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Ecsite - the European Network of Science Centres and Museums

Universeums grundare: Göteborgs universitet Chalmers tekniska högskola Västsvenska Industri- och Handelskammaren Göteborgs kommunalförbund. Ecsite - the European Network of Science Centres and Museums linking science communication professionals

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Ecsite - the European Network of Science Centres and Museums

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  1. Universeums grundare: Göteborgs universitet Chalmers tekniska högskola Västsvenska Industri- och Handelskammaren Göteborgs kommunalförbund

  2. Ecsite - the European Network of Science Centres and Museums • linking science communication professionals • more than 400 institutions in 50 countries • founded 20 years ago • connects member institutions through projects and activities • facilitates the exchange of ideas and best practice on current issues

  3. PENCIL – Permanent European Centre for Informal Learning

  4. pencil permanent european resource centre for informal learning Att lära för ett hållbart samhälle Att utveckla och testa en metod för ett samarbete mellan science center, skolor och samhälle.

  5. AS måndagsmöte 051114

  6. Pencil

  7. Eur - Oceans Climate Change & Marine Ecosystems • Partners and national contacts  : • National Marine Aquarium, Plymouth (paul.cox@national-aquarium.co.uk) • CNES, Toulouse, France (danielle.destaerke@cnes.fr) • EUAC (euac@oceano.mc) • Musée Océanographique de Monaco (n.ounais@oceano.mc) • Universeum, Sweden (jan.westin@universeum.se) • AquariumFinisterrae, Spain (paco@casaciencias.org) • Océanopolis, Brest France (osana.bonilla@oceanopolis.com) • Gdynia Aquarium, Poland (wojtek@mir.gdynia.pl) • Acquario di Genova, Italy (bvalettini@acquariodigenova.it) • CretAquariumThalassocosmos, Greece (tpoly@her.hcmr.gr) • Kordinator: Océanopolis

  8. Nano-dialogue exhibition module Enhancing dialogue on nanotechnologies and nanosciences in society at the European level Città della Scienza - Naples, Italy MQC2 association - Naples, Italy

  9. NANO DIALOGUE Different costs items in the total budget

  10. EU-projekt igång nu på Universeum NanoToTouch - Nanoscience live at museums and science centres ACCENT - Action on Climate Change through Engagement, Networks and Tools CASC – Cities and Science Communication

  11. ACCENT ACTIONON CLIMATE CHANGETHROUGH ENGAGEMENT, NETWORKS AND TOOLS Åtgärder mot klimatförändringen genom engagemang, nätverk och verktyg

  12. Mål • Utbyte av arbete och erfarenheter mellan science center, museer och akvarier som er engagerade i klimatförändringen. Göra en webplattform • Skapa en tvåvägs kommunikation om klimatförändringen i Europa • Förklara orsak och verkan av klimatförändringen (utställning, science shows och/eller teater föreställningar) • Sprida resultat av Europas forskning och skapa möten där forskare engagerade i denna forskning presenteras • Debattera sociala och ekonomiska aspekter relaterade till klimatförändringen • Spridning av senaste forskningsresultat för ökad klimatförändringsförståelse • Engagera medborgarna i debatten och att samla in deras uppfattning i Europa om klimatförändringar

  13. Deltagare ACCENT: • Fondazione IDIS-Città della Scienza, Italien - koordinator • Observa, Italien • Bloomfield Science Museum Jerusalem, Israel • The Israel National Museum of Science, Technology & Space • Science Centre AHHAA Foundation, Estland • Experimentarium, Danmark • NAUSICAA, Frankrike • Universeum, Sverige • Teknikens Hus, Sverige • Techniquest, Belgien • Flanders Technology International, Belgien • Heureka, Finland • University of Lapland, Finland • ECSITE, Belgien

  14. ACCENT • Activities nr participantsBeneficiariescategories • 40 science demonstrations 1200 General public • 6 schoollabs 150 School students • 6 Participatory • games 150 School students • 4 debates 200 General public • 3 teachers training 60 Teachers

  15. NanoToTouch Nanosciences Live inScience Centres and Museums NMP-2008-1.1-2Support to outreach and communication in nanotechnologyCollaborative Project and Support Action NanoToTouch - CSA-SA 233473

  16. Open Nano Lab Nano Researcher Live University University Science Centre Museum system of rotation system of rotation 6 project partners3 science centres3 universities 6 project partners3 museums3 universities NanoToTouch - Focus of the Project creation of innovative places where the broad public can learn about and discuss nano research by directly involving the scientists NanoToTouch - CSA-SA 233473

  17. NanoToTouch - Consortium Partners Open Nano Labs Munich (Germany)01 • Deutsches Museum02 •Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Milano(Italy)03 • Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci04 • University of Milano - CIMAINA Göteborg(Sweden)05 • Universeum06 • Chalmers University of Technology NanoToTouch - CSA-SA 233473

  18. NanoToTouch - Consortium Partners Nano Researcher Live Mechelen (Belgium)07 • Technopolis08 •Universiteit Antwerpen Tartu(Estonia)09 • AHHAA Science Centre Foundation10 • University of Tartu Naples(Italy)11 • Fondazione IDIS-Città della Scienza12 • National Research Council - Institute of Cybernetics NanoToTouch - CSA-SA 233473

  19. NanoToTouch - CSA-SA 233473

  20. CASC - Cities and science communication: Innovative approaches to engaging the public Objectives: • Contribute to a better understanding of the governance of science and to support development of open governance • Develop transnational research that contributes to the understanding of the participation of science in building a European society and identity • Exchange best practices and co-operation between cities (and/or regions) for the development of a scientific culture at the local level • Ensure the broadest geographical coverage of Member States • Development of two-way communication between scientists and citizens • Using science shops and science museums/ centres as a tool to provide local civil society organisations with the scientific knowledge they need.

  21. Broad coverage of Member States • East and Central Europe: Bucharest, Debrecen, Wroclaw, Prague and Brno. • Southern Europe: Seville, Milan, Rome, Lyon and La Coruna. • Mediterranean Europe: Cyprus (Nicosia). • North West Europe: Birmingham and Gothenburg. Coordinator Birmingham City Council UK

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