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BI.DIS PFNs and KSW painting bumpers. L4 BCC, 09.12.2010 L. Sermeus, A. Fowler, W. Weterings TE/ABT. Contents. BI.DIS power converters KSW magnet status KSW power converters. H - Booster Injection.DIStributor. 5 magnets 5 PFN type power converters
BI.DIS PFNs and KSW painting bumpers L4 BCC, 09.12.2010 L. Sermeus, A. Fowler, W. Weterings TE/ABT
Contents • BI.DIS power converters • KSW magnet status • KSW power converters L. Sermeus
H- Booster Injection.DIStributor • 5 magnets • 5 PFN type power converters • PFN electrical lengths vary from ~420 µs to ~20 µs (100 µs step) L. Sermeus
p BI.DIS present layout Present BI.DIS systems Features: • 5 Pulse Forming Networks 25 Ω (one per magnet) • PFN voltage up to 25 kV • thyratron switch • fixed duration (different for each PFN, max 200 µs) • terminated magnet This equipment can’t be upgraded because: • pulse length and current must double • capacitors are too old, many are leaking • the thyratronI.t product can’t be increased L. Sermeus
H- BI.DIS proposed layout Proposed BI.DIS systems Features: • 5 Pulse Forming Networks 6.25 Ω (one per magnet) • PFN voltage up to 10 kV ( ~6.25 kV nominal with H- operation) • IGBT switch • fixed duration (different for each PFN, max 420 µs) with possibility of shortening by IGBT switch-off • short-circuited magnet • recuperation of a large fraction of the PFN stored energy L. Sermeus
BI.DIS PFN data (preliminary) • 37 cells (for a PFN of 420 µs) • Split in three lengths of ~2 m • Nominal voltage/current: 6.25 kV/1000 A • Stored energy at nominal voltage: ~800 J • Power dissipation at 1.1 Hz: ~1 kW (without recuperation) • Energy recuperation: > 50 % • Charging power supply current: 450 mA • Charging time from 0 to 6.25 kV: ~550 ms • Kick rise time (1% - 99%): < 1 µs • Flat-top ripple: ±1 % L. Sermeus
BI.DIS PFN status • Tests on a modified short PFN performed. • IGBT and fast diodes selection done. • Preliminary inquiries for capacitors will be sent in January 2011. • Prototype design will start in February 2011. • Prototype validation expected by the end of 2011. L. Sermeus
BI.DIS PFN issues, questions (1) • Space availability in BCER. Present BI.DIS rack space may not be sufficient. Present control racks PFNs Minimal zone needed Old control racks (not used anymore) L. Sermeus
BI.DIS PFNissues, questions (2) • Is the tail clipper BI.DIS0 absolutely necessary? It could be used as a direct spare for the other ones in case of failure. If not, a sixth generator has to be built and an intervention in the ring is needed to swap transmission cables. To avoid intervention in the ring, a cable junction box under the BCER floor is another option, adding potential contact and matching problems. • Is a kick duration of 420 µs max sufficient? An increased duration has a large impact on PFN cost (more cells) and size. L. Sermeus
KSW magnets (1) New magnets in 16L1 section to replace 1L1 ones TE/ABT will only provide the magnets with supporting frame and ceramic vacuum chambers . Other vacuum modifications won’t be included. L. Sermeus
KSW magnets (2) Present state: • CATIA 3D models of existing magnets • have been produced. • 2D manufacturing drawings will be subcontracted to an external firm for availability by end of march 2011. L. Sermeus
KSW magnets (3) Kick requirements are not frozen yet. For 35 mm orbit at stripping foil For 55 mm orbit at stripping foil Data from C. Bracco (12/2010) Present magnets have a different number of turns in each straight section. 1L4 has 48 turns, 2L1 24 turns and 16L4 12 turns per half magnet. The magnet halves are powered in parallel. New 16L1 magnets could be made identical to 16L4 ones. It is highly desirable to have all magnets identical or no more than two different types to guarantee the same kick shape for all. L. Sermeus
KSW power supplies Each parameter (currents, times) must vary ppm according to the beam type. exponential linear KSW Strength t1 tfall t2 t1 Time [us] Imax I1 I2 Data from C. Bracco (12/2010) Kick pulse shape (optimum for the beam in cyan) (easiest to achieve in red) Power supply conceptual design for three linear slopes The most flexible option is to supply each magnet independently from a dedicated generator. L. Sermeus
KSW conclusion • As the components are very much dependant on the kick waveform, the magnet inductance (driven by the number of turns, the other parameters being fixed) has to be determined according to the power supply feasibility study. • The number of magnets to be (re)built will also depend on the power supply study. • There is a high probability that sixteen new magnets (+ spares) will have to be made. • The final desired kick waveform is urgently needed to allow progress on the hardware design. L. Sermeus