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Engaging Young Entrepreneurs Challenge by MyKindaCrowd

MyKindaCrowd posts real-life challenges online for students to showcase skills, respond with ideas, and get rewarded. Partnering with brands to connect with youth. Join the Matt Hancock challenge to encourage young entrepreneurship and win a shadowing day with the MP.

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Engaging Young Entrepreneurs Challenge by MyKindaCrowd

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How does MyKindaCrowd work? Organises and posts real-life challenges online. Visits schools & universities to launch challenges. Students show-case their skills, respond with ideas, and get rewarded. 4. Connects brands with young people.

  2. MKC Explanatory Video (Wheelbarrow) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tK5eye8cq2Y

  3. The Matt Hancock Challenge “If you were running Britain...”

  4. MeetMatt..... • Matt Hancock is the MP for West Suffolk and Minister of State for Skills and Enterprise • He is passionate about getting young people involved in Entrepreneurship • Not enough young people consider starting a business when they leave education and Matt is on a mission to change that!

  5. The Challenge “If you were running Britain’s education system, how would you encourage young people to start up their own businesses and become the entrepreneurs of tomorrow?” Raise aspirations Adopt a ‘can do’ attitude towards business. If your ideas are good enough he can take them straight to the top!

  6. The Prize • A day shadowing Matt and his Parliamentary Office team • A tour and lunch at the Houses of Parliament followed by a chance to share your winning ideas with Matt

  7. TASK 1: The Barriers • Identify barriers • Ask “What preconceptions do young people have about Entrepreneurship? • Think “What fears and concerns jump into your mind when you think of setting up a business?

  8. TASK 1: The Barriers Only ‘proper grown ups’ own their own business Its a big risk and you could end up in debt Barriers Its really hard work! No investment or capital to start off

  9. TASK 2: The Solutions • Now, let’s remove the barriers! • Think positive action • Focus on a few ideas • How will they work?

  10. TASK 2: The Solutions Make personal financial planning a core GCSE subject?? Pay successful young business people to tour schools with their stories Solutions Persuade FTSE 100 companies to contribute to a fund for young Entrepreneurs YouTube video diaries highlighting the benefits of being your own boss

  11. TASK 3: Submission Time! www.mykindacrowd.com Scanned written work as a JPEG Word Document PDF Powerpoint Presentation Tweet using #MKCWhatif Video/Audio File • Remember; your submission should be: • easy to read/follow • catch the eye • be free from spelling mistakes. • You are trying to stand out from the crowd!

  12. TASK 4: Spread The Word! • Create a short pitch/ presentation • What should you include: • What is the problem? • What is/are your solution(s)- REMEMBER no more than 3 • Summarise your idea • Explain how it will solve the problem • Suggest how it can be implemented • Conclusion

  13. TASK 3: Spread The Word!

  14. Well Done!! Congratulations on completing the MyKindaCrowd Matt Hancock challenge! Remember you can enter as many times as you like at: www.mykindacrowd.com Find out more about Matt Hancock and his work at: www.matthewhancock.co.uk

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