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EDUCATION. Multi. -. skilling. Demarcation. AND INDUSTRIAL. REFORMS. Portability. Broad. -. banding. EBA’s. etc. Productivity. Payment for skill. Competency. based training. Recognition of. Prior Learning. National Training. COMPETENCY. Packages. STANDARDS. Australian.
EDUCATION Multi - skilling Demarcation AND INDUSTRIAL REFORMS Portability Broad - banding EBA’s etc Productivity Payment for skill Competency based training Recognition of Prior Learning National Training COMPETENCY Packages STANDARDS Australian Qualifications Framework
GO HIGHER DEGREES DEGREE DIPLOMA CERTIFICATE IV CERTIFICATE III CERTIFICATE II CERTIFICATE I EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT PATHWAY Develop the knowledge and capabilities of our employees so that they can become the best they can be in their roles
EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT PATHWAY Develop the knowledge and capabilities of our employees so that they can become the best they can be in their roles HIGHER DEGREES DEGREE DIPLOMA CERTIFICATE IV CERTIFICATE III CERTIFICATE II EVALUATION CERTIFICATE I ! Skills of the person Vs skills needed for work ! Training aimed at the gaps TRAINING PACKAGES TRAINING ! Discrete combinations of competency standards ! On-the-Job training that lead to Australian Qualifications LEARNER CENTERED LEARNING Coaching ! ! Frameworks and specifications designed to ! Pre-start briefings ! Adds value to and extend knowledge achieve a common standard of training and Work Activity Briefings ! beyond competency standards assessment Tool Box talks ! ! Energizes the pursuit of: Projects ! High quality knowledge & skill CERTIFICATES AWARDED ! ! Off-the-Job delivery ! National qualifications designed to recognize the Learning Centre’s ! Standards beyond base industry ! achievement of skill and knowledge levels
Principles of Assessment Flexible
Evidence Competency Assessment VS ev·i·dence that whichtendsto prove or disprove something; ground for belief; proof. something that makes plain or clear; an indication or sign: His flushed look was visible evidence of his fever. law . data presented to a court or jury in proof of the facts in issue and whichmayincludethe testimony of witnesses, records, documents, or objects something that furnishes or tends to furnish proof Something presented at a judicial or administrative proceeding for the purpose of establishing the truth or falsity of an alleged matter of fact
Depth vs Breadth ??? 1 Mile 1” Body of Evidence – Level of ‘Confidence’
Value Chain 1 Input Input Input Input Output Output Process Process Process Process Output Output 2 Mining Resource Strategy M A R K E T Shipping Area Prep Dewatering Mining Blending Process Rail Port 3 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ Mission 12 Month Plan ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ To Do Strategies
Benchmark = 12 month plan and ideal alignment of Input/Process/Output Input Input Input Input Input Output Output Output Process Process Process Process Process Output Output Input Process Output Gap Gap Gap 12 Month Plan Reality suggests the Output of each unit is less than the ideal Input of the next in line Value Chain unit. What are the gaps between the Bench and reality? What are the assumptions around blockages / capability that are tested and untested? What are the steps necessary to achieve the Bench for all Units? What are the strategies to be put in place to achieve the Bench?
Where does evidence reside, what form does it take? 100% Name Plate What’s the evidence to demonstrate Name Plate ? 50% Competence AN EMERGING TREND TO RETURN TO IDENTIFYING WHAT WE HAVE TO DO TO PRODUCE AT EXCELLENCE OR NAME-PLATE LEVELS
Where does evidence exist??? Do we need to gather it or just know where it is??? Are there tools that can help???
EVIDENCE MAP The Evidence Map is a useful document that seeks to list the evidence available from the candidate’s personal indices and the indices of the organisation for which he / she is working. There is usually a quantity of evidence stored in workplace systems and records as well as personal records. The use of this type of map allows all parties, the candidate, the assessor the content expert and any others to apply a wide search regime so that the principle of triangulation of evidence is satisfied. Triangulation is the application of several different forms or categories of evidence to ensure an assessor, RTO or other authority achieves a beyond reasonable doubt level of confidence that the candidate is competent. Main Headings The Main Headings / Arms of this map, (forms of evidence) such as Portfolio, Third Party Reports etc can be used in the creation of an Evidence Table and the extensions can be used a prompts or a check list to help all parties locate the evidence within the workplace or personal indices. The table can then be used as a form of summary of the evidence and a permanent validated record. In this fashion all the indicated evidence can remain within workplace systems and does not need to be duplicated for each candidate. The accepted forms (arms) of evidence will rarely change however the evidence itself may be different – one organisation to another. The process will work for any organisation and at any level of assessment.
Mind Maps Evidence Tables