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Leila Hale - Founder of Hale Injury Law

Leila Hale believes in giving back to her community. She has been a pageant judge and sponsor, and she makes substantial financial contributions to charities supporting young children. Ms. Hale is the Founder of Hale Injury Law, and she was ranked as one of the Best Attorneys of America by Rue Ratings. She participates in Run for the Cure and was once a technical writer.

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Leila Hale - Founder of Hale Injury Law

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Presentation Transcript

  1. LeilaHale FounderofHaleInjuryLaw

  2. ResidesInHenderson,Nevada LeilaHalewasborninthePhilippinesand currentlyresidesinHenderson,Nevada. Sheisaprominentattorneyandislisted asaTop10AccidentandInjuryAttorney fortheareabyAttorney.com.

  3. AnAttorneyPracticing LeilaHaleisanattorney practicinginHenderson, Nevada.Shehasmanageda prolificcareerandhas practicedinmultiplestates includingCalifornia,Idaho, andNevada.

  4. MemberOfManyProfessional Groups Ms.Haleisamemberofmanyprofessional groupssuchastheNationalCharityLeague andNationalHonorSociety.Sheisaproud mother and grandmother, and she enjoys exploringnewtechnologies.

  5. BelievesInGivingBackToHer Community LeilaHalebelievesingivingbacktoher community.Shehasbeenapageantjudgeand sponsor,andshemakessubstantialfinancial contributionstocharitiessupportingyoung children.

  6. VisitToKnowMore:- https://muckrack.com/leila-hale https://www.cakeresume.com/me/leila-hale https://soundcloud.com/leilahale/leila-hale-an- accident-and-injury-attorney

  7. LeilaHale

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