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CRIN is Canada's "Network of Networks" that connects organizations, granting councils, universities, and more to drive clean resource innovation. Join CRIN to enhance collaboration, prioritize key technologies, and accelerate the deployment of clean technologies in the oil and gas sector.
Clean Resource Innovation Network (CRIN)The “Network of Networks” • Canada has a long history as a global leader in resource development and innovation • Solutions to today’s energy challenges require an understanding of the entire innovation system and how the pieces fit together • Many players contribute to oil and gas innovation system CRIN (Clean Resource Innovation Network) Linking Organizations Granting Councils Research Support Universities/Colleges Federal Contribution Private Sector Structure Global Markets and Opportunities Outcomes Inputs Provincial Contribution Public Funding and Effort
Innovation Key to Meeting Increasing Global Energy Demands • World Business Council on Sustainable Development frames the 2050 challenge as “nine billion people not just living on the planet, but living well and within the limits of the planet” • Canada has a role to play in helping those countries meet the growing energy needs, while reducing emissions and growing the economy • Innovation will position Canada to contribute responsibly Growth in the Global Energy Mix from 2017-2040 Global supplier of technology to reduce carbon emissions Source: IEA, World Energy Outlook 2018, New Policies Scenario
CRIN’s Governance Structure Simple and Inclusive • Steering Committee Representatives • Industry • Government • Academia • SMEs • Finance & Entrepreneurs Comprised of the CEOs of Oil and Gas companies, SMEs, Innovators, Accelerators, Associations and Deans of Universities.
Canada is the Global Leader in Producing Clean Hydrocarbon Energy from Source to End Use • CRIN aims to create connections and collisions between the many nodes across the innovation ecosystem regionally, nationally and internationally • Solutions to today’s energy challenges require an understanding of the entire innovation system and how pieces fit together
Canada’s Oil and Natural Gas Industry Provides Significant Economic Benefits Across the Country • Direct contribution to Canada’s GDP is $130B • Over 8,800 firms in the oil and gas sector (upstream to downstream) • Direct jobs across the country are over 190K (in every province) • Oil and Gas exports add $43B to Canada’s balance of trade • An estimated 6,000 products are made from oil & gas
Leveraging Innovation, Experience and Capacity • Significant opportunities for Canada to build on our success • CRIN’ aims to enhance innovation effectiveness by: • Better priority setting and alignment on key game changing technologies to pursue • Broader source of ideas and more entrepreneurs engaged from across Canada and the world • Focus on deployment phase (field pilots to commercial roll out) where current system falters • Better connectivity between all participants (academics, entrepreneurs, funders, customers, governments) • Expand “path to deployment” and customer centered objectives for the technology work across sectors
Clean Technology Innovation in Oil and Gas Positions the Sector to be Carbon and Cost Competitive
Innovation Needs to be Across the Full Value-Chain Oil & Gas subsectors with greatest need to innovate: • Upstream Oil/Gas Production (22%) • Transportation (23%) • Other End Use (9%) electricity, chemicals, fertilizers, farm-fuels • Refining (3%) • Other also contain GHGs that are the result of oil and gas end-use
Current Technologies in Oil Sands Have Potentialto Significantly Reduce Emissions
Our Beliefs Our Results CRIN Members are Committed to Making a Difference • We agree that “clean growth is good for our planet and our pocketbooks.” (Action on Clean Growth) • We believe we are part of the solution to address the challenges posed by climate change • We innovate to become carbon and cost competitive. • We seek to leverage resources (skills, expertise and funding) to advance and accelerate results • We recognize that societal benefits are far greater when sectors works together for effective, rapid and responsible deployment Canada will continue to benefit from an innovation system that is financially sound, technically leading edge, diverse, and socially and environmentally responsible. • 75% of energy private investments in clean tech come from the oil & gas sector • Petroleum Technology Alliance of Canada (PTAC) has positive results: • captured of over 820K tonnes of CO2e offset credits per year – equivalent to removing 164K cars off road annually • valued of offsets are between $76M - $104M per year. Potential cost savings estimated at between $531M-$552M • Innovation in oil sands technology has potential to reduce GHG emissions by 79%
Value Proposition to Join CRIN • Associations. Benefit from ability to expand outreach, add value for own existing members, and open doors to potential new members across the innovation ecosystem. • Academia. Benefit from connections to problem solvers within industry to raise odds of commercialization and impact, increase ability to attract funding, faculty and students, as well as raise profile of research work, the academic institution and community networks. • Government.Economic growth in a low-carbon emissions economy is a primary challenge and opportunity facing governments. CRIN helps governments gain clarity in a complex operating environment, connecting with stakeholders under shared goals and objectives. CRIN can help simplify industry connections, create more targeted programs, and achieve low-carbon goals more quickly. • Industry. CRIN connects entrepreneurs, academia, industry and government within a unique forum designed to accelerate technological development and enable industry’s goal of producing the cleanest, lowest-cost barrel possible. • Investors .Technological advancements in oil and natural gas development provide opportunity for growth and profitability while solving one of the world’s greatest challenges: lowering carbon emissions. CRIN enables direct access to companies, researchers and entrepreneurs most likely to develop the next big breakthrough. • SMEs, Vendors, Service Companies. CRIN connects technology providers and companies with potential customers and solutions that ‘fit’. Access new connections to find test labs, design support and government programs to accelerate development and commercialization of new technologies.
How to Join CRIN • Become a member • Sign the social contract and become part of the community of people and organizations committed to becoming the global leader in producing clean hydrocarbon energy • Visit cleanresourceinnovation.com • Sign up to receive CRIN monthly e-newsletters • You need to join CRIN as a member and then will automatically be added to the distribution list)
Follow CRIN and Join Online Discussions • Follow our main CRIN page on LinkedIn to get the latest updates on current CRIN events, news and activities and discussions among network members • Join our Member-only group pages for technology-focus areas with exclusive content and discussions, accessible only to CRIN members: • Cleaner Fuels – Reducing Carbon Intensity • Digital Oil and Gas Technology • Methane Monitoring, Quantification and Abatement • Low to Zero Carbon Hydrocarbon Production to End Use • Novel Hydrocarbon Extraction • Novel Land and Wellsite Remediation • Water Technology Development *Note: You must be logged into your LinkedIn account and request to join these groups.
Strengthen the “Network of Networks”and Accelerate Technology Development • Oil and gas development was founded in technology and innovation • The sector continues to drive improved environmental performance while bringing prosperity to Canadians • World energy demand will continue to grow and oil and natural gas will remain an important part of the global energy mix for the foreseeable future • Canada is well-positioned to provide the world with secure, reliable and affordable energy • An opportunity to transform into a lower carbon emissions, lower cost industry that is able to attract global investments for continued prosperity • Together, we can achieve the vision of Canada being the global leader in producing clean hydrocarbon energy from source to end use