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Depression is not just an emotional state but it is a condition impacting mind and body simultaneously impacting your social life and professional life. A negative event or a build of negative emotions or stress could lead to depression and sometimes it is more to do with biological condition, not having control of the level of chemicals in their brain that is contributing to the depressive symptoms.<br>Read more at - https://www.betterlyf.com/articles/depression/when-counseling-for-depression-is-necessary/
WhenCounseling forDepressionIs Necessary www.betterlyf.com
Wecanfeelmultipleemotions inaday, varyingfrom happinesstosadness, angerto disgust. Anditissomething verynaturaltofeelthose emotionsinadaytodaylife.
Problems Butwhatifyoufeeloneemotionisoverpoweringtheother emotions, andmoreoftenitis A feeling of intense sadness, loss of interest in activities Hopelessness Changes in sleep and appetite Anxiety Suicidal thoughts Fatigue If these feelings are persistent for two weeks for more with little or no let-up, depression is diagnosed.
Depressionisnotjustan emotionalstatebutitisa conditionimpacting mindandbody simultaneously impactingyoursociallife andprofessionallife. Depression is a condition, and something not to be ashamed of, it is curable, you just need to seek help.
Thefirststeptowardsdealingwithdepressionistorecognizethefeelingsofpersistentsadness,Thefirststeptowardsdealingwithdepressionistorecognizethefeelingsofpersistentsadness, thatisimpactingyourworkandrelationshipsandyouseeyourselfstrugglinginyourlifeasa resultoffeelinghopelessness, worthlessness. Whenyounoticethesechangestakehelpfrom, mentalhealthprofessionals, togetdiagnosed.
An Online counselor will help you identify the negative depressive thinking pattern so that you can engage less in these patterns and think more realistically.
Depressionimpactsaperson’sfocus andconcentrationmakesitdifficultto seeproblemsrealistically, lowers energylevels, andissooverwhelming initselfthatotherthingsareoften ignored. Acounselorprovideyouto depressioncounselingcanhelpyouto effectivelyuseproblem-solving thinkingduringthisdifficulttime.
ContactUs +91-9266626435 help@betterlyf.com www.betterlyf.com