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Dyshidrotic eczema is a non-contagious skin condition resulting in the formation of pruritic vesicular on palms, finger, and soles of the feet.
Dyshidrotic Eczema Dyshidroticeczema is a non-contagious skin condition resulting in the formation of pruritic vesicular on palms, finger, and soles of the feet. Dyshidrotic eczema is also known as Pompholyx or Cheiropompholyx. Dyshidrotic eczema is the most common type of dermatitis and is prevalent among women than men. The blisters formed on the body due to dyshidrotic eczema are often filled with pus or fluid. Blisters generally last for about a month and are often linked to seasonal allergy or stress.
Causes of Dyshidrotic eczema The exact cause of dyshidrotic eczema in not known however there may be a number of factors causing dyshidrotic eczema. Factors that may cause dyshidrotic eczema include: • Genetics, the mutation of the gene filaggrin may cause dyshidrotic eczema • The abnormality in the sweat gland may also cause dyshidrotic eczema • Overgrowth of fungus on the skin • Exposure to harmful chemicals such as cobalt and chromium • If you are already diagnosed with other skin infection such as athlete’s foot or psoriasis • Presence of excessive moisture on skin • Allergic reaction • Depression • Weak immune system
Symptoms Most of the patients diagnosed with dyshidrotic eczema experience symptoms on their hands. Consult a dermatologist if you encounter any of the following symptoms. Common symptoms of dyshidrotic eczema are: • Excessive precipitation • Pus filled with blisters • Vesicles on the fingers • Cracked and painful skin • Itchiness and redness • Thickened skin
Diagnosis of Dyshidrotic eczema A dermatologist will start the diagnosis of dyshidrotic eczema by performing a physical exam and asking about your medical history. After this, he may take a sample of the pus or fluid from the blister to observe it under the microscope. A dermatologist may also order a blood test or skin allergy test to check any link between dyshidrotic eczema and allergy.
Treatments Thetreatment of dyshidrotic eczema depends on the severity of the condition. However, there is no permanent cure for this treatment. Here are certain measures that can be taken to minimise further complications and to provide relief from existing symptoms of dyshidrotic eczema. • Antihistamines medicines to get relief from itchiness • Ointments and creams to prevent skin from getting dry • Avoid scratching the affected area • Steroid pills only on dermatologist’s prescription • Ultraviolet (UV) Light Therapy • Medicines for draining the blisters • Medicines for suppressing immune system • Apply petroleum jelly • Apply alcohol free moisturizer
Risk factors of Dyshidrotic eczema Dermatologists believe that people have high chances of developing dyshidrotic eczema if they are undergoing physical or emotional stress of suffering from allergies. Moreover, you are likely to get dyshidrotic eczema if your hands or feet are mostly in water or exposed to certain chemicals such as cobalt, chromium, and nickel.
Complications of Dyshidrotic eczema One of the major complications associated with dyshidrotic eczema is the discomfort from itching and the pain from the blisters. The complications of dyshidrotic eczema can become extreme that you can be limited in the use of your hands and feet. A probability of getting an infection is also on.
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