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WEIZMANN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE. A New Interactive Hashing Theorem. Iftach Haitner and Omer Reingold. Talk Plan. What is Interactive Hashing Applications of Interactive Hashing The new theorem About the proof Applications of the new theorem. Easy. h. z=h(y). S. R. h. z = h(y).
WEIZMANN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE A NewInteractive HashingTheorem Iftach Haitnerand Omer Reingold
Talk Plan • What is Interactive Hashing • Applications of Interactive Hashing • The new theorem • About the proof • Applications of the new theorem
Easy h z=h(y) S R h z = h(y) Interactive Hashing[OVY91,NOVY98] |Easy|=2¾n f h Hiding – The only information that R obtains about y is h(y). Binding- Eff. S cannot find x1, x2 such thatf(x1)f(x2) and h(f(x1)) = h(f(x2)) = z. • One-way permutation: • eff. computable • hard to invert: hard to find f-1(f(x)) for xÃ{0,1}n. Two-to-one hash function hÃH xÃ{0,1}n, y=f(x)
Statistically-Hiding String-Commitment. Commit-phase S R y 2 {0,1}n
Statistical Bit-Commitment cont. Reveal-phase S R y
Statistically-Hiding String-Commitment cont. Hiding – Rdoes not obtainnon-negligibleinformation about y during the commit-phase. Binding – Eff.Scannot decommit into two different values (with non-neg. probability). Same as in Interactive Hashing In Interactive Hashing R only obtains h(y)
R h z = h(y) c = b© (x,b) IH (NOVY) to Bit-Commitment Commit phase: Let {y0,y1} = h-1(z) sorted lexicographically and let be the index of y (i.e., y= y) S (b2 {0,1}) hÃH xÃ{0,1}n, y=f(x) Reveal phase:
R h Com. to y z = h(y) String-Commitment to IH S xÃ{0,1}n, y=f(x) hÃH
Applications of Interactive Hashing • Perfectly-Hiding BC from OWP [NOVY98] • Statistically-Hiding BC from Regular/ Appx.-preimage-size OWF [HHKKMS05] • Statistical ZK Argument from OWF [NOV06] • “Information Theoretic” IH, applications[OVY91,CCM98,DHRS04,CS06,NV06,...]
The NOVY IH Protocol • A “more interactive” version of the naïve (semi-honest) protocol. • A particular family of two-to-one hash functions. • Assuming that f is a OWP, the protocol satisfies both hiding and binding. • h(x) = h1(x),...,hn-1(x), where • hi = 0i-1 1 {0,1}n-i • hi(x) = <hi,x>2.
The NOVY Protocol cont. Observed by [HHKKMS05]: • Binding is guaranteed even when f is hard to invert over Un: hard to find an inverse f-1(y) for a uniformly chosen y2{0,1}n. • Hiding is useful if h expects collisions w.r.t. Im(f) - when f(Un) is dense in {0,1}n
Im(f) h’ h About the size of Im(f) • [HHKKMS05,NOV06] use this observation when f(Un) is sparse f Two-to-one “interactive” hash function Non-interactive hashing
Im(f) Interactive Hashing for Sparse Sets • Can Interactive Hashing be applied directly to sparse sets? f h About the size of Im(f)
Our Results • Holds w.r.t. sparse sets: • Binding is guaranteed if f is hardw.r.t theuniform distribution over Im(f) • Hiding is useful if h expects collisions w.r.t. Im(f) - when f(Un) is “close”to the uniform dis. overIm(f) • Allows a more general choice of hash functions • Improved parameters also w.r.t. the NOVY settings • Simpler proof • Applications to statistically-hiding string-commitment ... In NOVY- hard to invert over {0,1}n In NOVY- close to {0,1}n
L h1 y2 L hÃH S R hn-1 h zn-1 = hn-1(y) z1 = h1(y) z = h(y) Information-Theoretic IH Consist(h1)={y: h1(y)=z1} h Boolean pairwise-independent hash functions Hiding – The only information that R obtains about y is h(y). Binding-UnboundedS cannot find (with non-neg probability) y1y22 L such that h(y1) = h(y2) = z. Consist(h1,…,hk)={y: 8i hi(y)=zi} Two-to-one hash function |L| << 2n h=(h1,...,hn-1 )ÃHn-1 • |L| << 2n/2 • |L| > 2n/2 |LÅConsist(h1,…,hk)| << √|Consist(h1,…,hk)|
Im(f) h1 S R xÃ{0,1}n, y=f(x) h=(h1,...,hk )ÃHk hk zk = hk(y) z1 = h1(y) Our protocol (variant of NOVY) f h Any family of Booleanpairwise-independent hash functions About the size of Im(f) kw log(|Im(f)|)
Hiding • If Ris semi-honest (follows the protocol) it obtains h(y) for a uniformly chosen h • If Ris malicious, it obtains h(y) for an adaptively chosen h • In many settings (e.g., String-Commitment) we can forceR to follow the protocol Same as in NOVY, but there it is less harmful
Binding Main Theorem: Let A be an alg. that breaks the binding of the protocol with probability >0. Then there exists an eff. alg. MA s.t PryÃIm(f)[MA(y)2f-1(y)]2 (2/n8) Comparing to previous results (Im(f)= {0,1}n): • [NOVY98] - (10/poly(n)) • [NOV06] - (3/n6) * Here - proof for the NOVY settings, i.e., Im(f) = {0,1}n and the hashing is to {0,1}n-1
h1 h=(h1,...,hn-1 )ÃHkn-1 R hn-1 zn-1 z1 Algorithm A A Pr[f(x1)f(x2)Æh(f(x1)) = h(f(x2)) = z] ¸ * z = (z1,...,zn-1 ) Outputs x1, x2
h1 h=(h1,...,hn-1 )ÃHkn-1 R hn-1 Choose(h1,...,hn-1 ) s.t. y is consistent zn-1 z1 In order to success we need:y=f(x1)or y=f(x2) ! we need 8i hi(y) = zi happens with neg. probability MA(y) A Outputs x1, x2 Returns x1 or x2
MA on input y2{0,1}n: • (h1,…, hn-ofs)Ã Searcher(y) • Return Inverter(h1,…, hn-ofs) ofs2O(log(1/)+ log(n)) Searcher(y): • For i = 1 to n-ofs Do the following 2log(n) times: • Choose uniformly at random hi2H • If A(h1,...,hi) = hi(y), break the inner loop. • Return h1,…, hn-ofs Inverter(h1,…, hn-ofs) • Choose hn-ofs+1,…,hn-1uniformly inH • (x1,x2) ÃADec(h1,…, hn-1) • Return x1or x2
hk Pictorial description of A {0,1}n ConsistA(h1) = {y: h1(y) = A(h1)} h1 ... h2 h3 ConsistA(h1,...,hk) = {y: 8i hi(y) =A(h1,...,hk)}
h1 h2 h3 hn-ofs The evaluation of Searcher y2{0,1}n If Inverter doeswellon DReal (i.e., prob. Inverter(h)2f-1(y) is noticeable) then MA inverts f well y2ConsistA(h1) y2ConsistA(h1,...,hn-ofs) n-ofs DReal (h,y)yÃ{0,1}n,hÃSearcher(y)
h1 h2 h3 The Ideal dist. Inverter doeswellon DIdeal • The distribution on (h1,…,hn-fs) is what A expects !A returns element in f-1(ConsistA(h1,…,hn-ofs)) with non-negligible probability • ConsistA(h1,…,hn-ofs) is small At random yÃConsistA(h1,…,hn-ofs) hn-ofs n-ofs DIdeal (h,y)hÃHn-ofs,yÃConsistA(h)
Proof of Security • Inverter doeswellon DIdeal • DIdealand DRealare close. The statistical diff. between DIdealand DRealis larger than the success probability of Inverter on DIdeal
Refined Proximity Measure Definition: D1(,a)-approximatesD2, if exists Bad µ sup(D1), s.t. • D1(Bad) · . • For every xBad1/a·D1(x)/D2(x)·a. Let T be an event s.t. D1[T] ¸+ non-neg then, D2[T] ¸ non-neg
Lemma 1DIdeal (O(2/n3),81)-approximatesDReal. Lemma 2 (informal)Inverter does wellon DIdealand its success probability does not depend on event of small probability Proving Lemma 2: similar to the information-theoretic case
ProvingLemma 1 Since our proximity measure is “well behaved”, it suffices to prove that Claim 1: (h,y)hÃH,yÃConsistA(h)(O(2/n3),1+4/n)-approx. (h,y)yÃ{0,1}n,h ÃH | y2ConsistA(h) Proof: • For almost any h2H, (about) half of {0,1}n is consistent with it • Almost any y2{0,1}n is consistent with (about) half of H
Applications of The New Theorem to Bit-Commitment • Reproving (as an immediate corollary) the result of [HHKKMS05]: Stat.-Hiding BC from any regular/ Appx.-preimage-size OWF • Statistically-hiding BC from “One-sided approximable preimage-size one-way functions” • In particular: Stat.-hiding BC from any one-way function with hardness 2(-nloglog(n)/log(n)) * * Small O(loglog(n)) non-uniform advice
One-sided approximable preimage-size OWF • Approximable preimage-size OWF: A OWF f, possible to eff. approximate Ďf(y) = log|(f-1(y))| • One-sided approximable preimage-size OWF: A OWF f, exists an eff. algorithm D and a polynomial p: • Pr[D(f(x))wĎf(f(x))] ¸1/p(n) • D(f(x)) ·Ďf(f(x)) * Or the opposite case Allows additive error which depends on the security-parameter of f Save for a small probability (smaller than 1/p(n))
Further issues • Linear reduction • Or, lower bound for the security of the reduction • Statistically-hiding bit-commitment from any OWF
L Lemma 2 : Inverterdoes wellon DIdealand its success prob. does not depend on event of small probability ConsistA(h1,...,hn-ofs) {y: prob. Inverter(h1,...,hn-ofs)2f-1(y) is noticeable} {y: probability that A breaks the binding with y (conditioned on h1,...,hn-ofs) is noticeable}