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[PDF READ ONLINE] The Performance CEO: An Extreme Cognitive Protocol for Entrepreneurial Success

3 minutes ago - <br><br>Copy Link https://uyahsegoro.blogspot.com/?book=B0CH2M9K8N<br> | READ [PDF] The Performance CEO: An Extreme Cognitive Protocol for Entrepreneurial Success <br><br><br>| WHAT IF YOU COULD TURN YOUR BRAIN INTO A SUPERCOMPUTER ... One that works smarter, faster, longer, and harder than those of your competitors?What if, within 45 days, you could become the smartest, strongest, leanest, most focused, and most driven person you know?A decade ago, I asked myself those same questions.I set of

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[PDF READ ONLINE] The Performance CEO: An Extreme Cognitive Protocol for Entrepreneurial Success

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  1. The Performance CEO: An Extreme Cognitive Protocol For Entrepreneurial Success WHAT IF YOU COULD TURN YOUR BRAIN INTO A SUPERCOMPUTER ... One that works smarter, faster, longer, and harder than those of your competitors?What if, within 45 days, you could become the smartest, strongest, leanest, most focused, and most driven person you know?A decade ago, I asked myself those same questions.I set off on a whirlwind journey around the world. I met with top doctors, trainers, neuroscientists, biohackers, Navy SEALs, monks, athletes, and healers ...And I found the answers.I am not writing this book to become a content creator or leading biohacking personality. I am busy building the future of ethical artificial intelligence.My mission with this book is clear: to put this protocol into the hands of the new breed of optimized CEOs and future changemakers. So you have the tools to be at your best and build your dreams as I have done.This road is not easy. Only a few will take it, and fewer will arrive at the destination. But if you are built differently, your time to outthink and outwork everyone is now.

  2. Bestselling new book releases The Performance CEO: An Extreme Cognitive Protocol For Entrepreneurial Success

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