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United Electronic Recycling Training! . Why Recycle with UER ?. ● We help with Reducing landfill space We Normally Pick up at no Cost to the Customer ● We help with Creating less toxic chemical emissions ● We help people to buy used computers at an affordable price
United Electronic Recycling Training!
Why Recycle with UER ? • ● We help with Reducing landfill space • We Normally Pick up at no Cost to the Customer • ● We help with Creating less toxic chemical emissions • ● We help people to buy used computers at an affordable price • ● We help Conserve energy use in manufacturing plants • ● We can be used as source of lead for other product • ● We Provide useful donations for charity organizations Our Mission To become a leading innovative Electronic Recycling solutions company, we are committed to continuous improvement for the company itself, our customers and the environment around us, supporting companies in complying with current and new legislation. With the support of our family and employees we will aim to grow the company, while maintaining successful, long standing business partnerships with both our contractors and our customers"
Training (Phase 1) Step 1 Decide what Target Marketing would be for YOU! • Executive to Executive • Large Corporations-Fortune 500 B. Tele-Locator • Simply call and locate Company’s with Product! C. Direct Sales • Business to Business • Work thru civic Groups, Chambers, Kiwanis Club, Rotary’s etc. • Set up Recycle Events
Training Strategy Find & Focus on “Niche” market • Have your “Grand Opening” contact all previous employers, business owners, colleagues that you currently know and bring them up to date what your doing. Many will point you in the right direction and want to help you! • Target a Past knowledgeable industry, such as Growing Medical Field, Educational Institutions, Insurance Companies, leasing Companies , Banking Association, etc… • Tele-locator strategy is 100+ calls per day! • Direct Sales is 50 business calls per day! With average of 4 appointments to go by and meet client and get inventory list.!
Training • The Internal Evaluater will determine 3 Things! • They will give you and the Customer an evaluation weather the Inventory is Profitable or Not. Many things to consider, such as Location & how many locations, quantity, type of product, shipping, breakdown of particular product. • They may want the customer to contribute partial or all cost of shipping product to our Dock. In some cases we may pay Profit sharing to the customer for valuable products. • We may pick up Product at a Loss to get future business that will be profitable & to contribute our part in the “Go Green Cause”. We want to protect all of mankind as much as we can.
Training – Telemarketing Script The approach! Hello, this is _____, with UER, I’m calling IT Dept!! ( internal Technology) Hi _______ This is ________ with UER and wanted to find if we could help you and your company. We are part of the Go Green solution for E-waste and wanted to find out if you could use a possibleNO COST SOLUTION FOR YOUR “END OF LIFE”, ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT, SUCH AS computers, OLD COPIERS ECT.. . We have truck that will be in your area in about 2-3 weeks. All We Need is in inventory list and Location and we can evaluate if you qualify for the NO COST SOLUTION. also we provide a Data Destruction Certificate on all hard-drives. Do you think we can assist You? Listen to see what they have! If they have product ask them to e-mail a list of inventory to jhayes@UERteam.com and we would go from there. (*****Make sure they send the email to you at this John’s email with your name on it. That way we will know it was your contact.) Someone will be in contact with them regarding a Pick up date and time! ***** We need a Red form completed on each New customer. Which consist of Co. Name, address, tele#, email, contact person INVENTORY LIST, Building location of product.
Training – Telemarketing Script The approach! Hello, this is ________, with UER, I was calling IT. I wanted to find out who I would talk to regarding your “END OF LIFE, ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT, SUCH as Computers, Monitors AND OLD COPIERS ECT.. ….. If they do not have any inventory at this time, ask these questions before thanking them and moving on. • Can I send you a email with link to our company for future needs? Customer power-point • Do you have any other companies or customers that could be updating their computer system or have downsized that might be a good referral for our Corporate Recycle crusade?
Training- Telemarketing Commonly asked Question & Rebuttals • How long have you been in business? Well the management collectively has 7 years of experience in the industry and have goals to become the leading “Go Green” Electronic Recycling Company in the State! • What Certification do you have? We are EPA Certified with a Good Standing and we have one certification we are incorporating as we speak, ISRI. Another is the identity Theft “Facta” Compliance Certification which we now are in full compliance with the Federal Mandate and is enforced by the Federal Trade Commission. • What type of materials do we receive? Everything with an electrical plug or Battery operated. • Is most pick-ups Free? The majority are at no cost to the customer for pick-up! and we have Profit share in some cases!
Training- Telemarketing Commonly asked Question & Rebuttals • Why Should our Company use UER –vs- another company? Our Company first of all, Is family owned and operated with the true intent of putting customers needs first. Our company has been built with the reputation of putting value on integrity, the environment, and most of all a Strong Relationship with our customers for repeat long term partnership. We do everything possible for companies not to have to come out of pocket to manage “end of life’ equipment. That helps the bottom line of any and all companies. • What is the process of Determining if a load can be picked up? This goes thru our Internal Evaluator who receives a rough inventory of what a customer has and where it is located and starts determining the process from beginning to end. Then we let the customer know what we can do and when we can do it at their convenience.
Training- Telemarketing “New Customer Steps” Steps • 1. Get Estimated Inventory list, like 150 monitors, 20 copiers, ect… by email. • 2. Get New Customer Contact information, like tele #, fax #, e-mail, physical address, building product is in. • 3. Set a target date along with other pickups in that area and we will confirm or set new time to pick up. (like 2 weeks) • 4. Complete (RED) Form, Request of Equipment Disposal & Customer Processing instruction sheet. Fax it or Scan it- email.
Training- Telemarketing Call List Call List • 1. Telephone Book Directory • 2. Generate Call list from Internet • 3. Chamber of Commerce Directory • 4. Or specific industry Directory • Each Tele locater will have specific areas to focus in so we don’t overlap calls. Such as Oilfield, Ins. Companies, ect…
Training REQUIREMENTS • 1. Keep a Calendar • 2. Create a “Week at a Glance” Schedule of days and times you will be working and give it to UER. • 3. Know and have all telephone # for internal evaluators along with website address and customer power point presentation to be emailed. • 4. Keep log of how many calls your making per day so we evaluate your ratio of Contacts to Deliveries. • 5. Contact one of the Managers often to touch base with activity, results & questions. • 6. Give a weekly report of contacts and results by e-mail, due Friday Evening by 6 pm. To John Hayes • 7. Treat every prospect and customer with Total Respect.
Training United Electronic Recycling Contact Information • 2800 E Plano Parkwaym Suite 400 • Plano Tx. 75074 Internal Evaluators • Jason Keller- 405-213-3431 Jkeller@UERteam.com • Joe Foster- 214-994-9200 Jfoster@UERteam.com Other Contacts if Needed! • John Hayes- 405-409-5744 Jhayes@UERteam.com • Steve Foster-214-912-8007 Sfoster@UERteam.com • Fax- 214-988-2697 • Toll Free 855-837-8326 • Website www.UERteam.com