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Gerald Nelson Senior Research Fellow, IFPRI Theme leader, CCAFS. Food Security and Climate Change: Current IMPACT Results and Future Plans. Forestry and Agriculture Greenhouse Gas Modeling Forum Wednesday, September 27, 2011. Overview. Food Security and climate change results from IMPACT
Gerald Nelson Senior Research Fellow, IFPRI Theme leader, CCAFS Food Security and Climate Change: Current IMPACT Results and Future Plans Forestry and Agriculture Greenhouse Gas Modeling ForumWednesday, September 27, 2011
Overview • Food Security and climate change results from IMPACT • How we got them • How do we compare with others • Should you believe any of us Page 2
Food Security and Climate Change Results Nelson, Gerald C., Mark W. Rosegrant, et al. 2010. Food Security, Farming, and Climate Change to 2050: Scenarios, Results, Policy Options. Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute. Page 3
Food security challenges are unprecedented • Many more people in developing countries • Between 2000 and 2050, 50 percent globally; almost all in developing countries • With higher incomes comes more demand for quantity and quality • Climate change – a threat multiplier with uncertain outcomes • Reduced productivity of existing varieties and cropping systems Page 4
Income and population growth drive prices higher(price increase (%), 2010 – 2050, Baseline economy and demography) Page 5 Nelson et al, 2010
Climate change increases prices even more(price increase (%), 2010 – 2050, Baseline economy and demography) Minimum and maximum effect from four climate scenarios Page 6 Nelson et al, 2010
Developed Country, Change in Net Exports of Cereals, 2010-2050 (million mt) With perfect mitigation, DC net cereal exports change little between 2010 and 2050. With climate change, DC net cereal exports grow less or decline. Page 7
Countries with more than 1 million hectares of crop area increase, 2010–2050 (000 hectares) Page 8
Countries with more than 1 million ha of crop area decline, 2010–2050 (000 hectares) Page 9
Assessing food security and climate change outcomes Developedcountries All developingcountries Low-income developing countries
Where do the Results Come From:The IMPACT Modeling suite Page 11
The IMPACT Modeling Environment Hydrology and Water Supply Demand Models Climate Scenarios Crop Models Partial equilibrium economic model Page 12
Supply Side Spatial Resolution:281 Food Production Units Page 13
Change in average annual precipitation, 2000-2050, CSIRO GCM, A1B (mm) Page 14
Change in average annual precipitation, 2000-2050, MIROC GCM, A1B (mm) Page 15
Current process for incorporating climate effects on crops into IMPACT
GCM/SRES scenario climate results are down scaled to 0.5 degree/5 minute resolution 2000 June average minimum temperature 2050 CSIRO/A2 June average rainfall
Planting months are chosen based on current and future climate conditions 2000 Rainfed planting month 2050 CSIRO/A2 Rainfed planting month
Soils are represented by 27 generic soil profiles based on the harmonized FAO soil datasets Soil profiles color coded by location
The remaining inputs fall under management practices Choice of crop variety Rainfed versus irrigated sources of water Planting densities, row spacing, and transplanting details Fertilizer types, amounts, and application dates
DSSAT generates projected yields for each location 2000 Rainfed maize yield 2050 CSIRO/A2 Rainfed maize yield
SPAM 2000 areas are used to weight the projected yields when aggregating to FPUs Rainfed maize physical area in 2000
FPU boundaries and crop model pixel results 2000 Rainfed maize yield with FPU boundaries in South Asia
Projected yields from DSSAT are aggregated up to the FPU-level for use in IMPACT By crop and rainfed/irrigated... Find total SPAM area within FPU Find total production (SPAM area × DSSAT yield) within FPU Compute area-weighted-average yield as total production / total area
Yield Effects, Rainfed Maize, CSIRO A1B (% change 2000 climate to 2050 climate) Nelson et al, 2010
Yield Effects, Rainfed Maize, MIROC A1B (% change 2000 climate to 2050 climate) Page 26 Nelson et al, 2010
Corn Yield Change, 2000-2050 (%)CNR GCM, A1 GHG Scenario Page 27
Corn Yield Change, 2000-2050 (%)CSI GCM, A1 GHG Scenario Page 28
Corn Yield Change, 2000-2050 (%)ECH GCM, A1 GHG Scenario Page 29
Corn Yield Change, 2000-2050 (%)MIR GCM, A1 GHG Scenario Page 30
How do we compare with others: ComparingIMPACT, ENVISAGE, LEITAP Page 31
Alternate Perspectives on Price Scenarios (perfect mitigation), 2004-2050 IMPACT has substantially greater price increases Page 32
Alternate perspectives on agricultural area changes, 2004-2050 Page 33
IMPACT Area Response, at FPU Level Atni = crop area α = crop area intercept PStni = producer price ε = area price elasticity WATtni = water stress = exogenous area growth rate
Selected CGE Area Supply Functions • Envisage (World Bank/FAO) • LEITAP (Wageningen) • - Asymptote • Ɛ - Price elasticity Page 35
Aggregate land supply parameters for ENVISAGE and LEITAP Ratio of all land rated very suitable, suitable, moderately suitable land and marginally suitable land to actual arable land in use Page 36
Should you believe any of us:Examples of The quality of Data Page 37
How much irrigated area in India? Intl. Water Management Inst.113 M ha (net) Government of India57-62 M ha Source: Thenkabail 2009
Where do land cover maps disagree on forest and cropland? All colored areas below. Source: FAO and ILRI (forthcoming 2011)
Where do MODIS v. 5 and GlobCover disagree on crop area globally? All colored areas below. Source: FAO and ILRI (forthcoming 2011)
Comparing Land Cover data in Africa Globcover 2005 – (300m) GLC2000 2000 – (1km) MODIS 2001 – (5km) Africover 1999-20 01 – (30m) Page 41
Kenya All maps use the same legend GLC2000 Globcover Zhe Guo, HarvestChoice2011 (unpublished).” MODIS Africover
Uganda Rwanda All maps use the same legend Globcover GLC2000 MODIS Africover Zhe Guo, HarvestChoice2011 (unpublished).”
Tanzania All maps use the same legend Globcover GLC2000 MODIS Africover Zhe Guo, HarvestChoice2011 (unpublished).”
Ethiopia Globcover GLC2000 All maps use the same legend MODIS Zhe Guo, HarvestChoice2011 (unpublished).”
What is needed? • Regular observations • Observations year after year • Repeated observations • Multiple observations within a year and across years • Appropriate spatial resolution • Similar to field size • Discrimination • Minimum spectral frequencies to detect agricultural and natural resource change Page 46
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