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ADDRESSING CHILD POVERTY IN WALTHAM FOREST 2009 - 2020. Shifa Mustafa Assistant Director Development London Borough of Waltham Forest May 14 2009. Contents. Introduction to Waltham Forest Key Facts Child Poverty Strategy 2009 – 2020 City Strategy Pathfinder Child Poverty Pilot

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  1. ADDRESSING CHILD POVERTY IN WALTHAM FOREST 2009 - 2020 Shifa Mustafa Assistant Director Development London Borough of Waltham Forest May 14 2009

  2. Contents Introduction to Waltham Forest Key Facts • Child Poverty Strategy 2009 – 2020 • City Strategy Pathfinder • Child Poverty Pilot • 7-Step Programme.

  3. Introduction to Waltham Forest • Typical East London Borough – but also a London 2012 Host Borough • Strategically located adjacent to Europe’s largest Regeneration Area with huge opportunities • Waltham Forest’s Sustainable Community Strategy “Our Place in London” sets our vision for increasing prosperity and improving the lives of our people.

  4. HIGH RISK AREAS Economically inactive parents Parents with a disability or mental illness Children from BAME communities Families with multiple disadvantages Larger families. EVIDENCE 16,000 children living in poverty 22,000 working-age adults not in work 20% of the population with low skill levels 3.5% increase of 25+ JSA claimants since 2007 2,000 families in temporary accommodation. Key Facts – The need for action

  5. Child Poverty Strategy - Adopted 2009 • AIM • Take 3,000 children out of poverty by 2011 and eradicate it by 2020 • PRINCIPLES • Address both the causes & effects of Child Poverty • Address Child Poverty within the context of Equality & Diversity • Lead by example as major employers.

  6. Priorities • Reduce the number of children living in workless households • Reduce incidence of in-work poverty • Get young people off to the best possible start in their education – raise aspirations and close the educational attainment gap, whilst also raising standards for all • Reduce housing related poverty • Work closely with Partners to tackle the causes and effects of Child Poverty.

  7. Actions – City Strategy Pathfinder • Coordinated local approach to tackling Worklessness and Child Poverty • 23 Single points of access, advice and help with Employment, Housing, Childcare & Health.

  8. Actions - City Strategy Pathfinder • Customised Training & Support Construction skills, ESOL, Training for those in work, Financial support for working parents • Job Centre Brokerage Business Support programmes • Outreach including excluded communities • Data-sharing across all Partners and agencies.

  9. Actions – Multi-Area Agreement • 5 Borough MAA • Worklessness & Child Poverty • Further Devolution of Powers • Including Joint Commissioning • Freedoms & Flexibilities • 16-hour rule, flexibility with Housing Benefit • MAA Housing • Investment for the provision of new affordable homes and an employment angle to allocations.

  10. Child Poverty Innovative Pilot - Government Funding • Extensive and targeted outreach • Family-centred multi-disciplinary approach • Joint visits from benefits officers and specialist family support workers for 500 families of 3-5 year olds • Continued intensive support for 100 high-risk families.

  11. 7-Step Programme - LAA Reward Grant • Programme of positive activities for most vulnerable children, e.g. Childcare & Family Outings for ‘Children Subject to a Child Protection Plan’ • Improved access to extended schools activities • Free Holiday Club for disabled children

  12. 7-Step Programme - LAA Reward Grant • Study Trips for GCSE students from deprived backgrounds • Sporting Activities on the most deprived estates • Trust Fund to fulfil Dreams & Wishes of children with life-threatening illnesses • New ‘Headstart’ pack for parents from deprived backgrounds to access Key Services.

  13. Mainstreaming Child Poverty • Mainstreaming within Waltham Forest • All reports to have EIA to address impact on Child Poverty • Mainstreaming with Partners agencies • LSP has signed ‘Child Poverty Pledge’ to reduce Child Poverty in all partner activities.


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