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Transition Update Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey and Islington PCTs

Transition Update Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey and Islington PCTs. www.ncl.nhs.uk. Strategic Goals. NHS North Central London will: Enable our population to live longer, healthier lives, in particular tackling the significant health inequalities that exist between communities

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Transition Update Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey and Islington PCTs

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  1. Transition UpdateBarnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey and Islington PCTs www.ncl.nhs.uk

  2. Strategic Goals NHS North Central London will: • Enable our population to live longer, healthier lives, in particular tackling the significant health inequalities that exist between communities • Provide children with the best start in life • Ensure patients receive the right care, in the right place, first time • Deliver the greatest value from every NHS pound invested. Improving health… involving all www.ncl.nhs.uk

  3. Achieving Strategic Goals • By actively engaging local people in decisions about their own and their community’s health and wellbeing • Through working collaboratively with partners to deliver seamless care. Improving health… involving all www.ncl.nhs.uk

  4. Principal Objectives • Ensure we commission services which are safe and of increasing quality for the people we serve • Deliver the NHS North Central London Quality Innovation Productivity and Prevention plan • Manage the transition in working towards the reforms set out in the White Paper • Develop the NHS North Central London organisation so it is fit to deliver key objectives and lead the transition Improving health… involving all www.ncl.nhs.uk

  5. Transition stages April 2013 Transition 1 April 2013 April 2011 • National Commissioning Board fully functioning • Clinical Commissioning Groups developed and have an effective framework in which to operate • NCL developed credible and competitive Commissioning Support Services • NHS NCL supports development of Health and Wellbeing Boards and accountabilities of Public Health • All PCT statutory duties and functions transferred to new organisations • NCL moving towards commissioning and commissioning support services • Entering transition phase 2 - ensuring safe transition of all PCT functions into the planned new health system • Guidance published to support planning for the transition • All plans subject to the passing of the Health and Social Care Bill. • PCTs join to form the North Central London Cluster (transition phase 1) www.ncl.nhs.uk

  6. Transition Phase 2 New ‘receiving’ organisations National Commissioning Board • As the NHS plans for 2013, North Central London needs to develop commissioning and commissioning support services and ensure safe transition of all PCT functions into the planned new health system. • NCL is now entering the second stage of transition from PCTs to the new system. • A number of guidance documents have been recently published to support planning for the next stage, however all plans are subject to the passing of the Health and Social Care Bill. NCL Cluster Public Health & HWBBs Commissioning Support Services Clinical Commissioning Groups www.ncl.nhs.uk

  7. A number of key stakeholder groups have been identified as integral to the development, support and approval of the programme and Transition Plan. External stakeholders Internal stakeholders Department of Health NHS London Joint PCT Boards Neighbouring Clusters Senior Leadership Team (INEL/ONEL/NWL) Clinical Commissioning Groups, GPs NCL Staff Local Authorities Staff Side Wider group of Providers and Clinicians (LPNs) Transition Phase 2 Interested and influential stakeholders www.ncl.nhs.uk

  8. National Commissioning BoardHigh Level Milestone Plan • Mid October - Board Operational (SpHA with remit to set up NHSCB) • Feb – March 2012 Clusters mapped specialised commissioning functions CB org structure • April 2012 Budget baseline agreed • September 2012 Clarity expected re: transfer to NHSCB • March 2013 – Commissioning Board assumes full statutory responsibility www.ncl.nhs.uk

  9. Commissioning Support OrganisationHigh Level Milestone Plan • Mid October 2011 - NHSL Road mapping concludes • December 2011 – CSOs Prospectus available • CSO Assurance begins • Preparation for NHSCB hosting/independence • April 2013 – Hosting period commences for CSOs by NHSCB • April 2013 – CSO established as independent c www.ncl.nhs.uk

  10. Clinical Commissioning Groups High Level Milestone Plan October 2011 - Leadership & Organisation Development programme underway March – April 2012 - Consortia assume delegation of all services March – April 2012 - Primary legislative framework for CCGs developed April – August 2012 – Earliest applications for establishment & authorisation of CCGs From October 2012 - CCGs to be established (statutory bodies, signing contracts & employing staff) • March 2013 CCGs established x www.ncl.nhs.uk

  11. Public Health High Level Milestone Plan • October 2011 • Local Authority financial allocations for 2012/13 published • PHE Draft framework & operating model expected • London Public Health Alliance established • November 2011 – Further detail expected on LA Public Health • December 2011 – Clarity expected around HR framework, PHE and LA operating framework Jan – April 2012 – Development of Transition plans for 2012/12 shadow year Commence shadow running April 2013 – LA take on full responsibility for PH resources • PHE live Health Protection Agency (HPA) & National Treatment Agency (NTA) transition to PHE z www.ncl.nhs.uk

  12. Local Professional Networks • LPN purpose • to provide clinical expertise and leadership to add most value within the local commissioning operating model • Prior to October 2011 • DoH discussions with clinicians, commissioners, national representative bodies, BDA, PSNC and LOSCU and other key stakeholders • Local professional networks will work as part of the NHS CB field force team • Will be aligned to ‘clusters’ - Number in London not yet confirmed • October 2011 - DoH invite applications from PCTs for pilot sites to test output of meetings with stakeholders • Interface with Clinical Commissioning Groups, Health & Wellbeing Board in developing primary care strategy www.ncl.nhs.uk

  13. Next steps • All plans subject to the passing of the Health and Social Care Bill • Make sure NHS NCL know who to contact when seeking professional representatives for LPNs • Horizon scan – this is very much in development, check your usual representative websites and discuss at professional meetings • Be seen - take part in local workshops and events such as QIPP, Planning and designing local care pathways • Need to know more? - use your contacts in NHS NCL and ask questions, we will direct these to DoH for a response www.ncl.nhs.uk

  14. Contacts • Administrative support to the team - first point of contact it you are unsure who could deal with your query • Ramindar Ahluwalia - 0207 685 6537 • Bernice Saunders 0207 685 6435 • Pharmacy Contracts and Performance Management • Su Nayee – 0207 685 6539 • Gohar Choudhury – 0207 685 6538 • Contracts and Performance Management - Dental, Optometry, & Pharmacy • Tessa Garvan – 0207 685 6553 • Anne Whateley - 0207 685 6554 • Email addresses • firstname.surname@nclondon.nhs.uk www.ncl.nhs.uk

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