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Capitolo 14. Il presente del congiuntivo (the present subjunctive). The mood of a verb Il modo del verbo. Beside the tense (present, past and future) a verb also has mood The four most used are: Indicative (indicativo) – states something as a fact with no doubt or emotion.
Capitolo 14 Il presente del congiuntivo (the present subjunctive)
The mood of a verbIl modo del verbo • Beside the tense (present, past and future) a verb also has mood • The four most used are: • Indicative (indicativo) – states something as a fact with no doubt or emotion. • Ex: I am Italian; you are not French • Io sono italiano, e tu non sei francese • Imperative (imperativo) – states a command, gives an order, forceful and direct • Ex: Shut up! Get up! And leave! • Stai zitto! Alzati! E vattene! • Conditional (condizionale) – states what would be possible or would have been possible if certain conditions were met. • I would buy a car but I have no money • Mi comprerei una macchina ma non ho soldi • Subjunctive (congiuntivo) – expresses emotions, doubts, desires, volition (what you want) and/or contrary to reality statements
Observations • 1) Io, tu, and lui, lei forms are always all the same (ARE – i; ERE –a; IRE – (isc)-a) • 2) Noi always ends in –iamo • 3) Voi always ends in -iate • 4) Add “-no” to the “io” form to get “loro” • 5) isc- comes back in IRE verbs because this is a present tense • 6) the “congiuntivo” almost always follows a “che” (subordinating conjunction)
Come si usa il congiuntivo • The “congiuntivo” is almost NEVER used as the main verb of a sentence. • It is used after a conjunction such as “che” (and others we will learn later) – This is why it is call the “congiuntivo” in Italian • The main verb of the sentence must express one of the following things: • Emotion: ho paura che, sono contenta che, sono triste che • Desire or volition: Voglio che, desidero che, insisto che • Doubt: Dubito che, Non sono sicuro che, Non so se • Belief: Credo che, suppongo che, penso che • The “congiuntivo” expresses opinion, doubt, volition rather that facts and assuredness
Il congiuntivo • Finally, the “congiuntivo” is used only when the subject of the sentence changes from the main verb to the second verb. • Examples: • I want to write a letter. • Io voglio scrivere una lettera. (Second verb is an infinitive) • I want you to write the letter • Voglio che tuscriva la lettera. (Since the suject changes from “io” to “tu” then use the second verb is in the “congiuntivo” • Ho paura di non finire in tempo. • Ho paura che Marco non finisca in tempo. • Lisa crede di essere intelligente. • Lisa crede che voi siate intelligenti. • Siamo triste di non poter venire alla tua festa. • Siamo tristi che tu nonpossa venire all nostra festa.
Osservazioni • 1) Io, tu, lui and lei are always the same • 2) Loro is always “io” + “-no” • 3) Noi always ends in -iamo • 4) Voi always ends in -iate • 5) Irregular verbs always end in “a” in the singular (io, tu, lui, lei) even if they are ARE verbs (dare, fare, stare, andare)