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Maximization of ethanol yield and adsorption of heavy metal ions by fruit peels. Leong Qi Dong 4S216 Soh Han Wei 4I324 Aman Mangalmurti AOS Kara Newman AOS. Group: 1-124. Introduction. Introduction. Fruit peel waste. Introduction: Zymomonas mobilis. Why Z. mobilis ?.
Maximization of ethanol yield and adsorption of heavy metal ions by fruit peels Leong Qi Dong 4S216 Soh Han Wei 4I324 AmanMangalmurti AOS Kara Newman AOS Group: 1-124
Introduction Fruit peel waste
Introduction:Zymomonasmobilis Why Z. mobilis? Nguyen, T., and Glassner, D. (2001 )
Hypotheses • Mango peels contain reducing sugars that can be fermented to ethanol. • Mango peels show different efficiency levels in the adsorption of copper, zinc and lead ions.
Apparatus • Centrifuge • Centrifuge tube • Spectrophotometer • Glass rod • Sieve • Blender • Dry blender • Shaking incubator • Oven • Incubator • Weighing Balance
Materials • Zymomonasmobilis • Glucose-yeast medium • Sodium alginate • Calcium chloride solution • Sodium chloride solution • Fruit peel • Cuvettes • Deionised water • Dinitrosalicylic acid • Acidified potassium chromate solution • Lead (II), Copper (II), Zinc (II) ion solutions • Copper (II) and Zinc (II) reagent kits
Ethanol Fermentation Preparation of Z. mobilis, Extraction of Sugars, Fermentation, Determination of Yield
Ethanol fermentation Methods
Adsorption of heavy metal ions Dessication of peel, Preparation of ion solution, Adsorption, Determination of final ion concentration
First sequence Sugar Extraction First, Ethanol Fermentation, Ion Adsorption
t-test analysis All differences were significant as p < 0.05
Second sequence Ion Adsorption First, Sugar Extraction, Ethanol Fermentation
t-test analysis All differences were significant as p < 0.05
Yield of ethanol with different sequence of procedures Sequence 2 (Adsorption of ions followed by extraction of sugars) resulted in a higher yield of ethanol
Adsorption of ions with different sequence of procedures Sequence 1 (Extraction of sugars followed by adsorption of ions) resulted in higher efficiency of adsorption of ions
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analysis of mango peel C-H stretch
FTIR analysis of mango peel after copper ion adsorption Some changes in the 1000-1800cm-1 wavenumbers
FTIR analysis of mango peel after lead ion adsorption weakerC-H stretch
Summary of FTIR analysis • Adsorption of ions has resulted in changes in FTIR spectra • Weaker C-H stretch after lead ion adsorption • Stretching of more bonds in between 1800-1000 cm-1 after all three ion adsorption • We believe that the carboxylic acid, ester and lactone (1700cm-1) and alkene groups (1600cm-1) are responsible for adsorption.
Limitations • Difficulty in standardising batch of mango peels for all tests performed • May yield inconsistent results for each repeat
Further Work • Investigate the effect of pH of ion solution on adsorption • Investigate the production of ethanol and adsorption of ions on peels of other locally available fruits such as pineapple
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