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This workshop explores the Finnish guidance and counselling system, focusing on cross-sectoral cooperation and the development of guidance and counselling services in different educational settings. It discusses early intervention and multi-cultural counselling, as well as the availability and sufficiency of guidance and counselling services for young and adult individuals.
The Finnish National Guidance Forum Workshop 2. Optimising potential and maximising progress – Lifelong guidance for labour force development 4 June 2008 Helena Kasurinen 4 June 2008
FINLAND 5,3 millions inhabitants 338 145 km2 132 708 immigrants (2007) Helsinki Helena Kasurinen 4 June 2008
FINNISH GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING SYSTEM Ministry of EducationMinistry of Employment and the Economy Helena Kasurinen 4 June 2008
Ministry of Employment and the Economy • RegionalLabour Market Departments at Employment and Economic Development Centres(15) • Employment offices(127) - employment services - vocational development services - labour market measures promoting employment • Job centres(16)– connected with larger employment offices - self-services, information on labour market, jobs, training, job clubs • Employment service centres (38) – separate services for long-term unemployed, people with special needs Helena Kasurinen 4 June 2008
Young people in danger of dropping out Early intervention Multi- cultural counselling CROSS-SECTORAL MULTI-PROFESSIONAL • DEVELOPMENT PROJECT • OF GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING • - developing guidance and counselling in • different educational settings • realise the goals of national curriculum • guidelines • - develop professional skills of student • counsellors and teachers • develop counselling of • transition phases N E T W O R KS N E T W O R K S Counselling students with special needs Gender sensitive counselling AVAILABILITY AND SUFFICIENCY OF GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING SERVICES FOR EACH YOUNG AND ADULT PERSON
CROSS-SECTORAL COOPERATION National level • national working groups – national forums give proposals to develop guidance policies and services Regional level • regional working groups prepare regional strategic plans for providing guidance and counselling services Municipality level • groups planning curriculum guidelines in educational sector Organisational level • student welfare groups at schools • work force committee in employment offices • employment service centres Helena Kasurinen 4 June 2008
Multi professional co-operation – preconditionsH. Kasurinen 2004/ Nykänen 2006 • Mandate from administration and leaders to the action of the multi professional group • Learning in the interfaces – shared learning, negotiating, agreements • Defining the core know-how of the group members • Forum: preconditions (time and place) • Planning together Helena Kasurinen 4 June 2008
Multi professional, cross-sectoral cooperation is:H. Kasurinen 31.3.2004,S . Nykänen 2006) • The meeting of the action cultures of the organizations • The meeting of the norms of the professionals • The meeting of the personalities, roles, attitudes and motivation of the professionals • There is to be emphasized : • Co-operation and communication skills • Climate of the multi-professional working group • Planning together • Leading and co-ordinating of know-how, responsibility • Shared know-how (R. Florida) • Common language and meanings (Vähämöttönen, Vanhalakka-Ruoho & Juutilainen) • Common act to the cross-sectoral multi professional co-operation Helena Kasurinen 4 June 2008
The matrice describes development needs expressed different levels of guidance activities, in network-based multiprofessional cooperation. (Kasurinen 2003, Nykänen 2006)
OVERVIEW ON THE KEY FINDINGS OF THE NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT OF GUIDANCE • Establishment of 50 regional fora • Key success factors: • Representatives from key stake holders and social partners • Establishment of regional strategy for co-operation • Documentation of the progress • Jointly produced framework for the cooperation (consistency, common trust, communication) • Linkages with national guidance policy development Helena Kasurinen 4 June 2008
NATIONAL JOINT ACTION GROUP (2005–2007) OBJECTIVES to develop cooperation in counselling of young people from education to work, in national and regional level to prepare a proposition how to counsel young people (age 15–19) in danger of dropping out to promote cooperation of counselling experts in national and regional level to follow the results of development projects of guidance and counselling and to spread information of good practices in national level Helena Kasurinen 4 June 2008
Group recommendations August 2007 • Municipal and regional guidance and counselling strategies • Experts jointly produce supportive and guidance services • Flexible routes inside the educational system • The study on adequacy and availability of guidance services • A permanent coordinative body to be set up to develop guidance and counselling services Helena Kasurinen 4 June 2008
CHALLENGES • National cross-sectoral cooperation - involving guidance and counselling services in educational and employment sector, social and health sector, employers’ organisations, trade and student unions, experts -> permanent NATIONAL LIFELONG GUIDANCE FORUM • the Action Programme on information services, advice and guidance for adult education and training: projects start 2008. Steering group is formed by representatives from different organisations and stakeholders Helena Kasurinen 4 June 2008
THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST! Contact information: Helena Kasurinen Senior adviser, PhD The Ministry of Employment and the Economy FINLAND Postal address: P.O. Box 32, FI-00023 GOVERNMENT Email: helena.kasurinen@tem.fi Gsm +358 50 460 2337 Helena Kasurinen 4 June 2008