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Sensitometry. Describing photographic performance. Objectives. The student should be able to: Describe the importance of the study Define the relevant terms Describe the methods of producing a sensitometric strip Plot the characteristic curve
Sensitometry Describing photographic performance
Objectives The student should be able to: • Describe the importance of the study • Define the relevant terms • Describe the methods of producing a sensitometric strip • Plot the characteristic curve • Describe the Features of the characteristic curve • Describe the importance & practical applications
Why is the study important? • To produce images with optimum contrast that reveal high details of the object examined. • Optimum contrast? • Low contrast (long scale contrast) • High contrast (Short scale contrast)
Photographic images Optimum contrast
Introduction • Photosensitive materials (x-ray films) are used to record the invisible x-ray image • It is required to reproduce all the characteristics of the invisible image in visible form. • The films ability to do so depends on its sensitometric properties. • It is advantages to have a sound knowledge of sensitometric properties of x-ray films.
X-ray tube Plot of incident x-ray beam intensity Formation of Invisible x-ray image Object Plot of transmitted x-ray beam intensity Invisible x-ray image
Invisible x-ray image kV mA Sec FFD E Supporting tissue (m) B B1 T3 B2 T1 T2 Air E B1 E B2 ET1 Invisible X-ray image EM EM ET2 ET3 EA
What is Sensitometry? The scientific study of the response of photosensitive material to different levels of exposures. How is it done? Producing a sensitometric strip and plotting a characteristic curve.
What is Response of exposure & How is it manifested? • The response is the change that takes place, after exposure to electromagnetic radiation (light or x-rays), in the photosensitive emulsion on the film • The response of the film to exposures is manifested as a degree of blackening produced after chemical processing
How is degree of blackening quantified/measured? • In Radiography the degree of film blackening is quantitatively indicated by the term ‘Optical Density’. • The optical density describes how much a certain area of the film is opaque to light incident upon it .
Optical Density The optical density is expressed quantitatively as, Optical Density = Log10 Opacity It is measured by using the ‘Densitometer’ (The densitometer works on the following principle)
Consider the light transmitted through an area of a film Incident light intensity (Ii) Transmitted light intensity (It) Transmittance (Transmission ratio)= It / Ii Opacity = 1 / Transmittance = Ii / It Density = Log10 Opacity = Log10 Ii / It
Range of densities on a film 4 3 2 1 0
Sensitometric strip A film containing number of areas with different optical densities from white (fully transparent) to black (fully opaque)
How to produce a sensitometric strip and the characteristic curve? 1.Expose a film to different amounts of known exposures starting from a minimum and increasing at a known rate (ratio / wedge factor) up to a maximum. 2. Process the film 3. Measure the densities 4. Tabulate the result & Study the response by plotting a curve (density Vs Log relative exposure
Methods of exposing • Time scale method (using x-ray exposure) • Intensity scale method i. Using x-ray exposure ii. Using light exposure
Time scale method The film is exposed to different quantities of exposures using constant intensity and variable duration. (Quantity = Intensity x Time) Equipment required • X-ray machine • Cassette with film inside • Lead sheets • Processor • Densitometer • Graph paper
Procedure (time scale method) Constants kV, mA, FFD Variable Time X-ray tube Loaded cassette Areas to be exposed Loaded cassette Lead sheets
Exposure selection • Minimum exposure Low enough not to produce a measurable density • Maximum exposure High enough to produce a density around 3.0 • Increment Wedge factor (Ratio between two exposures) of 2 is adequate. (2½ can be used to get more levels) Alternatively the time steps available in the machine may be used to get more points on the graph
Making a single exposure using a calibrated step wedge X-ray machine a loaded cassette (The intensity of x-rays passing through the steps are different & the duration of exposure is the same) Intensity scale method 1 X-ray exposure
Intensity scale method 2 • The film is exposed to a series of different intensities of light for the same duration using an instrument called the “Sensitometer”. • The wedge factor is usually 2½ • The colour of light should match the spectral sensitivity of the film
Characteristiccurve 4 Shoulder Density DMax 3 2 GF = Gross Fog Straight line portion 1 GF Toe 1 2 3 4 Log relative exposure
D-Max Shoulder Straight line portion GF Toe
(Features) Information obtainable • Gross fog (Basic fog) • Threshold • Contrast • Latitude (film latitude & exposure latitude) • Speed & Sensitivity • Maximum density • Reversal
Gross fog (Basic fog)& net density This is the density of the horizontal part of the curve at the minimum exposure level Gross fog = Base Density +Fog Base Density :- Density produced by the base material Fog :- Density produced by the development of silver halide crystals which have not received an intentional exposure Net density = Gross density – Gross fog
Characteristic curve (with net density) 4 Net Density Shoulder 3 2 Net density = gross density – gross fog 1 Toe 0 1 2 3 4 Log relative exposure
Threshold The region where the film emulsion begins to respond to the exposure • Contrast The rate of change of density for a given change of log relative exposure Contrast = ΔD / ΔE It is given by the slope (gradient) of the straight line portion of the curve. If it is a true straight line then the contrast is called Gamma. Since, in practice, the curve is not an exact straight line, the average gradient is taken as the contrast.
Contrast = ΔD/ ΔE ΔD ΔE
Average gradient 4 Density 3 Average gradient = BC/AC DY - DX = ----------- log EY – log EX How to select points A and B ? DY B 2 1 A C DX 1 2 3 4 Log EX Log EY Log relative exposure
Point A ? Point B ? A : DX = 0.25 above Basic fog B : DY = 2.0 above Basic fog • The densities from 0.25 to 2.0 is called the Useful Density range. • Useful density range is the density range in which the differences can be identified by the human eye. • The densities which represents different structures on a radiograph should lie within this range of densities.
Useful density range Average Gradient = Range of log relative exposures that produces the useful range of densities • Useful density range is the range of densities within which the human eye can recognize the small differences • That is the range of net densities from 0.25 to 2.0
Latitude Latitude is an expression of the tolerance of a system to extreme conditions of exposure. It refers to the ability of a film or film-screen system to record successfully a wide range of exposure . (considered in two parts) Film latitude&Exposure latitude • Film Latitude The difference between the upper and lower limits of log relative exposure which produce densities within the useful range
Significance of film latitude • The range of x-ray intensities transmitted through the body part should lie within the film latitude, if they are to be viewed as useful densities on the radiograph. • Any x-ray intensity that falls out side the film latitude will not reveal any information & a useful piece of information might be lost
4 Density Film latitude & Average gradient 3 When Dx = 0.25+BF & Dy = 2.0 +BF DY - DX Average gradient = ----------- becomes log EY – log EX 1.75 = ------------------ Film latitude DY B 2 1 A C DX 1 2 3 4 Log EX Log EY Log relative exposure Film latitude
Exposure latitude This refers to the freedom of the radiographer to select slightly different exposures (to make room for errors) for a particular examination so that the resulted densities remains within the useful density range. Exposure latitude = film latitude – subject contrast (log relative exposurerange transmitted from a particular body part)
Subject contrast kV mA Sec FFD E B B Air E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7
e7 e1 Subject contrast
Image contrast e1 e7 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7
Exposure latitude = film latitude – Subject contrast e1≥ X ; e7 ≤ Y Film latitude Subject contrast Exposure latitude X Y
Speed & Sensitivity • Sensitivity refers to the exposure required by a film or film-screen system to produce a net density of 1. • Sensitivity is expressed in miliroentgens (mR) • A high sensitive (have low mR value for sensitivity) or high speed system requires less exposure than that of a low sensitive or low speed system.
Numerically the Speed is proportional to the reciprocal of the sensitivity (mR) and is expressed as 128 Speed = -------------- Sensitivity (mR)
Comparison of Speeds of two films (film-screen systems) Density 4 B A 3 Speed A > Speed B Speed A α 1/ ESA Speed B α 1/ ESB Speed A ESB ------------- = ------ Speed BESA 1+BF 2 1 BF 1 2 3 4 Log ESA Log ESB Log relative exposure
As Log (ESB / ESA )= Log ESB - Log ESA Taking logarithms on both sides Log(Speed A / Speed B) = Log ESB - Log ESA If Log ESA = a , and Log ESB = b Log(Speed A / Speed B) = b – a Then Speed A / Speed B = antilog (b-a)
Maximum Density (DMax) The density produced when all the silver bromide crystals in the emulsion is exposed and developed • Reversal This is the region where the density reduces with the increasing exposure greater than that produce DMax