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The Regulation of Pesticide Residues in Jamaican Coffee

This presentation explores the challenges and opportunities faced by the coffee industry in Jamaica regarding the regulation of pesticide residues in coffee. Topics include monitoring, testing, and implementation approaches to ensure the safety and quality of Jamaican coffee in global markets.

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The Regulation of Pesticide Residues in Jamaican Coffee

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  1. The Regulation of Pesticide Residues in Jamaican Coffee Presented by: Gail Nelson Email: Gneslon@ciboj.org Coffee Industry Board April 2008

  2. Introduction • Globalization and the liberalization of markets have created both challenges and opportunities for business. • Worldwide, there is a heightened consciousness of the wholesomeness of the food we consume and the conditions under which they are produced.

  3. Introduction • Public concern about food safety has escalated over the last decade and has made it one of the chief determinants of food quality in developed countries.

  4. Introduction • Jamaica and other coffee producing countries can expect to fall under stricter scrutiny from consumer markets as the issue of pesticide residues in food becomes even more of a “hot button topic.” • Producers are therefore moving from a situation where we chose to provide guarantees of quality and safety to one where we must!

  5. Why PRA at this time? • Jamaica supplies coffee to sophisticated markets, which are very sensitive to the issue of food safety. • Therefore, although our quality infrastructure has allowed us to be in compliance with our clients' regulations so far, the CIB saw the need to be proactive in determining and controlling the critical controls necessary to mitigate the risk of pesticide residues being detected in our exports.

  6. SOME CRITICAL POINTS FOR PESTICIDES RESIDUES IN COFFEE Monitoring by Importer country Secondary Processing and Storage Exportation and Consumption Primary Production Primary Processing and Transportation x End Point Testing

  7. WHY PRA at this time? • Japan, which is our major market, introduced their Positive List System in 2006. • EU requirements for HACCP implementation in exporter countries. • To introduce a crucial element of control in our quality chain – i.e. end point testing. • To ensure market security through the assurance of (both) quality and safety of our product.

  8. Japanese Market Requirements • On May 29, 2006 the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) introduced the positive list system for agricultural chemicals remaining in foods. • This system prohibits the distribution of foods that contain agricultural chemicals above a certain established maximum levels.

  9. Japan’s Actions to date • Monitoring of all imports: • Conducted at all ports of entry • Surveys: • Requests have been made by Japanese importers for specific information on usage and regulation of pesticides. • Surveys of growing practices, pesticide usage and regulation were conducted on all exporter countries in 2005 and 2007 to determine risk level of exporting country. • Punitive Actions • Return or destruction of shipments. • the exporter. • Banning of imports from the offending countries.

  10. End Point Testing -PRA • Prior to March 2008 there was no endpoint control for residual pesticides in coffee, and pesticide residue analysis was not done as a routine QA test. • All testing was done at the point of entry in our major markets, which exposed the Jamaican exporters and the industry at large to strict sanctions should any breaches of the maximum residue limits be found.

  11. End Point Testing -PRA • The Jamaican coffee industry was not prepared to continue assuming an unnecessary risk due to the lack of empirical data to support our claims of delivering safe coffee to our markets. • Pesticide Residue testing was therefore incorporated as a mandatory analysis for quality certification.

  12. Implementation Approach • In 2004 the Coffee Industry Board sent a representative to Japan to investigate the legal requirements and analysis procedures related to pesticide residues in food and more specifically to coffee. An action plan was subsequently developed for the introduction of PRA into our processes. • In 2005, Jamaica was one of the coffee exporter countries surveyed by Japan to determine risk from pesticide residues. • Between 2005-present we have had several sensitization/training sessions with members of the industry and staff. • In 2008 we commenced PRA testing of all coffee exports.

  13. Analysis Methods • Screening • Routine Screening of all shipments. • The analysis methods being used is adopted from the Japanese MHLW protocols. • Sampling • Based on i.e. ISO 2859 protocols.

  14. Future Actions • Continual improvement in our sampling, analysis and reporting processes. • Continuous training and upgrading of staff capabilities. • Development of a pesticide residue laboratory at the Coffee Industry Board. • Implementation of an industry wide Pesticide Control Programme.

  15. Los clientes contentos

  16. Senoras y Senores, muchas gracias por su attencion.

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