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NYS BOARD OF REGENTS POLICY DISCUSSION ON GRADUATION RATES. SEPTEMBER 2009. More Students Graduate Ready for College and the Workforce. Policy Questions for Fall 2009 Data Requested Discussion and Questions from the Board. Board of Regents Policy Issues Fall 2009.
More Students Graduate Ready for College and the Workforce • Policy Questions for Fall 2009 • Data Requested • Discussion and Questions from the Board
Board of Regents Policy IssuesFall 2009 1. Phase-out of the local diploma for general education students. 2. Timing for federal four-year graduation cohort definition. 3. Extended-year graduation rate for accountability. • Establish an “aspirational” graduation rate goal as well as an accountability graduation rate goal. 5. Rigor of the accountability graduation rate goal and annual target(s). • Extending the current “safety net’ for students with disabilities - VESID
Specific requirements for Regents and local diplomas for general education students. Data Requested by the Regents in June 2009 • Performance on Regents exams for students who did not graduate with a Regents Diploma. • Impact of eliminating the local diploma for general education students. • Impact of extended-year cohort on the graduation rate. • Illustration of how students are counted in a cohort by districts.
NYS 4-year Graduation Rate: • 73.6% of students in the 2004 cohort graduated by August 2008. • Definition of graduation for accountability*: Completion of high school with a local diploma, Regents diploma or Regents diploma with Advanced Designation *Receipt of General Equivalency Diplomas (GED) or individualized education program (IEP) diplomas are not included in the definition of graduation for accountability purposes
Percentage of Students Graduating After 4 Years By Need/Resource Capacity Category Results Through June, All Students
Percentage of Students Graduating with Regents or Local Diploma by Gender After 4 Years Through June
Regents DiplomaRequirements • Regents diploma : • at least 22 credits, and • score of 65 or better on 5 required Regents exams • Regents diploma with Advanced Designation: • at least 22 credits, and • score of 65 or better on 8 required Regents exams
Local Diploma Requirements: • For students who entered 9th grade in 1999-2004: • At least 22 units of credit, and • Pass any or all of the five required Regents exams at 55 or better. • For students who entered 9th grade beginning in 2005: • At least 22 units of credit, and, for students who entered 9th grade in: • 2005: pass at least 2 of the 5 required Regents exams at 65 or better • 2006: pass at least 3 of the 5 required Regents exams at 65 or better • 2007: pass at least 4 of the 5 required Regents exams at 65 or better • 2008 and beyond: local diploma will no longer be available, general education students must earn a Regents diploma to graduate
How Many General Education Students in the 2003 Cohort Earned Local Diplomas After 5 Years? By Number of Required Regents Examinations in the 55-64 Score Range
What is the Percentage of General Education Students* Who Earned Local Diplomas After 5 Years and Received a Score between 55-64 on Regents Examinations by Subject? * 2003 Cohort
Which Regents Exams are Students not Passing at 65 or Better?* * Students in 2003 Cohort who earned Local Diplomas after 5 years because they scored 55-64 on only one Regents exam
2008 Four-Year Graduation Rate for General Education Students With and Without Local Diploma OptionStatewide
2008 Four-Year Graduation Rate with and without Local Diploma OptionBy need/resource category
100.0% 90.0% 82.0% 78.4% 80.0% 73.7% 70.9% 71.0% 70.0% 59.4% 60.0% 54.2% 52.2% 50.0% 36.1% 40.0% 36.1% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% All students Asian/Pacific Islander Black Hispanic White With Local Diploma Without Local Diploma 2008 Four-Year Graduation Rate with and without Local Diploma Option By Race and Ethnicity
* The August graduation rate for the 2004 cohort is also included
Illustration of which Students are and are not Included in the Current Total Cohort and Calculation of Graduation Rate 3,476 students first entered ninth grade during the 2004-05 school year or were ungraded students with disabilities who reached their 17th birthday during the 2004-05 school year. 393 students were not included in the 2004 cohort: 85 = were enrolled for less than 5 months 4 = died 19 = left the U.S. 19 = transferred outside the district by court order 266 = transferred to a school outside the district or to home-schooling 3,083 students were included in the 2004 cohort: 1,615 = earned a Regents or Local diploma by August 2008 76 = earned an IEP diploma by August 2008 842 = dropped out 550 = still enrolled 0 = transferred to GED programs The August 2008 Graduation Rate for this District was 52%: The total number of students who earned a regular diploma by August 2008 (1,615) divided by the total number of students in the cohort (3,083) 1,615 ÷ 3,083 = 52%
Timeline and Next Steps • Policy discussion over the next several months • Consider timeframes for decisions on policy questions* • Identify when the Department will be using disaggregated federal cohort definition - must begin using no later than 2011-2012 • Establish Regents Graduation Rate goal and annual targets • Decide on extended year graduation rate • Local diploma policy positions for both general and special education students – VESID • Other *Most recent unofficial information from USED suggests that States may need to submit proposed graduation rate goal and annual target(s) and proposals for use of extended year graduation rates to USED in December 2009. Official guiidance has not yet been issued.