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2. Mission. W e are the major universal bank in the Urals Region . W e create and maintain the customer base and establish mutually beneficial relations with customers .
2 Mission Weare the major universal bank in the Urals Region. Wecreate and maintain the customer base and establish mutually beneficial relations with customers. Wefeel committed to participate in spheres of activities of our customers providing them with the wide range of banking services meeting their requirements and complying with the international banking practice and standards. Weensure absolute fulfillment of all obligations undertaken to our partners and gaining profit to our shareholders. Weconduct our business open for customers and shareholders in strict compliance with the Russian laws based on corporate management standards, fair competition, updated IT solutions and high professional level of the Bank executives and staff. Wereward our employees according to the contribution of each to the Bank results achieved. Weregard social demands with attention and together with local authorities aim at participating in promotion of social projects for the benefit of the society, growth and improvement of economy of the Chelyabinsk Region.
3 “CHELINDBANK” at a Glance Cash and settlement services, corporate lending, SME and retail lending, retail savings, securities market services, foreign exchange and foreign currency purchase and sale operations, foreign economic activities, bank cards services, retail banking including money transfers and payments Major directions of services CHELINDBANK is a major universal Russian regional bank • the84-thposition by the Bank capital (“Interfax-100. Banks of Russia”) • the 108-thposition by assets (“Interfax-100. Banks of Russia”) • the 61-st position by personal savings (“RosBusinessConsulting” Agency) • the 73-rd position by the volume of retail credit portfolio (“RosBusinessConsulting” Agency) • the 100-th position by the corporate credit portfolio (“RosBusinessConsulting” Agency) Customerbase 26thousand legal entities and entrepreneurs, 580 thousand individuals Customer service network Head Office in Chelyabinsk, Russia 54 structural units in 26 towns of the Chelyabinsk Region, a branch in Yekaterinburg, a representative office in Moscow, 160ATMs Fitch Ratings On August 10, 2011 Fitch RatingsassignedCHELINDBANKLong-term Issuer Default (IDR) «В+», outlooks “Stable” National Long-term «A-(rus)».The financial stability of CHELINDBANK is regularly confirmed by the international scale ratings since October 2008. Financial Statements IFRS 2002 - 2010 – ZAO“PriceWaterhouseCoopers Audit”
Licenses The Bank is put in the register of the banks participating in the the Obligatory Savings Insurance System under No1. 4 CHELINDBANKhasthefollowing licenses • The General Banking License №485 dated 16/09/2002 issued by the Central Bank of Russia • The License on Banking Operations with Precious Metals №485 от 16/09/2002 • The Licenses entitling the Bank to operate as a professional participant of the securities market • Compliance Certificate PCI DSS Participation in associations and unions • Regional Banks Association “Russia” • Russian Banks Association • Principal member ofVISA International Association (since 1996); regional acquiring license ofVISA International (since 2003) • Bills Market Members Association • Association of Industrial Enterprises and Banks of Chelyabinsk Region • South-Ural Trade and Commerce Chamber • Chelyabinsk Regional Office of Association of Employers “Union of Industrials and Entrepreneurs” Participation in Exchanges Member of Stock section andForeign Currency sectionof Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange (Moscow) Savings Insurance Agency
On the territory of the Chelyabinsk regionCHELINDBANK has 28branches, 18outlets, 8 out-of-the-office cash counters and a branch in Yekaterinburg. 5 Branch Network
6 Assets, Capital, Share Capital As on 01.01.2012:Share capital – 809 mln.rublesCapital – 5,7billion rubles Assets – 31,4billion rubles
7 Customer Services Services to corporate customers Retail Banking Foreign exchange transactions and services Bank cards services • Cash and settlement services • Deposit operations • Lending • Guarantee operations • International settlements • Service of customers’ foreign economic activity • Salary projects • Issue and discount of bills • Collection • Remote banking service systems: «Client+Bank», «Telephone+Bank», «Client+BankOnline» • Securities market services • Operations with precious metals coins and bullions • Safe custody • Issue and service of corporate bank cards • Leasing • Deposits in rubles and foreign currency • Lending • Issue and service ofVISA cards • Transfers in rubles and foreign currrency(including Western Union, Migom, SWIFT operations,BLIZKO) • Foreign exchange purchase and sale operations • Individual payments to organizations for rendered services • Remote banking service systems: “Telephone+Bank”, “Client+Bank Online” • Operations with precious metals coins and bullions • Safe custody • Securities operations • Issue and discount of bills • Foreign settlements in all forms internationally accepted: transfer, letter of credit, collection by SWIFT • Bank guarantees and confirmation of L/C by the first-class European and American banks with or without coverage • Individual foreign currency transfers without opening a current foreign currency account (includingWestern Union) • Foreign exchange transactions • Purchase and sale of foreign currency • Foreign exchange control • Transactions with currency with restricted convertibility • Issue and servicing VISA Gold,VISA Classic, VISA Electron, including microprocessingVISA cards • Acquiring inVISAsystem • Issue and servicing corporate local settlement system cards including “Bon Appetit” cards • Corporate cards issue and handling • Regular payments from card accounts • Loans to cardholders
8 Corporate banking CHELINDBANK renders services to corporate customers of different industries, patterns of ownership and scope of activity.The Bank corporate customers are defense enterprises, enterprises of ferrous and non-ferrous industry, chemical industry, machinery manufacturing, food industry, travel agencies and trading companies etc. Our customers are: FGUP PA «Mayak» CJSC «Unichel» Footwear company FGUP «RFYAC-VNIITF» Grains and Bread Products company n.a. Grigorovich JSC «Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant» OJSC «Chelyabvtormet» JSC «Ufaleynickel» JSC «Ashinsky Metallurgical Plant»
9 The Bank has been dealing with small and medium business lending under the EBRD program since 2002. The EBRD has provided CHELINDBANK with a 20 mln. USD and 260 mln. rubles loans for small business development for the period of 3-5 years. The Head office and 29 branches are taking part in the program. As at January 01, 2012 CHELINDBANK has granted approximately 3500 small and micro loans for the total amount of 3,0 billion RUR. Since 2002 CHELINDBANK has been participating in the EBRD Trade Finance Project enabling the Bank to work with more than 700 major world financial institutions having the relating agreements with the EBRD. In September 2006, the Bank and the EBRD entered into a loan agreement for mortgage financing.According to the terms of the Agreement the EBRD provides the Bank with the loan of 140 mln RUR for 7 years. Cooperation with the EBRD
10 Trade Financing Since 2002 CHELINDBANK actively participates in the EBRD Trade Finance Program. The credit institutions cooperating with CHELINDBANK in the framework of trade financing are Commerzbank AG, VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG, Germany, Raiffeisen Bank International AG, Austria. The total volume of credit lines for trade finance operations established by the foreign banks for CHELINDBANK is about 36 mln. US Dollars (in equivalent). The principle conditions • Financing terms up to 3 years, • Involving Export Credit Agencies – up to 5 years, • Interest rates: • - LC/ guarantees issuing: 2-8% p.a. • - financing: 5-8% p.a. (depending on the contract term and amount) + LIBOR/ EURIBOR.
11 Retail Banking Retail service developmentis one of the Bank’s priorities. The Bank offers a wide range of time deposits, that makes possible different variants of depositing and saving individual funds. As at 01.01.12total amount of attracted individual funds comprised approximately 17billion rubles. The Bank offers its customers consumer loans, auto loans, lending within the frameworks of salary projects, mortgage lending, credit cards lending. As at 01.01.12total amount of granted retail credits comprised5,2billion rubles.
12 Bank Cards Operations As at 01.01.2012the amount of VISAcards holders comprised more than 271,5thousand. In Chelyabinsk and other towns of the Region 160ATMs and 559 point-of-sale terminals have been installed. More than2,700agreements for corporate service in the framework of salary projects with the use of bank cards have been signed.
13 CHELINDBANK Assets Structure • As at 01.01.2012 Assets comprise31397,8mln. RUR: • Cash & due from Central Bank– 2723,2mln. RUR • Due from Banks – 1 781,2mln. RUR • Securities – 4123,3mln. RUR • Customer loans – 18917,0mln. RUR • Fixed assets – 3 074,9mln. RUR • Other assets– 778,2mln. RUR CHELINDBANK Liabilities Structure • As at 01.01.2012 • Due to Banks – 282,7mln. RUR • Due to corporate customers – 5879,0mln. RUR • Individual deposits – 16994,9mln. RUR • Securities – 32,4mln. RUR • Other liabilities – 109,9mln. RUR • Shareholders’ equity – 5690,6mln. RUR • Loss provisions – 2 408,3mln. RUR
14 Financial resultsRFRS (published reports) *According to calculation methods of the Bank of Russia № 1379-U