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Understanding the ASCA National Model and Designing a Comprehensive School Counseling Program. Susan Ireland, M.Ed. PK Yonge DRS January 14,2014. Per the Third Edition (2012) of the ASCA National Model, the School Counseling Program must answer this Question:.
Understanding the ASCA National Model and Designing a Comprehensive School Counseling Program Susan Ireland, M.Ed. PK Yonge DRS January 14,2014
Per the Third Edition (2012) of the ASCA National Model, the School Counseling Program must answer this Question: “How are students different as a result of the school counseling program?”
When designing and implementing a comprehensive school counseling program be sure to understand and incorporate state standards. Florida’ s School Counseling Framework 2010 Florida Department of Education Division of Public Schools Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services www.fldoe.org/ese/pdf/FinalCounselFramework2010.pdf
From page 2 of Florida’s School Counseling Framework: “We continue to promote the conceptual shift from guidance to school counseling. Preferred terms include “school counselor” instead of “guidance counselor” as the certified professional who uses counseling, coordinating, consulting, curriculum developing and delivery skills to implement the program. The program that defines the activities and program evaluation methods is called a comprehensive school counseling program.”
School Counselors design and deliver comprehensive school counseling programs that promote student achievement. These programs are comprehensive in scope, preventative in design and developmental in nature. School counseling programs should be an integral part of students’ daily educational environment, and school counselors should be partners in student achievement
NEFEC Comprehensive School Counseling Program • Newly minted • Currently in draft form • Based on the 2012 ASCA National Model and 2010 Florida’s School Counseling Framework • Will be available on NEFEC’s website: www.nefec.orgthis spring • Use it as a template and customize to meet the unique needs of your district
4 Themes Through the application of the 4 themes, counselors promote achievement and access to rigorous education that leads to closing achievement, opportunity and attainment gaps. Leadership ~ Advocacy ~ Collaboration ~ Systemic Change
There are 4 components of the Model1. Foundation • Vision and mission statements defined to establish program focus • Goal Setting • Student competencies developed around the 3 domains: academic, career and personal/social development* • Professional competencies outline the knowledge, skills and attitudes required, based on ASCA Ethical Standards for School Counselors
Sample Vision Statement The Comprehensive School Counseling Program will provide opportunities to assist all students as they develop the competencies needed for academic and personal development, positive mental health, and effective life skills, resulting in career and college readiness for each student.
Sample Mission Statements • District: “Collaborating to meet the needs of each child” • Counseling program: “Collaborating to meet the unique needs of each student through a culturally sensitive developmental counseling model. By means of coordinating, counseling and consulting and through the use of data driven activities, students will be assisted in reaching their highest potential”
Student competencies • Crux of the school counseling program • Identifies the specific attitudes, knowledge and skills that students should demonstrate as a result of program participation • Select Student Standards/Competencies/Indicators from “ASCA National Standards for Students” or “Florida’s school Counseling Framework” • Student Competency examples: 1. Develop the skills and attitudes for improving effectiveness as a learner. 2. Develop skills to locate, evaluate, and interpret career information. 3. Demonstrate positive interpersonal and communication skills.
ASCA National Model School Counseling Program SMART Goals Worksheet
2. Management Assessment Tools: • School Counselor Competencies • School Counseling Program Assessment • Use of time Assessment
School Counselor Competencies • School counselors should possess the knowledge, abilities, skills and attitudes necessary to plan, organize, implement and evaluate a comprehensive, developmental, results-based school counseling program that aligns with the ASCA National Model. • I-A: Knowledge • ASCA’s position statement, The Professional School Counselor and School Counseling Preparation Programs, states that school counselors should articulate and demonstrate an understanding of: • __ I-A-1. The organizational structure and governance of the American educational system as well as cultural, political and social influences on current educational practices • __ I-A-2. The organizational structure and qualities of an effective school counseling program that aligns with the ASCA National Model • __ I-A-3. Impediments to student learning and use of advocacy and data-driven school counseling practices to act effectively in closing the achievement/opportunity gap • __ I-A-4. Leadership principles and theories • __ I-A-5. Individual counseling, group counseling and classroom guidance programs ensuring equitable access to resources that promote academic achievement; personal, social and emotional development; and career development including the identification of appropriate post-secondary education for every student • __ I-A-6. Collaborations with stakeholders such as parents and guardians, teachers, administrators and community leaders to create learning environments that promote educational equity and success for every student • __ I-A-7. Legal, ethical and professional issues in pre-K–12 schools • __ I-A-8. Developmental theory, learning theories, social justice theory, multiculturalism, counseling theories and career counseling theories • __ I-A-9. The continuum of mental health services, including prevention and intervention strategies to enhance student success
I-B: Abilities and Skills An effective school counselor is able to accomplish measurable objectives demonstrating the following abilities and skills. __ I-B-1. Plans, organizes, implements and evaluates a school counseling program aligning with the ASCA National Model __ I-B-1a. Creates a vision statement examining the professional and personal competencies and qualities a school counselor should possess __ I-B-1b. Describes the rationale for a comprehensive school counseling program __ I-B-1c. Articulates the school counseling themes of advocacy, leadership, collaboration and systemic change, which are critical to a successful school counseling program. __ I-B-1d. Describes, defines and identifies the qualities of an effective school counseling program __ I-B-1e. Describes the benefits of a comprehensive school counseling program for all stakeholders, including students, parents, teachers, administrators, school boards, department of education, school counselors, counselor educators, community stakeholders and business leaders __ I-B-1f. Describes the history of school counseling to create a context for the current state of the profession and comprehensive school counseling programs __ I-B-1g. Uses technology effectively and efficiently to plan, organize, implement and evaluate the comprehensive school counseling program __ I-B-1h. Demonstrates multicultural, ethical and professional competencies in planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating the comprehensive school counseling program __ I-B-2. Serves as a leader in the school and community to promote and support student success __ I-B-2a. Understands and defines leadership and its role in comprehensive school counseling programs __ I-B-2b. Identifies and applies a model of leadership to a comprehensive school counseling program __ I-B-2c. Identifies and demonstrates professional and personal qualities and skills of effective leaders __ I-B-2d. Identifies and applies components of the ASCA National Model requiring leadership, such as an advisory council, management system and accountability __ I-B-2e. Creates a plan to challenge the non-counseling tasks that are assigned to school counselors __ I-B-3. Advocates for student success __ I-B-3a. Understands and defines advocacy and its role in comprehensive school counseling programs __ I-B-3b. Identifies and demonstrates benefits of advocacy with school and community stakeholders __ I-B-3c. Describes school counselor advocacy competencies, which include dispositions, knowledge and skills __ I-B-3d. Reviews advocacy models and develops a personal advocacy plan __ I-B-3e. Understands the process for development of policy and procedures at the building, district, state and national levels
ManagementTools • Annual agreement (with administration) • Advisory council • Use of Data, Program results data • School Data Profile • Small Group and Closing the Gap Action Plans • Lesson Plans • Calendar
Sample Calendar High School Counseling Department Calendar 2012-13 August • Register new students • Prepare for student’s return • Establish high school counseling calendar • Adjust student schedules • Write parent newsletter • In-service for any doctoral students and interns • New student orientation • Preplanning • Attend grade level team meetings, weekly * • Responsive Services, daily* • Student Services Meetings, Bi-weekly* • Last date for schedule changes Aug.31st • Assist with virtual school enrollment
3. DeliveryDirect Student Services • School Counseling Core Curriculum; comprehensive, written instructional program, preventative, developmental • Individual Student Planning; appraisal, advisement to establish goals and plans • Responsive Services; meeting students immediate needs, crisis intervention
DeliveryIndirect Student Services • Referrals; directs students and families to school and community resources • Consultation; share strategies with parents, other educators and organizations to promote academic, career and personal development • Collaboration; teaming, committee work, workshops
4. AccountabilityData Analysis • School Data Profile Analysis; strengths, concerns, achievement gaps, attendance issues? • Use of Time Analysis; at least 80% of a counselors time should be spent on direct and indirect student services. Less that 20% on management and fair share responsibilities.
Activities for School Counselors Appropriate Inappropriate Coordinating paperwork and data entry for new students Coordinating cognitive aptitude and achievement testing program Signing excuses for students who are tardy or absent Performing disciplinary actions Sending students home who are not appropriately dressed Teaching classes when teachers are absent Computing grade point averages • Individual student academic planning • Interpreting cognitive, aptitude and achievement tests • Providing counseling to students who are tardy or absent • Providing counseling to students who have disciplinary problems • Providing counseling to students as to appropriate school dress • Collaborating with teachers to present school counseling core curriculum lessons • Analyzing grade point averages in relationship to achievement
Activities for School Counselors Appropriate Inappropriate Maintaining students records Supervising classrooms or common areas Keeping clerical records Assisting with duties in the principal’s office Providing therapy or long-term counseling to address psychology disorders Coordinating IEP’s or student study teams Serving as a data entry clerk • Interpreting students records • Providing teachers with suggestions for effective classroom management • Ensuring student records are maintained per state and federal regulations • Helping the principal identify and resolve student issues, needs and problems • Providing individual and small group counseling • Advocating for students at IEP meetings, and student study teams • Analyzing disaggregated data
Accountability Now More than ever school counselor are expected to demonstrate the effectiveness of their programs in measurable terms.
AccountabilityData analysis & Program results • School Data Profile Analysis • Use of time Analysis • Curriculum results analysis; program carried out, all students served, effectiveness • Small group results analysis; appropriate goals, goals met • Closing the gap results analysis; look at process, perception outcome data
Without data you can only hope that your program is effective Having a data driven school counseling program means that at each state of program delivery and assessment, data is used to inform decisions. Data identifies the population in need of intervention. Data drives decisions about goals of the intervention…. Systemic change does not occur with out collecting and examining data to understand the cause of the issue or the gap.
3 Types of Data • Process, ex: # of participants, # of times intervention took place, evidence that the event occurred • Perception, ex: Asks what participants know or can do, collected through surveys, that measure attainment of competencies, attitudes, beliefs and perceived gains in knowledge • Outcome, ex: reports the extent to which the program had a positive impact on students’ ability to use their knowledge, attitudes and skills to improve achievement, attendance, behavior. Collected from multiple sources
Sample results report Career Exploration and Planning • Target group: sophomores (class of 2014) • Competencies: 3.1 Develop self knowledge through experience and exploration. 4.2 Develop skills to locate, evaluate and interpret career information • Resources needed: Laptop computers to access Choices career program • Process data: 120 sophomores, 90 minute in each of the 5 sections of English. • Perception Data: A needs assessment was given to 260 PKY HS students. 90% of the students reported that the following competencies must be priorities in the counseling program: 1. Opportunity to explore career choices 2. Assistance in finding a career that suits personality, abilities and interests. • Outcome Data: Per their reflections, 98% of the students were to name a career that appealed to them. Per observation 100% used the internet to complete a career interest inventory and access career information.
CHOICES Career Exploratory Workshop Lesson Plan • Begin by logging on to www.flvc.org > Degrees and Careers > Career planning >Explore Careers > Fl. Choices > Sign in if you know your portfolio name or Create a new portfolio. Read the hints and directions on the screen as you create your portfolio. Once you have created the portfolio, select Choices Planner, then Interest Profiler. • INTEREST PROFILER - This is the main activity. You will be expected to indicate whether you like or dislike about 120 career related tasks. This inventory works best if you do not select “not sure” too many times. You will end up with a list of careers related to your interests. You need to find a few jobs on your list appealing enough to research further. Simply click on the job title to research it. You will find a thorough job description, information on working conditions, salary, skills and education needed, employment outlook and additional information. Research at least 3 jobs. • You will find the following activities under the heading “WORK”. Explore a minimum of two of these activities: • CAREER FINDER – Allows you to find careers based on a number of characteristics. Career finder works best when you do not select all characteristics. Select only the most important ones. You will end up with a list of careers that match your most important characteristics. • VALUES SORTER – Allows you to rank work related values. The end result is a short list of your most critical values. • MORE… - Don’t overlook this section. Many of you may need to use the following in the near future: • ALPHBETICAL LIST of careers • GOLD STAR CAREERS – good salary, good growth. • RESUME BUILDER – Helps you build a professional looking resume step by step. Tells you what to include. Suggests how to handle a lack of experience or education. Suggests what type of interests and activities should be included • JOB INTERVIEW PRACTICE – sample interview questions • If time remains, review the ‘LEARN” section of Choices (info on colleges, majors and scholarships). Use SCHOOL FINDER to find colleges that match your criteria. • Process writing assignment, write about 1 page on the following: Reflect on the 3 careers you researched. Then write about the following: Which career appeals to you most and why? Has this activity changed your thoughts regarding career choice and future employment? If so, how? Write briefly about the two most interesting things you learned today.
Sample results reportPost high school planning • Target Group: Senior Students • Standard: Students will acquire the academic preparation necessary to choose from a wide variety of educational, training, and employment options upon completion of secondary school • Sessions/activities: 2 individual conferences, 2 classroom lessons, 2 evening programs, 2 senior newsletters • Process data: 116 seniors (class of 2013) • Perception Data: A needs assessment was given to 260 PKY HS students. 90% of the students reported that the following competencies must be priorities in the counseling program: 1. Getting info about ed options after HS 2. Getting financial info to prepare for college 3. Help applying to college • Outcome data: 44% of class accepted at and indicated they would attend 4 year college/university, 49% accepted at and indicated they would attend 2 year college or state college.
Current Data Based Project • I am examining post HS educational enrollment for 1st generation students. If there enrollment differs from the rest of their cohort, additional interventions will be put in place. • So far I found (108 members, class of 2014) 70 not 1st gen, 22 are 1st gen, 4 are unsure and 12 (mostly dual enrolled) did not respond. ASCA Competencies to be addressed: A:B1 Improve Learning A:B2 Plan to achieve goals
Some common core instructional shifts ELA: • Balancing informational and literary text. At lease 50% must be informational • Staircase of complexity: each grade requires a step of growth on staircase, scaffolding required • Text based answers: Students must make evidentiary arguments in conversation and writing • Writing from sources: Writing must emphasize evidence, rather than personal narrative • Academic vocabulary: Focuses on strategically pivotal and commonly found words, rather than esoteric literary terms.
Some common core instructional shifts MATH: • Focus: Standards prioritized, students reach strong foundational knowledge & are able to transfer skills across concepts and grades • Fluency: Speed and accuracy w/ simple calculations, memorization, so they are better able to understand and to manipulate more complex concepts • Deep Understanding: Develop deep understanding by applying concepts to new situations as well as by writing and speaking about understanding. • Applications: Apply concepts to real world situations. Teachers in areas outside of math, ensure that students are using math. • Dual Intensity: Students are practicing and understanding with intensity.
Possible ccss action steps for school counselors • Help gather and analyze data related to standardized test scores, state assessments, grades, and number of Tier 2 and 3 interventions • Help identify students with literacy needs and help match to interventions • Integrate strategies for addressing literacy instruction standards into Comprehensive School Counseling Plan. • Review course offerings, sequencing policies to ensure that all students have access to higher-level math courses • Gather info on the # of students on target to be college career ready per SAT/ACT scores • Set expectations for professional development in CSCP • Use data to identify student needs and monitor progress • Signal a College –Going Culture
For curriculum inspiration check out ok. ucango2 resources Their Workbook Covers five main areas of college planning: • Why Go To College? • What Do I Want To Be? • How Do I Get There? • Where Do I Go? • How Do I Pay For It? • www.ucango2.org/counselors/counselor_resources.htm
ramp The Recognized ASCA Model Program (RAMP) recognizes exemplary school counseling programs that follow the ASCA National Model. You are RAMP-ready if: YOUR PROGRAM: • Has measurable goals that tie into the school’s goals • Has administrator support • Has an advisory council dedicated solely to the school counseling program that includes all the stakeholders • Has annual and weekly calendars that reflect the suggested use of school counselor time SCHOOL COUNSELORS: • Create a yearly classroom guidance action plan and regularly deliver classroom guidance lessons tied into program goals • Regularly deliver small-group lessons based on students’ and the school’s specific needs • Regularly collect process, perception and results data on all areas of the program • Analyze and evaluate the data to guide the program • Identify achievement and learning gaps and develop interventions to address the gaps • Regularly evaluate and reflect on the program and how leadership, advocacy and collaboration efforts have an impact on systemic change in your school and district REFER TO THE RAMP SCORING RUBRIC BEFORE STARTING THIS PROCESS
S is for School Counselor (ASCA and the AMA recommends a 1:250 ratio)
resources • The American School Counseling Association, (2012) The ASCA National Model: A Framework for School Counseling Programs, Third Edition. Alexandria, VA. • Florida Department of Education, (2010) Florida School Counseling Framework, State of Florida • American School Counselor Association (2004). ASCA National Standards for Students. Alexandria, VA: Author. • Joint Action Brief by Achieve, College Summit, NASSP,NAESP, Implementing the Common core State Standards, The Role of the School Counselor • Oklahoma College Assistance Program, (2009-2012) UCanGo2A division of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education