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10 a.m. Mass. Summary of proposed changes, March 2014. Ethos. Our aim is to have a 10 a.m. Mass every week which is: a "Family Mass", welcoming to all and engaging the entire congregation especially welcoming, supporting and nurturing our children, young people and young families
10 a.m. Mass Summary of proposed changes, March 2014
Ethos Our aim is to have a 10 a.m. Mass every week which is: • a "Family Mass", welcoming to all and engaging the entire congregation • especially welcoming, supporting and nurturing our children, young people and young families • celebrated joyfully but also reverently, with due regard to the Liturgical seasons
Building on our strengths • We cherish and applaud the good work which is already being done at the 10 a.m. Mass by lots of people • But many of those people have been amongst the most vocal in their calls for change... • ... so let's together try to make 10 a.m. Mass even better
We've been listening... In the consultations in 2013, people said things like: • ‘10 a.m. Mass is not as welcoming as it used to be' • 'much of the Mass goes over the heads of the children' • 'it's too long' • 'if you're in the back halls, you don't feel part of the Mass'
... and we've been thinkingand planning So we are going to make some changes: • some straight away, some over time • some will work... • ... and inevitably some will fail Let's listen to Pope Francis, who tells us to be bold and not pessimistic or defeatist!
To begin with... young families We are going to reach out to parents who come to Mass with babies and toddlers: • "family befrienders" -- we have asked some parents and grandparents to make a special effort to welcome and support our young families • “come and see” -- we're going to encourage parents to sit with their babies and toddlers at or towards the front, so they can see what's going on • " baby chorus" -- we will be trying out this new idea -- see next slides
To begin with... the baby chorus • Ever seen (or been) a mum or dad trying to listen to the Readings... ...while simultaneously trying to look after one or more babies and toddlers? • Now instead visualise a room (looking suspiciously like St Joseph's Hall): • with babies and toddlers playing on a carpet • and their parents sitting around them, reading the Readings to each other and reflecting upon them • That's what a baby chorus looks like!
What's the aim of the baby chorus? • The aim is to make it easier for parents to participate in the Mass • Going out and returning (preferably towards the front of the Church) at the same time as Children's Liturgy... • ...so they’ll be in the main body of the Church for less time, which might (as an added bonus for the parents) make it a little easier to look after the children for the rest of Mass
To begin with... welcoming and engaging the whole congregation • Let’s all remember to say, 'Welcome!' particularly to newcomers • We’ll be encouraging parents to bring young children to the front, so they can see better • We’ll fix the loop system (if we can!) • We’ll bring the chairs forward in the back hall, to eliminate the gap between the back hall and the front of the Church • We will continue with a cantor (an idea encouraged by the General Instruction of the Roman Missal, no less!) at the front leading the congregational singing and drawing the congregation together • And we’ll return post-Mass refreshments to Trinity Hall (and St Joseph’s)
Going forward... trying new ideas There are lots of ideas which we intend to try out or return to. For example: • brief commentaries on aspects of the Mass (again suggested in the General Instruction and obviously of great benefit to children) • asking children to join the Entrance Procession... and to stand around the foot of the altar during the Eucharistic Prayer • writing simpler bidding prayers for some Masses, so that the children can read them • including the occasional drama... • ... and dusting off the Eucharistic Prayers for Children from time to time
Going forward... planning • All of this will require careful planning • So we propose: • to have an informal "planning group" for 10 a.m. Mass • to focus the 10 a.m. Mass on the first Sunday of each month on younger children... • ... and the 10 a.m. Mass on the third Sunday of each month on youngsters above Children's Liturgy age • Let us know if you would like to help
Going forward... maintaining tradition • It's not about entertainment • It's about developing in our children and young people a love of Catholic liturgy and a wish to be involved in it... • ...including traditional aspects as well as modern ones 'The purpose of adapting liturgy for children is to lead them into full, conscious and active participation in the liturgy of the parish' (Liturgy of the Word with Children, Bishops' Conference of England and Wales, 1996)