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  1. Title Title Title Title Title Title Title TitleTitle Title Author, Author, MD Author, Author, MD Author, Author, MD Author, Author, MD Author, Author, MD Author, Author, MD Images in these four boxes

  2. Title area • Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is a promising technique for small renal cell carcinomas (RCCs). [1] • Bowel perforation has been reported in a small number of cases following liver RFA and can heal with minimally invasive treatment or can have catastrophic consequences, including death. [2,3] • However, liver tumors abutting bowel undergone RFA without complication even without displacing the bowel. [4] • Only a single case of bowel perforation has been reported from hundreds of cases of percutaneous RCC ablation, a perforation that resulted from cryoablation. [5] This was a retroperitoneal colon perforation managed non-operatively with percutaneous drainage of the resulting abscess. The colon fistula healed with drainage.

  3. Title Figure information

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