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A Power point about the invention, Motorcycles.

Motorcycles. A Power point about the invention, Motorcycles.

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A Power point about the invention, Motorcycles.

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  1. Motorcycles A Power point about the invention, Motorcycles.

  2. The first Motorcycle was powered by coal. Riding the Motorcycle is yet another way to transport, it has a seat, and it was powered by coal, but now, they have made it more complex. Today, Japanese manufactures, Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki and Yamaha dominate the large Motorcycle industry. This invention predates the bicycle. The first Motorcycle was made by an American, Sylvester Howard Roper. It was made in 1867.

  3. People always wanted something to be faster than the Bicycle. They wanted something quick to start up, and easy to find a place to park. They wanted to get to places quicker. They wanted something to ride, something that is easier to ride on at a young age.

  4. Sylvester Howard Roper Roper was born in Francistown, Vermont, November 24, 1823. When he was a little boy, he displayed a remarkable degree of precocity in mechanics. At 12 years of age, although he never saw a steam engine, he constructed a small stationary engine. Roper left Francistown at a young age and worked as a machinist, first in Nashua, then in Manchester, New York. He then started building more and more motorcycles when he succeeded in building the first one. His Motorcycles improved every time. He was the first one to ever build a Motorcycle that worked properly. He was famous for that. Roper left Francistown at a young age and worked as a machinist. While he was riding his steam-propelled bicycle , he fell off it and landed head first on June 1st, 1896, he was found dead on the ground.

  5. This invention was changed a lot. People in the early times kept on discovering and inventing new parts for the motorcycle. The parts were added and they improved the motorcycle, even if it was only one part, it still changed the motorcycle. That’s what happened, from when the first motorcycle was made in 1867, till now, 2012.

  6. Motorcycles have 2 wheels. The Motorcycle includes a gasoline engine, which converts the reciprocating motion into rotary motion. A transmission system transmits this motion to the back wheel. As the back wheel turns, it makes the Motorcycle accelerate. Then it’s the driver’s job to steer. Two handles are above the front wheel. When you turn the handles, the front wheel turns and it allowed the Motorcycle to turn, in some cases, leaning on one side also helps steering on a Motorcycle. Two hand levers enable the rider to operate the clutch and the front brake, while two foot pedals enable him to change gears and control the rear brake. Motorcycle engines nowadays, work exactly like car engines.

  7. The Motorcycle is perfect for solving the problem. It is great for the people who used to face the problem.

  8. Carriages They rode on... That’s what they rode on before the Motorcycle was invented to try and avoid the problem. Bikes

  9. This invention made it easier to move around in roads, and faster. Especially for individual men who are about 20-30 years old and not married. They got to get to work faster, and avoid traffic using this awesome invention.

  10. Turn signals and running lights are now standard. Pollution controls have been incorporated. Suspensions have been added. Water cooling has been introduced. Electrical starters have become the standard. Batteries have been added. Fuel gauges were added to most Motorcycles. The layout of controls has been standardize. Generators have replaced Magnetos

  11. There were new challenges and problems created just because of this invention, although it did solve problems, it created some too. The Motorcycle couldn’t carry many people, if it was a big poor family. The Motorcycle was dangerous, and caused many injuries. There had to be more policies, just for riding the Motorcycle.

  12. Source List "How Motorcycles Work." HowStuffWorks. Web. 31 Mar. 2012. <http://auto.howstuffworks.com/motorcycle.htm>. This site tells you almost everything you need to know about Motorcycles, and how they work. It is an awesome site to use, and has pictures, and is up to date. "Motorcycle.com." The First Motorcycle? Web. 31 Mar. 2012. <http://www.motorcycle.com/events/the-first-motorcycle-45982.html>. This site talks more about the first Motorcycle and they history of the Motorcycle, and also who created it, and when. "Sylvester Roper - Inventor of the Motorcycle." History of Hopedale, Massachusetts. Web. 31 Mar. 2012. <http://www.hope1842.com/ropersylvester.html>. "Sylvester Roper - Inventor of the Motorcycle." History of Hopedale, Massachusetts. Web. 31 Mar. 2012. <http://www.hope1842.com/ropersylvester.html>. These sites have some information about the Inventor of the Motorcycle, Sylvester Howard Roper, and just a bit on the invention. It is awesome! It has everything about the inventor.

  13. "Honda CRF450R 1024 X 768 Wallpaper." Bikewalls.com. Web. 31 Mar. 2012. <http://www.bikewalls.com/wallpaper/Honda_CRF450R/312757231/1024x768.html>. Web. <http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_fs0xrF9Oe2s/SQtXIZ-qCXI/AAAAAAAABco/epPZTDAq5Ek/s1600-h/Yamaha+Drit.jpg>. Web. <http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_fs0xrF9Oe2s/SQtYulcMVkI/AAAAAAAABc4/kEak2Tr6GCU/s1600-h/Suzuki+Dirt.jpg>. Web. <http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_fs0xrF9Oe2s/SQtWkl2heAI/AAAAAAAABcQ/0QoKR0p6S10/s1600-h/Kawasaki+Dirt.jpg>. Web. <http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_fs0xrF9Oe2s/SQnsovY1ASI/AAAAAAAABag/Ux9f-MGBxb4/s1600-h/Honda+Dirt.jpg>. Web. <http://www.motorcycleinfo.co.uk/resources/6795/assets/images/GS_history/timeline_bmw_gs_mc_2010.jpg>. Web. <http://www.google.com.qa/imgres?q=old+bike&hl=en&biw=1280&bih=662&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=aCYes3_nz43H_M:&imgrefurl=http://www.jslibraryprints.com/m11/David-John-Batten/p32/The-Old-Bike-by-David-John-Batten/product_info.html&docid=wIGnsqD7z9cJHM&imgurl=http://www.jslibraryprints.com/images/M/MBP-D9-164-The_Old_Bike.jpg&w=500&h=375&ei=r6d2T76YDYLorQf5rrWRDQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=238&sig=117773782907005932338&page=1&tbnh=130&tbnw=170&start=0&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:0&tx=78&ty=41>. "Old Transportation Collection Recalls the Good Old Days." Farm Collector. Web. 31 Mar. 2012. <http://steamtraction.farmcollector.com/Farm-Shows/Old-Transportation.aspx>. Web. <http://www.google.com.qa/imgres?hl=en&biw=1280&bih=662&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=5szSYsCIrnFbVM:&imgrefurl=http://www.tootoo.com/buy-motorcycles_and_motorcycle_parts/&docid=VKUNGhyypCLgLM&imgurl=http://img.tootoo.com/mytootoo/upload/30/309913/product/309913_a6d1a76a49e3a6312fb6540ec51c0ada.jpg&w=598&h=517&ei=_1h1T8e9JsrhrAeLh52MDQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=757&vpy=323&dur=675&hovh=209&hovw=241&tx=133&ty=136&sig=113813845949098068703&page=2&tbnh=150&tbnw=174&start=16&ndsp=22&ved=1t:429,r:8,s:16>. Web. <http://www.zimbio.com/Tachyon+XC/articles/31/Cycleworld+International+Motorcycle+show+Houston>. All these sites are where I got my pictures from, they are all brilliant pictures, and brilliant sites.

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