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Updates on the shutdown schedule for Calorimeter LAR at ATLAS, including weekly activities, LVPS refurbishing, FEBS issues, and planned tests on new OTX. Activities in Milan also detailed.
ATLAS Italia Roma 28 novembre 2008 In preparazione della riunione di CSN1 24-26 novembre 2008 Calorimetro LAR
Shutdown schedule L.Hervas LAr Weekly 3.11.2008 2
Shutdown schedule A Side C Side • End March (we will see further on) Rumors are in the corridor Started. ECTA on truck https://edms.cern.ch/file/305624/8/shut_down__6oct08.pdf L.Hervas LAr Weekly 3.11.2008 3
Since the breakdown of the LHC , ATLAS has collected cosmic muons data until 27.10.2008. LAr ,Tiles& L1Calo continued to collect data until 10.11.2008. The Atlas detector is presently being open , starting with the A side Access this week to EC-A and barrel side A First week december access to EC-C and barrel side C LAR Calorimeter now off until february 2009 • Weekly schedule during shutdown period: • Mondays: TDAQ tests using our ROSes • Tuesdays: LAr & LVL1Calo calibration runs • Wednesdays and Fridays: Calibration runs • Wednesdays and Fridays afternoon, and Thursdays: LAr DAQ developments and tests • One on call shifter for taking calibration runs
Three serious problems • LVPS refurbishing • Have 8 running (2 at CERN, 5 ALGEN, 1 BNL) since ~3 weeks (refurbishing done) • Go ahead with refurbishing 8 more taken from ECA asap • Decide in November LAr week if to do the full Refurbishing #2 campaign LVPS backup solution • Planned #2 FDR of AA backup plan 3rd December @ BNL (to review the follow up of the #1, #1 FDR of Wiener still in Jan 09 • FEBS • Lost some FEBs by now (no light) • Still belief that OTX is most probable cause • Plan for preparing new OTXs “from Scratch” • In any event it is incompatible with addressing all FEBS with current shutdown duration • Waiting for confirmation of problem (access !) • Then agree on a design and plan. • Plan radiation and accelerated stress tests onnew OTX • HEC LVPS breakdown (the unit will be accessible by end of November)
Attivita’ di Milano • Preamplificatori test su ibridi per Sono stati osservati” burst noise” su 1° /°°dei canali di PA • E’ stato rimontato a Milano il banco banco di test, test fatto su un solo ibrido disponibile (prima dell’accesso al Calorimetro). Si dovranno sostituire gli ibridi anomali (osservato uno “pseudo corto” sulla linea 3v) • HV E’ in corso lavoro sulla nuova versione OPC server ( SW ISEG di comunicazione con i moduli HV) da utilizzare nel programma di controllo HV che si vorrebbe installare entro inizio 2009 • In progresso la preparazione configuration data base • Calibrazione elettroni/gamma lavoro sui gamma che convertono, e’ in preparazione il codice da inserire in ATHENA il lavoro continuera’ nei prossimi mesi (2009) utilizzando nuova geometria , nuove generazioni MC.