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eLearning @ UFH

eLearning @ UFH. Renée Coetzee Head: eLearning Unit. What is eLearning?. “ Teaching and learning through the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs).”. eLearning is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes. What is eLearning?. e = electronic

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eLearning @ UFH

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  1. eLearning @ UFH Renée Coetzee Head: eLearning Unit

  2. What is eLearning? “Teaching and learning through the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs).” eLearning is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes.

  3. What is eLearning? e = electronic e = enhanced, enriched, engaged, empowered

  4. But why? • HET context changes • Demands of job market • Global village • Unique capabilities: learning styles, communication, collaboration, access to information Opportunity / Potential!

  5. eLearning @ UFH Objective To develop a critical scholarly culture encouraging research-based and context-driven transformative and innovative teaching and learning practices that involve the integration of technology.

  6. eLearning @ UFH • Mainstream practice; “transparent “technology • Contextually relevant knowledge base • Develop community of practice • Independence: knowledge and skills reside in faculties • Sensible expansion • Research subsidy

  7. eLearning Tools • MS Office (e.g. Word, PowerPoint) • Email (Outlook) • Institutional Network • Learning Management System (Blackboard, Moodle) • Internet: social networking, podcasting • Multimedia • Cellphones, PDAs

  8. eLearning Options • Low-threshold activities • Low-threshold LMS • Intermediate LMS • Advanced LMS • “Into the Wild”

  9. Development Opportunities • Design and Development of Web-based Learning module of PGDHET • Teaching with Technology • Consultation with eLU staff

  10. Getting started • eLU staff • Alice: Livingstone • EL: Main Building • Brief proposal • Development • Mentoring/consultation • Action research (includes evaluation)

  11. The Beginning... Questions?

  12. Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties. Erich Fromm

  13. The Quest for Toast An allegory in pictures taken to an unnatural conclusion.

  14. ???

  15. What’s the moral of the story? • Tools are not neutral • Not always transferable • Customise for context

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