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Data Structure & Algorithm

Data Structure & Algorithm. Lecture 1 – Course Introduction JJCAO. Steal some from Prof. Yoram Moses. Course Introduction. Lecturer: Junjie Cao Email: jjcao @ dlut.edu.cn Webpage for the course: http:// www.jjcao.net/algorithmdatastructure.html http://www.jjcao.net/c.html.

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Data Structure & Algorithm

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Data Structure & Algorithm Lecture 1 – Course Introduction JJCAO Steal some from Prof. Yoram Moses

  2. Course Introduction • Lecturer: Junjie Cao • Email: jjcao @ dlut.edu.cn • Webpage for the course: • http://www.jjcao.net/algorithmdatastructure.html • http://www.jjcao.net/c.html

  3. Problem Solving by Computer input Manipulation output

  4. Problem Solving by Computer input Algorithm output

  5. What is an Algorithm? Data input Data manipulation Data output

  6. Purpose of learning the course: Solving problems by computer • Data: information being analyzed e.g.: numbers, words, movies • Algorithm: a computational procedure for solving a problem • Data structure: The way the data is organized

  7. Objectives and Philosophy • Objectives • Scientist (thesis + research) • IT, even other job (interview + work) • Mathematician + programmer in short period • Coding with C++ • Design appropriatedata structures • Implement smart algorithms • Philosophy • Interest examples driven • Useful Problems driven • Practice makes perfect!

  8. Preliminary Knowledge • Little programming background is acceptable • IDE: Visual C++ 2010 • Language: C++ • How to learn them now? • Learning by practice (homework assigned in this course)

  9. 讨论 • 各位目标 • 学好? • 考试高分 • 编程高手 • 混学分? • 应付考试 • 希望的技能 • C or C++? • Turbo C/C++ or Visual C/C++? • 授之以鱼,不如授之以渔 • Enjoy coding 

  10. Course Introduction • 48 hours / 3credits • Final Grade = 30%*(Overall grade) +70% *(Score on Final Exam) • Overall grade: attendance, homework, midterm exam • 不允许抄袭!

  11. How to teach/learn? Data Structure & Algorithm “秘诀在于,我摸索出一套有效的方法, 能够在最短的时间内, 帮助学生快速提高编程的能力!” • -- 刘利刚 • http://www.math.zju.edu.cn/ligangliu/Resources/GraduateRecruiting.htm

  12. Requirements(1) • 代码编写 • 符合一定的规范 • 代码清晰 • 适当注释

  13. Requirement(2) • 作业提交 • 文档说明:运行参数,操作等 • 编译通过,程序能运行 • 压缩打包上载到课程FTP • 去除不必要的文件,如\debug目录 • 文件命名规则: DA_yourID_HomeworkID#_name.zip • 举例:20091003_Homework1_张三.zip

  14. Requirement(3) • 必须在规定的最后期限之前递交 • 超过最后期限,扣分

  15. Requirement(4) • 独立完成 • 相互帮助 • 团队合作 • 绝不允许抄袭!

  16. Course FTP • • Username: homework • Password: homework • 只有上载权限,没有下载和删除等其他权限 • Hand in your homework • Upload by FTP • DON’T send via E-mail

  17. References Books • [CLRS] T.H. Cormen, C.E. Leiserson and R.L. Rivest, Introduction to Algorithms • [Skiena2] Steven S. Skiena, The Algorithm Design Manual 2nd, http://www.algorist.com/ • [Samet] HananSamet, Foundations of Multidimensional and Metric Data Structures • [Lafore24] Robert Lafore, Teach yourself data structures and algorithms in 24 hours • [LRJ21], Teach Yourself C++ in One Hour a Day • [McConnel2] Steve McConnell, Code Complete, 2nd

  18. Reference Courses • ZJU 06191170, Data Structure, 2011, http://www.math.zju.edu.cn/ligangliu/Courses/DataStructure_2010-2011/default.htm • Technion 044268, Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms, 2009 (Interesting sliders, homework and Reading Material are not in English), http://eecourses.technion.ac.il/044268/ • SBU CSE 373, Analysis of Algorithms, 2011 (Steven S. Skiena,Comprehensive) http://www.cs.sunysb.edu/~skiena/373/

  19. Referenced websites • http://www.algolist.net/

  20. Computer Graphics & Vision

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