
Analysis of Illocutionary Speech Acts in President Yoon Suk Yeol's Victory Speech

Communication plays a crucial role in human life, especially in conveying messages and interactions. This study analyzes the illocutionary speech acts in President Yoon Suk Yeol's victory speech, focusing on the types of speech acts and the context of the speech situation. By examining the speech acts of gratitude, unity, commitment, and appreciation expressed by President Yoon Suk Yeol, the research provides insights into the communication strategies employed in political speeches.

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Analysis of Illocutionary Speech Acts in President Yoon Suk Yeol's Victory Speech

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  1. Analysis of Illocutionary Speech Acts in Yoon Suk Yeol’s Victory Speech No. Abstract: ABS-ICOLLITE-23173 Jayanti Megasari, Dinda Trisiana, Driyanggi Driamatoga G Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

  2. INTRODUCTION - Communication has a very important role in various aspects of human life. Humans communicate not only to socialize with each other, but also for specific purposes. Communication is established to convey messages, thoughts, ideas, and feelings from speakers to interlocutors. - Pragmatic studies can examine speech events, speech acts, and speech situations between speakers and their interlocutors while communicating. Badan Bahasa Kemendikbud explained that pragmatics is one branch of linguistics that emerged from the views of Charles Morris (1938) related to other fields of linguistics study. - Nowadays communication conducted by public figures is often in the spotlight of the wider community. One of the highlights is the utterances spoken by political figures during the approach to campaign. The president's speech is one of the forms of political communication that has an important role in communicating the government's policies, vision, and mission to the public and policy makers. - Research problems: (1) what are the illocutionary speech acts in President Yoon Suk Yeol's victory speech? (2) What was the context of the speech situation used by President Yoon Suk Yeol in the victory speech? - Purpose of Study: This research was created to identify the type of illocutionary speech act and the context of the situation on the video of President Yoon Suk Yeol's victory speech.

  3. LITERATURE REVIEW ● Ustaz Basalamah's speech acts regarding the prohibition of puppets. (Wilda Fizriyani 2022) ● Speech act in Bangtan Sonyeondan's speech at the United Nations General Assembly. (Nurul Fathiya, Ika Revita, Aslinda, 2022) ● Teori Tindak Tutur dalam Studi Linguistik Pragmatik (akhmad Saifudin 2019). Speech Act Theory in Pragmatic Linguistic Studies. (Akhmad Saifudin, 2019)

  4. METHOD The researcher used data sourced from a Youtube channel, KBS News, uploaded in 2022, regarding President Yoon Seok Yeol's victory speech. Qualitative Descriptive Data Data Data Collection Conclusion Identification Classification Using Searle (1979) theory about Classification of Illocution speech acts Using the observation- note-taking method.

  5. FINDING AND DISCUSSION Five Types of Speech Acts Assertive 1 In the victory speech video of Yoon Suk Yeol, which was uploaded by KBS News and lasted for 5 minutes and 22 seconds, predominantly characterized illocutionary acts to convey gratitude to the people who voted for him, his team, and also to show appreciation to his two opponents at that time. Directive 2 his speech expressive was by Comisive 3 Expressive 7 Declarative 0

  6. FINDING AND DISCUSSION Dirrective Speech Act Assertive Speech Act “우리 모두 힘을 합쳐서 우리 국민과 대한민국 위 해서 우리 모두 하나가 되어야 한다고 생각합니다 .” We all need to come together and unite as one for the sake of our people and Korea. “정말 이 송고 운동을 하면서 많은 걸 배웠습니다” “정당이 될 수 있도록 함께 노력하고 또 저도 많이 도와 주시기를 부탁드리겠습니다.” I hope we can work together diligently to become a better party, and I also ask for your help and support. I have learned a lot while participating in this dissemination campaign

  7. FINDING AND DISCUSSION Commissive Speech Act “야당과 협취 하면서 국민을 잘 모시도록 하겠습니다” We will strive to serve the people well while cooperating with the opposition party. 제대로 잘 보답하겠습니다 I will properly repay and fulfill my duties.

  8. FINDING AND DISCUSSION Expressive Speech Acts “모두 함께 애써주신 우리 국민의 힘 당직자 우리 의원여러분께 정말 깊이 감사드리고…” “우리 민주당의 이재명 후보 또 정의당 의 심상 정 후보 이 두 분께도 감사드리고…” I would also like to thank Candidate Lee Jae-myeong of the Democratic Party and Shim Sang-jung, Candidate of the Justice Party. I am very grateful to all of you who have worked hard together 높이 평가하고 십고 그리고 두 분께도 좀 심심 한 위로의 말씀을 드리고 싶습니다.” “그리고 오늘 이 결과는 좋아 우리 국민의 힘.” And today is a great victory for the entire nation. I would like to give high praise and also offer some heartfelt words of comfort to both of you. “국민의 당의 승리 라기보다는 위대한 국민의 승리가 아닌가 그렇게 생각을 합니다.” I believe this is not just a victory for the party but a victory for the entire people.

  9. FINDING AND DISCUSSION Expressive Speech Acts 이렇게 다 함께 여기까지 튀어 준 여러분께 정말 감사드리고 또 미흡한 저를 이렇게 잘 지켜보 고 성원해주신 국민 여러분께 감사드립니다 I am deeply grateful to everyone who has fought alongside us until this moment. And I am deeply grateful to everyone who has watched over and supported me, despite my shortcomings

  10. CONCLUSION Yoon Suk Yeol's victory speech resonates with expressive illocutionary speech acts, which play a significant role in conveying his emotions, gratitude, and aspirations. The prevalence of these expressive acts showcases his sincerity and heartfelt appreciation towards his supporters, party members, and even his opponents. By expressing gratitude and admiration, Yoon Suk Yeol exemplifies a spirit of unity and sportsmanship, emphasizing the importance of collaboration for the betterment of the nation. Moreover, his victory speech serves as a platform to articulate his vision for the future of South Korea. He communicates his dedication to serving the people and leading the nation towards progress and prosperity. His words reflect a strong commitment to fulfilling the aspirations and hopes of the citizens, underscoring his role as a unifying figure and a leader with a transformative vision.

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