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Prevention 2008 RFP Overview of Awards

This overview provides information on the awards and funding allocated for prevention and early intervention services in New Jersey counties. The program focuses on utilizing evidence-based or innovative programs, effective performance measurement, and a comprehensive approach to public health. Services target high-risk individuals or groups in all age groups.

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Prevention 2008 RFP Overview of Awards

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Prevention 2008 RFP Overview of Awards

  2. Prevention’s Strategic Objectives • DAS is moving forward with our plan to develop a system that incorporates a comprehensive, integrated, public health approach to the delivery of prevention and early intervention services that encompasses three fundamental components: • A data-driven needs assessment process • Reflected in municipal/county planning process • The utilization of prevention programs with a scientifically-proven record of effectiveness • Applicants were required to use evidence-based or innovative programs • A commitment to effective and meaningful performance measurement • Use of domain-based outcome measures • Progress towards statewide evaluation

  3. Overview of Awards • 53 total awards – 50 community-level and 3 special projects • $6,550,000 in in funding - $5,800,000 for community awards and $750,000 for special projects • 140 applicants • Services target high-risk individuals or groups in each of New Jersey’s twenty-one counties who were identified by each county according to domain

  4. Program Summary

  5. Curricula • Strengthening Families offered in 17 counties • Seven agencies using environmental strategies - the most effective prevention plans use both environmental and individual substance abuse prevention strategies. • Services delivered to all age groups • Strengthening Families, LifeSkills, Keys to Innervision are most popular programs • Delivery of early intervention programming/services

  6. Percentage of Awards by Strategy

  7. Funding Amount by Strategy

  8. Awards by Domain

  9. Funding by Domain

  10. Award by IOM Category

  11. Funding Amount by IOM Category

  12. Awards by Population

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