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RECONSTRUCTION • The period immediately following the Civil War is known as Reconstruction. During these years from 1865-1877, the Federal government focused on finding a way to bring the defeated Southern states back into the Union. • Several different plans emerged and much debate raged on about who would control Reconstruction (the President or Congress)
Lincoln's Plan • Called Proclamation of Amnesty • Based on the idea that the Southern states had neverleft the Union. • Pardons to Southerners who swore oath of loyalty to US. • Recognition of new stategovernments when 10% of those who voted in the 1860 election took an oath. • States must abolishslavery (13th amendment) • Did not go into effect because Lincoln was assassinated.
Lincoln’s Assassination&Ford’s Theater President Abraham Lincoln Was Shot At Fords Theater By John Wilkes Booth
Johnson's Plan • Vice President Andrew Johnson became president after Lincoln assassinated. • Southern Democrat from Tenn. –White supremacist • He intended to follow Lincoln's general plan: • Writea new state constitution • Ratify the 13th amendment. • Electa new state government • Repeal the Act of Secession(withdraw) • all former Confederate leaders losttheir right to vote.
Congress's Plan~Radical Reconstruction 1867 • Passed over President Johnson's vetoes • Disband state government and set up military districtsin the South • Each state write a new constitution, guaranteeing black male suffrage (15th amendment) • Ratification of the 14th amendment • All citizens insured Equalprotection under the law • Anyone who was a former Confederate could not vote or hold office • Under Johnson's plan former Confederates gained control right back and freedmen were denied the right to vote, bear arms were restricted to farm work (sharecropping)
Johnson’s • He failed to consider Radical Republicans views in Congress. • Recognized 4 states' government’s and was prepared to admit others • He led efforts to block republicans' plans
Congress also creates…{both over Pres. Johnson's veto} 1.Freedman's Bureau–Educate and give financial support to recently freed blacks. 2.Civil Rights Act–equal opportunities for all citizens.
Impeachment of Andrew Johnson • Congress attempted to impeach by charging him with high crimes and misdemeanors over violating theTenure of Office Act. • House of Reps voted yes on impeachment charges • Senate came within ONE vote of removing Johnson from office.
Ulysses S. Grant's Administration1872-1876 • Grant was an honest man, who ironically surrounded himself with crooked people • However he had no experiencepolitical • Friends used him to their own advantage • Treasury Department Scandal - involving railroads on a governmentcollecting contract • Whiskey Ring - involved internal revenue collectors who had helped defraud the federalgovernment of millions dollars of revenue taxes onWhiskey.
ADDITIONAL NOTES… • PLEASE add the following to your notes.
Credit Mobilier Scandal • The revelation of the congressmen who received cash bribes or stocks in CréditMobilier took place during the Ulysses S. Grantadministration in 1872. • The CréditMobilier of America scandal of 1872 involved the Union Pacific Railroad and the CréditMobilier of America construction company. The scandal's origins actually go back to the Abraham Lincoln presidency
End of Reconstruction • Election of 1876 - between Rutherford B.Hayes (R) and Sam Tilden (D) is filled with controversy. • Hayes is declared the winner by a compromise! WHY?? • The Republicans give in and end Reconstruction known as the Compromise of1877. • The Northern Military is removed from the Southern states. What Happened to the former slaves? • Most poor white & black southerners go into farming • Tenant farmers– Farmers who rent land from a landlord • Sharecroppers – Farmers who paid rent by giving up a share of their crop.
Reversing Reconstruction • Despite the North winning the Civil War, after the Union soldiers left and Reconstruction ended in 1877, the south reverted back to their old ways of living. A. Taking away voting rights ( 15thamendment) • 1. Poll taxes –pay to vote • 2. Literacy test –prove you can read • 3. Grandfather Clause – if your grandfather had been eligible to vote on January 1, 1867 you were excused from poll taxes and literacy test.
ALL 3 PREVENTED FREEDMEN FROM VOTING • B. Jim Crow Laws -Called for segregation or separation of the races in publicplaces (restaurants, hotels, trains, buses, & restrooms) • C. South voted predominantly for the Democrats-known as the Solid South • D. Black Codes –laws/rules to restrict the rights of blacks.
Plessy v. Ferguson 1896 Separate but Equal • Homer Plessy, jailed for sitting in a white section of a train car • He was 1/8 black and 7/8 white, but under Louisiana law he was considered black andtherefore had to sit in a colored car. • He sued saying it violated the 5th& 14thamendments • Lost all 3 times • Supreme Court rule “Separate but Equal "as constitutional, legalizing segregation
Odds & Ends to Reconstruction • Scalawags– White Southerners who sided with the Northerners. • means "scoundrel" • wanted South to rebuildas quickly as possible • opposed slavery and secession • Carpetbaggers– Northerners who wanted to exploit South’s post-war turmoil for their own benefit. • Had mixed motives for supporting Radical Reconstruction • Moral duty to help slaves • business people who wanted to start new industries.
Secret Societies • Most white Southerners had been taught since birth that black people were inferior. They found it difficult to accept the idea of African Americans voting and taking part in government. Blamed them for: • Hightaxes • Presence of Northern troops • Some turned to terrorism and violence
Terrorism and Violence • Ku Klux Klan- founded as a social club for confederate veterans, turned into violent terrorist organization. • warned blacks not to vote. • "persuaded" white Freedman's Bureau workers to quit their jobs
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