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Welcome to Year 1. Curriculum Information Morning. Staff in Year 1. Mrs Stylianou and Miss Zengin (E) Mrs Flegg and Mrs Perry (S) Staff your children work with: Ms Foley (SEN) and Mrs Contucci (EAL) Mrs Rizzi (Oracy) Mrs Hamilton – Computing, Miss Frost - R.E.
Welcome to Year 1 Curriculum Information Morning
Staff in Year 1 • Mrs Stylianou and Miss Zengin (E) • Mrs Flegg and Mrs Perry (S) Staff your children work with: Ms Foley (SEN) and Mrs Contucci (EAL) Mrs Rizzi (Oracy) Mrs Hamilton – Computing, Miss Frost - R.E.
This morning, we hope to give you an overview of the learning that your child will do over the year. We will demonstrate using some of our classroom resources. Please feel free to ask any questions as we go along.
Areas of Learning • RE • English • Maths • Science/ Art/Geography/History -Learning Challenge • Computing • P.E. • Music All areas of learning are now taught through a cross curricular approach through a targeted question: • Which materials should the three little pigs have used to build their house? Develop their thinking skills, confidence and eagerness to learn. • Approach their learning with the right attitude and amount of focus for their age.
English In Year 1 children will – • Develop their language and use of vocabulary through listening, talking and through our approach to writing • Big Write leads on from the Talk for Writing • Develop their knowledge of sounds and letters through the precise Read Write Inc programme • Recognise an increasing number of high frequency sight words • Develop their understanding of the elements of stories • Read for pleasure and information • Listen with enjoyment to stories, songs, rhymes and poems • Understand we write for different purposes
There are a number of workshops for parents coming up over the year. Please check the letter you have and attend as many as you want. If there are any other areas that you feel you would like support in then please let me know.
Maths In Year 1 children will- • Develop an understanding of the value of number, to count, to recognise patterns • Position numbers on a number line • Count on and back in ones , twos, fives and tens • Develop strategies for simple calculations • Develop problem solving skills • Name and describe the features of 2d and 3d shapes • Please see school website for more information
General Information • Parents must inform the office and class teacher if the collection arrangements change. • If your child has a water bottle please DO NOT allow them to carry it in their book bag.
General Information • PE is on a Tuesday (Autumn Term) – All children must have a correct fully labelled kit! Please could you encourage your children to more independent with dressing. • Children also need to bring trainers for football and a tracksuit for cold weather if preferred. • Please ensure that all personal belongings are clearly named (first names!) • Any money needs to come in an envelope clearly marked with Child’s name, class, how much and what it is for
Homework Reading • Please read daily • Target bubbles – to support reading at home. • Sign and date Reading Record Happy to change in mornings Child led. Homework • Sent home in a folder on Friday and need to be returned to school completed by Thursday • Homework : Autumn 1 • Reading every night, HFW sight words will be changed weekly • Autumn 2 Spelling
Supporting your Child • Talking and sharing beats everything! • Visit the library • Get them interested by talking, playing, sharing, making, creating and acting. The more practical the better at this age. • Encourage independence, lay out clothes, put book bag by front door, help with laying table…. • Read regularly and share stories with your child.
Our School Website Log in Parents Room Information, helpful hints & links, parent forum. We’d love your input!
Fronter • After Half Term you will also have access to our ‘Year 1Fronter Classroom’ • where we will be sharing the learning that happens in the classroom and there will be links for you to support and further your child’s learning at home. • E-safety
Catch Up, Share and Explore We would like to warmly welcome all our Year 1 Parents for a Refreshment on St Joseph’s and an opportunity for you to catch up and share your experiences. We have booked our first Coffee Morning for Thursday 1st October 2015 @ 9am – 10am Then the 1st Thursday of every month