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Benjamin Franklin . Joseph, McCall, Kristen . Define the term “self-made man” and apply it to Franklin.
Benjamin Franklin Joseph, McCall, Kristen
Define the term “self-made man” and apply it to Franklin. • He was a model for the rags-to-riches story of the self-made man. Franklin's entire life reflected his belief in self-improvement, and from adolescence until his death at eighty-four, he worked constantly to improve his mind, his body, and his behavior. ("PBS home programs ") • A modern day example of a self made person is Oprah Winfrey who came from a poor family and is now one of the most successful women in the world.
What were hisaccomplishments as a statesman, writer, and inventor? • Established the Philadelphia public Library • Wrote the Thirteen Names of Virtue (included in his autobiography)which were • Made a little book in which he allotted a page for each of the virtues • Invented bifocals • Invented the glass harmonica • Lightening rod inventor • Junto creator (debating club) • Invented the Franklin stove
Established Pennsylvania's first university • Established America's first city hospital • Wrote Poor Richard’s Almanac • Established the Pennsylvania Gazette • Chosen to be the Commissioner of England • He believed that “the doors to wisdom are never shut” • Made the first political cartoon
What similaritiesand differences does he share with Jefferson? • Thomas Jefferson called Benjamin Franklin “the greatest man and ornament of the age and country in which he lived.” • Both politicians • Both worked on and signed the declaration of independence • Both were ambassadors of France • Franklin was more into inventing and sciences than Jefferson who preferred writing • Franklin was more well rounded than Jefferson
What makes Franklin’sAutobiography a model of the genre? • Historically, it was one of the first autobiographies written in a non religious format(secular) • Demonstrated life during the 18th century and 18th century idealism
What virtues does Franklin hope to developin himself? • Temperance • Silence • Order • Resolution • Frugality • Industry • Sincerity • Justice
Moderation • Cleanliness • Tranquility • Chastity • Humility
Works Cited • "Benjamin Franklin." PBS home programs . Twin Cities Public Television, n.d. Web. 14 Oct 2010. <http://www.pbs.org/benfranklin/l3_wit_self.html>.