-Education • E-Health

  4. Introduction and E-Services The basic determining factors to measure a country e-service readiness are: • Infrastructure • Access • Education and Awareness • Legislative Environment • Business Environment • Policies and Regulatory Environment

  5. Study Group 2 & question 17/2 Progress in ITU activity for E-Commerce • A Project Group was formed during the Study Group 2 meeting in Geneva, September 2002 to address Question 17/2: progress in ITU activity for E-commerce • The Project Group was formed for one-year period • Chaired by : Prof. A. Sherbini from Egypt • Vice-chaired by: • Mr. D. Turahi from Uganda • Ms. Fentiani from Indonesia • Mariagela Villaman from the Dominican Republic

  6. Study Group 2 & question 17/2 Progress in ITU activity for E-Commerce • A questionnaire was designed to collect information and feed back to all member states and section members of Arab ITU • The responses to the questionnaire were analysed and the detailed analysis of which is presented in Annex 4. • A progress report from BDT on their activities in e-commerce was received and is included in Annex 1, along with a summary of ITU General Secretariat activities and the related questions in ITU-T. • The reports were studied and analyzed

  7. Study Group 2 & question 17/2 Progress in ITU activity for E-Commerce • Based on all input documents and their analysis, the Project Group reached a set of recommendations that are believed to help both ITU and the Member States to more efficiently approach their work in the e-services domain. • The Project Group also proposed a recommendation to enlarge the scope of Question 17/2 and extend the duration of the work of the Project Group, which was approved by study group 2 and adopted by TDAG

  8. The Questionnaire and its Philosophy The questionnaire was designed to address the following issues: • The needs of the countries and their plans in the near future • The problems facing the countries in implementing e-services • The role of ITU in helping countries to achieve their needs • The gender issues

  9. The Questionnaire and its Philosophy Having this in mind, the questionnaire is divided into four categories as follows: • Questions 1-2-3 discuss what countries have already achieved in the field of E-services together with their plans in the near future • Questions 4-6-7-8-9 cover the different aspects of the suggested activity and the priorities that can be detected from a careful study of the obstacles affecting the various E- services • Discuss what countries have already achieved in the field of E-services together with their plan in the near future • Identifying the different aspects of the suggested activity and the priorities, that can be identified from a careful study of the obstacles affecting the various E-services

  10. The Questionnaire and its Philosophy • Questions 5-10-11-12 handle ITU activities and the feed back of the countries on the role of ITU in addition to their expectations from us • Questions 13-14-15 present evaluation of the role of women

  11. The Questionnaire and its Philosophy 1. Which E-services have already been introduced in your country?  E-government  E-business  E-education  Others  No E-services

  12. The Questionnaire and its Philosophy 2. Which E-services are of more importance to be implemented today in your country although the process has not started? E-government E-business E-education Other No E-services

  13. The Questionnaire and its Philosophy 3. Which E-services are planned to be introduced in your country within the next five years? E-government E-business E-education Others No E-services

  14. The Questionnaire and its Philosophy 4. The problems that can interfere with the introduction of E-services in your country? Infrastructure Regulatory aspects Awareness Technical expertise Others

  15. The Questionnaire and its Philosophy • In your opinion, how can the ITU help your country solve those problems? Pilot Programs Infrastructure Financial support Technical expertise Human resource development Others

  16. The Questionnaire and its Philosophy • The problems that interfere with implementing E-government in your country? Lack of awareness Government Bureaucracy Availability of documents in digital form Computer illiteracy Others

  17. The Questionnaire and its Philosophy 7. The problems encountered in implementing E-transaction/banking in your country Information and network security Infrastructure Banking system Others

  18. The Questionnaire and its Philosophy 8. The problems encountered in implementing E-education in your country Human resource development Computer cost and availability Infrastructure Curriculum in E- based format Others

  19. The Questionnaire and its Philosophy • The problems encountered in implementing E-business in your country Awareness at executive levels Infrastructure Readiness of companies and business organization Legal framework Others

  20. The Questionnaire and its Philosophy 10. Are there any ITU programmes concerned with any of the following E-activities in your country E-government E-business E-education None

  21. The Questionnaire and its Philosophy • Are there any ITU pilot projects for providing guidance for E-services deployment in your country through: Approach to integrate E-services into available ICT infrastructure Planning, design and development Policies Strategies Legislative environment Human resource development Feasibility studies Others

  22. The Questionnaire and its Philosophy • Are there any difficulties in your country in establishing partnership in E-services application between public and private sectors Yes No 13. Barriers for women to the full use of E-services: Lack of awareness Illiteracy Computer illiteracy Language barrier Financial Social barriers Others

  23. The Questionnaire and its Philosophy 14. Are there any E-education programmes for women in your country: Working Women Housewives Youth None

  24. The Questionnaire and its Philosophy 15. Are there any ITU programmes in your country to overcome barriers interfering with women’s participation in the E-world? Yes No

  25. The Questionnaire and its Philosophy 16. In your opinion what is the most vital factor (s) affecting E-activities in your country? 17. Mention if there is a model of E-services projects in your country that you feel could be considered as a case study for other countries?

  26. Questionnaire Replies 4. Analysis of the replies to the Questionnaire 60 Replieswere received from 56 countries including Replies from 13 Arab countries

  27. 4. Analysis of the replies to the Questionnaire 4.1 Analysis of the activities of the countries on E-services 4.2 Analysis of the problems encountered in implementing E-services 4.3 ITU-D activities in the countries 4.4 The countries expectation of ITU 4.5 Gender issues

  28. 4. Analysis of the replies to the Questionnaire 4.1 Analysis of the activities of the countries on E-services

  29. 4. Analysis of the replies to the Questionnaire 4.1 Analysis of the activities of the countries on E-services

  30. 4. Analysis of the replies to the Questionnaire 4.1 Analysis of the activities of the countries on E-services

  31. 4. Analysis of the replies to the Questionnaire 4.2 Analysis of the problems encountered in implementing E-services

  32. 4. Analysis of the replies to the Questionnaire 4.2 Analysis of the problems encountered in implementing E-services

  33. 4. Analysis of the replies to the Questionnaire 4.2 Analysis of the problems encountered in implementing E-services

  34. 4. Analysis of the replies to the Questionnaire 4.2 Analysis of the problems encountered in implementing E-services

  35. 4. Analysis of the replies to the Questionnaire 4.2 Analysis of the problems encountered in implementing E-services

  36. 4. Analysis of the replies to the Questionnaire 4.3 ITU-D activities in the countries

  37. 4. Analysis of the replies to the Questionnaire 4.3 ITU-D activities in the countries

  38. 4. Analysis of the replies to the Questionnaire 4.3 ITU-D activities in the countries

  39. 4. Analysis of the replies to the Questionnaire 4.3 ITU-D activities in the countries

  40. 4. Analysis of the replies to the Questionnaire 4.3 ITU-D activities in the countries

  41. 4. Analysis of the replies to the Questionnaire 4.4 The countries expectation of ITU

  42. 4. Analysis of the replies to the Questionnaire 4.4 The countries expectation of ITU

  43. 4. Analysis of the replies to the Questionnaire 4.4 The countries Expectation of ITU

  44. 4. Analysis of the replies to the Questionnaire 4.5 Gender issues

  45. 4. Analysis of the replies to the Questionnaire 4.5 Gender issues

  46. 4. Analysis of the replies to the Questionnaire 4.5 Gender issues

  47. 5. Study of the E-services Activities in the Arab Region 5.1 Analysis of the activities of the countries on E-services 5.2 Analysis of the problems encountered in implementing E-services 5.3 ITU-D activities in the countries 5.4 The countries expectation of ITU 5.5 Gender issues

  48. 5. Study of the E-services Activities in the Arab Region • Replies were received from 13 Arab Countries, Here is the list of those countries: • Egypt, Sudan, Jordan , Kuwait, Lebanon, Qatar, • Saudi Arabia, Oman, Syria, UAE, Algeria, Djibouti, Morocco.

  49. 5. Study of the E-services Activities in the Arab Region 5.1 Analysis of the activities of the countries on E-services

  50. 5. Study of the E-services Activities in the Arab Region 5.1 Analysis of the activities of the countries on E-services

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