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EAM Specialization in WInfo Master

EAM Specialization in WInfo Master. Topics and Curriculum. Alexander W. Schneider, Florian Matthes Software Engineering betrieblicher Informationssysteme (sebis) Prof. Dr. Florian Matthes wwwmatthes.in.tum.de. Why should I specialize?. You have to chose…

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EAM Specialization in WInfo Master

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  1. EAM Specialization in WInfo Master Topics and Curriculum Alexander W. Schneider,Florian MatthesSoftware Engineering betrieblicher Informationssysteme (sebis)Prof. Dr. Florian Matthes wwwmatthes.in.tum.de 130507-Schneider

  2. Why should I specialize? • You have to chose… • 3 ECTS “Berufsfeldspezialisierung“ • 14 ECTS electivecourses • You are interested in a specific topic • WInfo Master offers you the opportunity to choose • Students achieve the best grades in courses they are really interested in • Chose courses that make fun! • You want to target a specific job • After you master degree you want to get a job • WInfos have good opportunities at the national job market • But: Experts and specialists are rare! • Academia and industry are looking for people they do not have to educate 130507-Schneider

  3. Our offer: Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) • The EAM specialization consists of 3 modules • Strategisches IT Management (SITM) [ 3 ECTS, Berufsfeldspez.] • EAM Mini-Projekt [ 4 ECTS, elective course ] • Guided research [10 ECTS, elective course ] • The EAM specialization offers a unique mix of topics, contexts and methods • Foundations  Lecture (Professor and a CIO) • Solving real industry problem  Team work (at a company) • Advancing scientific knowledge  Single person working (with advisor) • All needed ECTS are covered (exactly)! 130507-Schneider

  4. Exemplary curriculum (begin WS) 1st Semester 2nd Semester 3rd Semester 4th Semester Mini Project (4 ECTS) Master Thesis (30 ECTS) SITM (3 ECTS) Guided Research (10 ECTS) Winter Summer Winter Summer 130507-Schneider

  5. Exemplary curriculum (begin SS) 1st Semester 2nd Semester 3rd Semester 4th Semester Mini Project (4 ECTS) SITM (3 ECTS) Master Thesis (30 ECTS) Guided Research (10 ECTS) Summer Winter Summer Winter 130507-Schneider

  6. Contact Interested? Don‘t hesitate to contact Alexander Schneider for further information! Tel. + + FMI 01.12.058 130507-Schneider

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