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In any moment of decision… the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing. -Theodore Roosevelt. Patti Nelson 911 call - Columbine Library. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e35y616AfZk.
In any moment of decision… the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing. -Theodore Roosevelt
Patti Nelson 911 call - Columbine Library https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e35y616AfZk 12 students and 1 teacher were killed by students Dylan Klebold, 17, and Eric Harris, 18. Harris and Klebold killed themselves with gunshot wounds to the head in the school's library at approximately 12:08 pm on the day of the shootings. SWAT teams entered the school 47 minutes after the shootings started. Five hours passed before law enforcement declared the school under control.
WHY ALICE? To Improve Chances of Survival The threat of an active shooter attack is rare but very real. We must eradicate the “It can’t happen to me” mentality and change the way we respond to armed intruders. ALICE Training is based on the belief that individuals should be prepared for active shooter events and empowered to make their own life-saving decisions
What have we learned ? 1 – Law Enforcement is not often present UNTIL after the incident is over. 2 – Unarmed citizens, staff and students have safely and successfully restrained active shooters prior to law enforcement arriving – COUNTER. 3 – We must be trained on our options. The Traditional concept of Lockdown is fatally flawed. ALICE does not guarantee that all will survive an active shooter situation however; case study reflects that when ALICE concepts are deployed fatality and injuries are minimized. 4 – Active shooter incidents are happening with at an alarming frequency. 5 – NO Law Enforcement officers have been killed when responding to school incidents
What have we learned ? 6 – Active shooter incidents do not just take place in a classroom – 52% in a classroom 11% in school hallways 7% in administrative offices 15% initiated outside 7 – Lockdown is not always the best option – Respond to what YOU know. 8 – Most active shooters were already in the building thereby limiting the effectiveness of force / physical protection measures. 9 – Business and public areas are also at risk.
WHERE: • Places of Business • Schools K – 12 • Colleges • Places of Worship • Govt / Military Installations • Hospitals
How Fast? • Shots Fired - 911 Called 1-2 Minutes - Police Dispatched 1-2 Minutes - Officer Response 2-10 Minutes - Officer Arrival 4-14 Minutes 25 years of mass shooting events has yielded a National Average of the actual shooting incident lasting: 5-6 Minutes
ALICE • Alert – All are authorized to announce. • NO CODE WORDS / No 10 Series • 911 • Use Plain English • Announce what is KNOWN: Who, What, Where. Where did the concept of lockdown start? Original threat was drive by shooting / gang warfare – the threat was OUTSIDE.
ALICE • Lockdown: - Barricade (belts, heavy objects) - Spread out in the room - Stay out of visibility (low profile) - Do not open doors for anyone - We will come get you **Active shooters will likely not fool with a locked / barricaded room.
ALICE • Lockdown: - Barricade (belts, heavy objects) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=foSDvDvtBZ0
ALICE • Inform • Use Technology to provide information • PA System / Phones / Two Way Radios • Ensure that all employees know access code to an “All Call”
ALICE • Counter • It is not “Fighting” – IT IS TAKING BACK CONTROL • It is AGE APPROPRIATE • IT is A LAST RESORT • IT is A PERSONAL CHOICE • IT is used when you are not able to evacuate • It is used if a shooter breaks through your barricade • It is used if the shooter was already in the room before an alert or barricade was established • IT IS THE BEST CHANCE TO DISRUPT THE SHOOTERS ABILITY TO ENGANGE (OODA LOOP)
OODA • Observe – Disrupt a shooters ability to observe (Throw items) • Orient – This involves disrupting a shooters stance, grip, breathing, balance. • Decide – Disrupt a shooters sight picture. • Act – Put on defense – throw items, swarm, noise!
OODA • Attention to detail: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGQmdoK_ZfY
ALICE Evacuate • The preferred response • Leave all personal belongings behind • No vehicle use – evacuate to a rally point on foot • Get away from the danger – Run with a purpose – not with your hands up
ALICE • Evacuate - Windows – - ALWAYS FEET FIRST - break windows by striking windows at the corners not the middle with a sharp / pointed object - Get accountability (as much as possible) at the rally point.
ALICE for Elementary I’m not scared – I’m prepared
The Shooter • Don’t give the shooter too much credit – they are untrained. • 95% of the shooting incidents involved only ONE active shooter. • Where there were two shooters they were never more than 15 feet apart.
The Shooter • Parkland High School – Nikolas Cruz • 17 fatalities and 14 more treated at the hospital • School had served 25 Disciplinary actions against him (Suspensions and Referrals) • Police responded to his home 39 times for acts of violence • He legally owned weapons….not because of gun laws ….due to system failures and because the authorities did not listen to the children.
ALICE • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=335t_ENswGc • Frank Hall – High School Coach
What is a “Go Bucket” • Zip ties, which can be used like handcuffs – 2 per bucket • Glow Stick – Two per bucket – color irrelevant. 12 Hour use per stick • Two black plastic garbage bags. • Blanket / Towel – at least the size of a beach towel to throw over broken glass to evacuate students
Go Buckets (Continued) • 1 roll of duct tape per bucket (field expedient pressure bandage) • Small First Aid Kits (Gauze Pad, Gauze Strip, Clorox Wipes) • Flashlight with AA batteries • Hair Spray (NOTE: we are not allowed to have herbicides or pesticides – no wasp spray)
GO BUCKETS • Our 80 “Go Buckets ere graciously provided by Baldwin’s Hardware of Canton. Special thanks to them for their generous support and dedication to our community. Canton Fire Department also provide 100 pieces of special cut fire hose to be used in a barricading situation.