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Creating 21 st Century Colleges for 21 st Century Students. Presented by. Dr. James L. Applegate. Vice President, Lumina Foundation . Goal 2025. To increase the percentage of Americans who hold high-quality certificates, degrees and other credentials to 60 percent by 2025. .
Creating 21st Century Colleges for 21st Century Students Presented by Dr. James L. Applegate Vice President, Lumina Foundation
Goal 2025 • To increase the percentage of Americans who hold high-quality certificates, degrees and other credentials to 60 percent by 2025.
Korea 62 60 58 56 54 52 50 48 46 44 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 US states 25 to 34 year olds Canada/Japan Massachusetts Minnesota Ireland New York Norway/New Zealand North Dakota/Iowa/Connecticut New Jersey United Kingdom/Australia/Denmark Maryland Luxembourg New Hampshire/Nebraska France/Israel South Dakota/Illinois/Pennsylvania/Vermont Belgium/Sweden Virginia/Kansas/Rhode Island United States Colorado Netherlands/Switzerland Wisconsin/Washington/Hawaii Finland Utah Spain Estonia Missouri/Montana/Ohio Iceland Indiana/CA/DE/NC/MI/ID Poland/Chile Florida/Oregon/South Carolina/Maine Wyoming/Georgia Mississippi/Alabama KY/TN/OK/AZ/AK/TX Slovenia New Mexico Greece Nevada Louisiana/West Virginia Arkansas Germany Hungary
Income inequality grows along with the postsecondary skills gap
Why Must Oregon Achieve Goal 2025? • By 2018, 64% of Oregon’s jobs will require postsecondary education. • By 2018, 377,000 of the projected 591,000 job openings will require postsecondary credentials.
WHAT MUST WE DO TO ACHIEVE GOAL 2025? Create 21st Century Colleges for 21st Century Students
To Succeed We Must Focus On 21st Century Students • Of the 17.6M undergrads now enrolled 75% are juggling work, family, and school
Closing Equity Gaps is a Demographic Necessity Millions Data for all races exclude Hispanics. Population Division, Population Projections, U.S. Census Bureau. Released 2008.
To Succeed We Must Close Income Gaps Postsecondary Education Opportunity, “Bachelor’s Degree Attainment by Age 24 by Family Income Quartiles, 1970 to 2008.
Yet flagships give about the same amount of aid to higher-income students as they do to low-income students . “Opportunity Adrift,” The Education Trust, 2010.
And We Serve Those Least Who Need Us Most College Board
A Learning Based System Is NOT • Focused on courses and seat time • Organized around semesters • Reliant on proxies for learning • A “one size fits all” approach
A Learning Based System IS • Outcomes based • Defined by transparent and assessable learning aligned with 21st century needs • Student centric • Open to acceleration • Open to innovative affordable delivery models for customized learning at scale
Allows Practice in Synthesizing and Applying Skills & Knowledge
“The Killer App” Feedback Loops for Continuous Improvement
Accelerated Learning Results • OLI students completed a statistics course in half the time with half the number of in-person course meetings • OLI students showed significantly greater learning gains (on the national standard “CAOS” test for statistics knowledge) and similar exam scores • No significant difference between OLI and traditional students in the amount of time spent studying statistics outside of class • No significant difference between OLI and traditional students in follow-up measures given 1+ semesters later M. Lovett, O. Meyer, & C. Thille, C., “The Open Learning Initiative: Measuring the effectiveness of the OLI statistics course in accelerating student learning,” Journal of Interactive Media in Education (2008).
Quotes • Student Quote:“This is so much better than reading a textbook or listening to a lecture! My mind didn’t wander, and I was not bored while doing the lessons. I actually learned something.” • Instructor Quote: “The format [of the accelerated learning study] was among the best teaching experiences I’ve had in my 15 years of teaching statistics.”
We Must Design a 21st System That…. • Defines common transparent learning outcomes aligned with 21st Century demands on our graduates • Provides personalized learning accelerating student success • Increases our capacity to provide millions more 21st Century students high quality credentials