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¡Conjugation !

¡Conjugation !. What’s wrong with these sentences?. I to dance everyday. She to sing all the time. We to need more pencils . The verbs to need , to sing , and to dance are not CONJUGATED. They should say. I dance everyday She sings all the time We need more pencils.

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¡Conjugation !

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ¡Conjugation!

  2. What’s wrong with these sentences? I to dance everyday. She to sing all the time. We to need more pencils.

  3. The verbs to need, to sing, and to dance are not CONJUGATED They should say... I dance everyday She sings all the time We need more pencils.

  4. In Spanish and in English... …conjugating the verb shows person (who’s doing the action) and tense (present, past, future, etc.)

  5. Breaking down a verb... There are 2 parts to every infinitive: a stem and an ending *Remember infinitives end in –ar, -er, or –ir in Spanish. In English, infinitives have “to” in front of them. Dibuj ar stem ending

  6. In order for an infinitive to make sense with a subject pronoun, you have to conjugate it correctly.

  7. Subject (personal) Pronouns

  8. Step 1 Take off the ending You are left with only the stem. Dibuj ar

  9. Step 2 Add a different ending, according to WHO is doing the action (the subject pronoun) Dibuj Yo o I draw

  10. Step 2 cont… Add a different ending, according to WHO is doing the action (the subject pronoun) Dibuj Tú as You draw

  11. Step 2 cont… Add a different ending, according to WHO is doing the action (the subject pronoun) Él, ella, Ud. Dibuj a He, she, you draws

  12. Step 2 cont… Add a different ending, according to WHO is doing the action (the subject pronoun) Nosotros Dibuj amos We draw

  13. Step 2 cont… Add a different ending, according to WHO is doing the action (the subject pronoun) Ellos, ellas, Uds. Dibuj an They, you guys draw

  14. Step 3 Add the rest of your sentence! I draw is not a very sophisticated sentence... Yodibujo en la clase de arte. Federico no dibujabien. Celia y yodibujamostodos los días.

  15. The present tense in Spanish can be translated FOUR ways in English. Escuchomúsica. = 1. I listen to music. 2. I do listen to music. 3. I am listening to music. 4. I will listen to music. (do not try to translate the words do,am, or will. They are included in the Spanish verb)


  17. Recap… I study estudi Yo ar o

  18. Practiquemos (Let’s practice) She skates Ella patina

  19. We play the piano. Nosotrostocamosel piano.

  20. They (m.) walk to school. Elloscaminan al colegio.

  21. You (informal) talk a lot! Túhablas mucho!

  22. I dance in third period. Yobailoen la tercerahora.

  23. Question Tú form ¿Montas en bicicleta a veces? (no, never) Answer Yo form No, nuncamonto en bicicleta. Answering Questions

  24. Question Ud. form ¿HablaUd. porteléfono? (yes, every day) Answer Yo form Sí, habloporteléfonotodos los días. Answering Questions

  25. Question Uds. form ¿NadanUds. en la piscina? (yes, a lot) Answer Nosotros form Sí, nadamos mucho en la piscina. Answering Questions

  26. Question Él or ella form ¿Estudia Carolina el español? Answer Él or ella form Sí, ellaestudiael español. Answering Questions

  27. ¡Te toca a ti!

  28. escuchas música Tú siempre ____________ _______ .

  29. Nosotros siempre _________ por teléfono. hablamos

  30. Yo ____ el piano de lunes a viernes. toco

  31. estudia Carolina ________ todos los días.

  32. canto Yo nunca ________ en público.

  33. Mi papá __________ por la noche. descansa

  34. Juanita y yo ____________ _______ por la noche. escuchamos música

  35. Mis amigos y yo ___________________ todos los días. practicamos deportes

  36. Tú no _______ los lunes. patinas

  37. estudio Yo no ________ los viernes.

  38. Esteban no _____ los viernes. nada

  39. Briana ________________ los fines de semana. monta en bicicleta

  40. Felipe y sus amigos ______ en el baile. bailan

  41. Santa Claus no _________ en el Polo Norte. patina

  42. Conjugaciónrepaso

  43. An infinitive is… …a verb that is not conjugated. It is the “dictionary” form of the verb Endings of infinitive verbs are • ar • er • ir estudiar = to study

  44. A conjugated verb… …shows person and tense estudi + ar = infinitive stem ending We must change the infinitive to a form that tells who is doing the action and what tense it is. To do this, we drop the –ar ending.

  45. Then we add the –ar verb endings to show who is doing the action of the verb and that in the example below, the action is in the present tense: estudi ar ending stem

  46. Subject (Personal) Pronouns • – used to avoid repeating a person’s name. They tell who is doing an action. Mary works at Starbucks. She often works on Saturdays.

  47. Subject Pronouns

  48. necesitar = to need

  49. Every verb has 2 parts: Hablarhabl- Practicarpractic- Estudiarestudi- Trabajartrabaj- Cocinarcocin- Cantarcant- STEM+ ENDING + AR

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